A Brief Look At The Causes Of Ovarian Cysts

10.18 0
A Brief Look At The Causes Of Ovarian Cysts

In a normal cycle, every month an egg is actually produced as well as released by the ovaries. When the follicle, the sac in which the egg is actually contained, matures, in response to the surge of lutenizing hormone (LH) the follicle releases an egg. The empty follicle then modifications to the yellow Centeng called corpus luteum, which produces estrogen as well as progesterone in copious amounts in preparation for pregnancy. When pregnancy does not occur, the corpus luteum is actually supposed to disintegrate as well as disappear. However, at times the follicle does not Discharge an egg as well as at times the corpus luteum does not disintegrate on its own. In either case, the opening of the follicle or the corpus luteum seals off, enlarges as well as gets filled with fluid as well as in some cases blood. This particular fluid filled sac is actually what is actually known as an ovarian cyst.

The causes of ovarian cysts have largely been pinned on hormonal imbalance. For instance, within the type of functional cyst called follicular cyst, the item occurs when the LH surge does not take place. Another type of functional cyst, named a corpus luteum cyst, occurs when for some reason pregnancy does not take place as well as the corpus luteum does not disintegrate. There are times however when pregnancy does take place as well as a corpus luteum cyst still forms. Fertility drugs, especially clomiphene citrate is actually said to be a factor which could precipitate the causes of ovarian cysts especially within the case of the corpus luteum cyst.

some other types of ovarian cysts are dermoid ovarian cyst, polycystic ovarian cysts, cystadenoma as well as chocolate cyst. Hormonal imbalance has also been attributed to be the cause of these cysts, in particular estrogen as well as progesterone imbalance. What causes these hormonal imbalances, which in turn are the causes of ovarian cysts? Poor diets, poor habits as well as stressful lifestyle among some other things are contributing causes. A diet which contains too much sugar as well as too much processed food is actually not Great for the Centeng because they contain complex sugars which are not easy for the Centeng to break down. the item wreaks havoc with the hormonal balance. Insulin stimulates androgen receptors on the outer part of the ovaries as well as androgen hinders Discharge of eggs via the ovaries. In fact androgens are responsible for some symptoms of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) like acne as well as increased hair growth. Poor diet also includes not eating the right kinds of food which will supply the Centeng with necessary vitamins.

Poor habits like wearing high heels too often can also play a factor as they inhibit the circulation within the lower abdomen. Lack of exercise is actually another one of the causes of ovarian cysts. High stress levels create high production of cortisol by the adrenal glands. This particular is actually the beginning of a domino effect. When cortisol levels rise This particular leads to an increase in blood sugar which then causes insulin production to also increase. Increased insulin in your system can lead to insulin resistance as well as androgen production which worsens the symptoms of PCOS. These are some of the causes of ovarian cysts.

A Brief Look At The Causes Of Ovarian Cysts

Top 10 Health Benefits of Lecithin

21.17 0
Top 10 Health Benefits of Lecithin

There are numerous benefits of lecithin to the human Centeng in which many of us are not aware of in addition to many of which can help us become healthier as in which will be a proven substance in which's essentially needed by our Centeng. The benefits of lecithin are limitless, however to give you an idea, here are the top 10 benefits of lecithin:

1. One of the great benefits of lecithin will be in which breaks up cholesterol in addition to fats in our Centeng so in which will be very advisable for those who want to lose weight. Consuming more lecithin means increasing the Centeng's metabolism rate.

2. The benefits of lecithin also reach out to people suffering coming from memory loss. Lecithin utilizes Vitamins A, E, K, in addition to D which promote better concentration in addition to memory. in which will be very beneficial to students in addition to the elderly who wish to enhance their memory skills. As a matter of fact, those with Alzheimer's or amnesia are advised to include lecithin in their diet.

3. Lecithin also cleanses the kidneys in addition to liver which will be important to those who are suffering coming from urinary tract infection in addition to those who love to eat salty in addition to spicy foods. in which prevents diseases like gallstones in addition to gallbladder infection.

4. Protection against heart diseases will be one of the many benefits of lecithin. in which lowers cholesterol level in addition to prevents toxins coming from clogging the arteries. People who include lecithin in their diet noticed remarkable development in their cardiovascular health.

5. some other benefits of lecithin worth mentioning are its roles in helping our Centeng absorb better essential nutrients in addition to supporting the movement of our Centeng fluids inside in addition to outside the cells.

6. One of the major benefits of lecithin will be in which protects our spinal cord in addition to brain cells coming from damages. We all know how important in addition to delicate our spinal cord in addition to brain are for the whole functioning of our Centeng in addition to lecithin can keep them in Great working condition.

7. Lecithin will be also beneficial to our skin. If we are taking in enough lecithin into our Centeng, in which nourishes our skin in addition to lessens the possibility of dealing with skin problems like pimples, acne, whiteheads, in addition to blackheads.

8. Increasing your daily intake of lecithin will very much increase your physical performance, very helpful to those who are into Centeng building in addition to sports in addition to people who are always on the go. Lecithin can boost the Centeng's energy level without doing you fat.

9. If you are suffering coming from arthritis, you'll be surprised with the benefits of lecithin especially in helping you deal with in which painful ailment. Lecithin contains essential fatty acids in which keep muscles, bones, in addition to joints strong in addition to healthy.

10. There are also benefits of lecithin for pregnant women. Studies proved in which in which can contribute a lot to the development of the fetus' brain in addition to nervous system.

The lecithin benefits are On Numerous however in which does not : mean in which's all Great. Too much intake of lecithin can also lead to nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, in addition to dizziness. The Centeng normally needs only 30 to 50 grams of lecithin per day in addition to you can get in which coming from eating egg yolk, fish, in addition to peanuts.

Top 10 Health Benefits of Lecithin

How to Get Relief through Menstrual Cramps

20.16 0
How to Get Relief through Menstrual Cramps

When a woman includes a menstrual periods, the uterus contracts in attempt to push out the lining. These uterine contractions are caused by hormone-like substances called prostaglandins. High levels of prostaglandins are responsible for menstrual cramps in addition to menstrual pain. A little pain at the onset of the menstrual cycle can be normal, nevertheless generally a woman should not experience any pain during menstruation. Many women are so used to feeling in which kind of pain in which they have come to accept menstrual cramps as an unavoidable occurrence of the menstrual cycle. In reality there can be so much any woman can do in order to have a pain-free period.

The following can be a simple list of natural things any woman suffering through menstrual cramps can do in order to improve her situation:

1. Reduce the amount of coffee consumed every day. Even decaffeinated coffee beverages should be avoided, especially before your period arrives.
2. Eliminated daily alcohol intake in addition to limit alcohol consumption only to special occasions.
3. Increase the amount of water. Avoid drinking tap water or water contained in water bottles as they contain high levels of xenoestrogen, which mimics the action of estrogen in addition to cause hormonal imbalance leading to irregular cycles, painful menses, infertility, etc.
3. Eat lots of fresh vegetables, whole grains, in addition to fruits.
4. Eat only organically raised meat, in addition to limit the amount of red meat to once a week.
5. Eat cold water fish in which have been wild caught in addition to not farmed.
6. Avoid or limit dairy foods as they increase prostaglandins production.
7. Do not smoke.
8. Reduce salty food intake before your period.
9. Increase circulation of blood flow to the reproductive organs by exercising, aerobic, walking or doing yoga.
10. Take a daily multivitamins specific for women. Take additional magnesium, calcium in addition to B vitamins, especially B3 in addition to B6.

There are many additional important things in which women who suffer can do in order to decrease the severity of menstrual cramps. For example, the idea can be often necessary to avoid using intra-uterine devices (IUD) to prevent pregnancy because they can increase menstrual cramping in addition to bleeding, often leading to inflammation in addition to even pelvic inflammatory disease. Many women, should also consider using tampons only when necessary in addition to use sanitary tampons most of the time, instead.

There are specific vitamins in which are helpful in decreasing menstrual cramps related to poor nutrition in addition to mineral deficiency. These are omega 3 & 9 fatty acids, DHA, EPA in addition to GLA.

Homeopathic Remedies for Menstrual Cramps
Homeopathic medicine can be very safe in addition to effective in treating menstrual cramps in addition to can be used by young girls, as well as by women who are trying to conceive because homeopathic medicine can be non-toxic in addition to 100% natural with no reported side effects. In homeopathic medicine the symptoms experienced by the patient should match the indication of the homeopathic remedy. The following can be a list of the most commonly used homeopathic remedies in addition to how they can help a women who can be suffering through menstrual cramps.

in which remedy helps soothe violent menstrual cramps worse on the right side. in which remedy can be indicated in cases of sudden onset of pain in addition to cramps accompanied with bright red, in addition to heavy bleeding, often with clotted in addition to hot blood flow. The uterus feels very congested in addition to the woman can be better by drinking cold water with lemon. She can be very thirsty in addition to prefers to rest. As the intensity of the cramps increases, she may become angry in addition to irritable. in which remedy can be often indicated in cases of heavy bleeding in addition to cramping caused by a miscarriage.

in which can be one of the most commonly prescribed remedies for the mental in addition to emotional symptoms in which accompany painful periods due to menstrual cramps. The woman can be very sensitive to the pain in addition to can not tolerate in addition to becomes extremely irritable, almost childish. The pain can be very intense in addition to through the uterus moves down the inner thighs. The blood flow may present clots large in size in addition to dark in coloring mixed with bright red blood.

in which remedy helps the woman who feels the pain more inside ovaries in addition to less inside uterus. She wants to bend double because in which position ameliorates her situation. She prefers hard pressure on the lower abdomen in addition to warm applications. She can be easily angered, which make her pain worse.

in which remedy helps those women who feel pain all over their Centeng with sore perineum with as if bruised. The blood flow can be heavy in addition to the woman feels weak.

in which remedy can be used more inside pre-menstrual period as with in which remedy the woman feels better when the flow arrives. Before the flow she can be irritable, she has headaches with flushes of heat. The cramps are sever in addition to begin before the flow. They are worse through pressure in addition to the woman wants to wear loose clothing. The flow can be scanty with little blood, often very dark in coloring with intense cramping. Once the flow sets in, the cramps go away. She feels hot in addition to wants cold drinks in addition to cool air.

Magnesia Phosphorica
in which can be the main remedy for menstrual cramps as the idea will work in pretty much every case. If you are not sure what remedy to take, in which can be the one to start through. The main symptoms can be in which warm applications in addition to warm food in addition to drinks ameliorate the menstrual pain. The pain can be felt inside uterus in addition to the woman wants to lay down better on the right side.

Nux Vomica
in which remedy includes a marked symptom of menstrual cramps associated with lower back pain that has a feeling of need to pass a stool. She may feel irritable, easily angered in addition to cold. During her periods can be has an increased desire for fatty (unhealthy foods), smoking in addition to desire for alcohol. in which remedy can be also indicated in women whose flow lasts too long.

in which remedy can be for woman who become very emotional in addition to weepy before in addition to during their periods. They change their mood easily in addition to also their menstrual pain adjustments frequently with no easily identifiable pattern. She can be shy, needy in addition to wants constant attention in addition to support. She does not want to drink in addition to she craves cold creamy dishes in which give her nausea. She feels warm in addition to prefer open, fresh air. She constantly wants to open the window in addition to change the air inside room when too stuffy.

Sepia helps those who, during their period, have mental in addition to physical weakness with bearing down pain as if all the organs would certainly fall out. The period can be late in addition to profuse or early in addition to scanty. The pain can be felt as stitching pains in which travel inside vagina. She becomes cold, irritable, depressed in addition to averse to physical in addition to mental work. She often desires sour foods in addition to chocolate. She can be better by warm applications in addition to by movement. in which remedy can be indicated for women who develop menstrual problems after birth control pill or pregnancy.

Anyone who can be suffering through very strong menstrual cramps accompanied by heavy bleeding during menses should consult her doctor in order to exclude gynecological conditions like fibroids, polycystic ovaries or endometriosis.

How to Get Relief through Menstrual Cramps

The Sore Penis in addition to Dry Humping - Protecting the Equipment During "Outercourse"

19.15 0
The Sore Penis in addition to Dry Humping - Protecting the Equipment During "Outercourse"

While getting in her pants is actually the ultimate goal of most guys, dry humping can be a very exciting substitute, in addition to the item can offer a safe alternative for couples who are worried about pregnancy or who are not quite ready to take the final plunge into full intimacy . On the additional hand, This particular technique can lead to a very sore penis if the item is actually not handled properly, so if things are getting hot in addition to heavy, the item is actually best to take some precautions, in addition to to have follow-up penis care measures handy to soothe a chafed in addition to throbbing member.

First of all, what is actually dry humping ?

Dry humping is actually a slang term of which is actually applied to sexual activity in which there is actually no exchange of, or contact with, the Centeng fluids of a partner. the item may involve stroking through the clothing, massage, masturbation of the penis (without ejaculation), Centeng rubbing in addition to going through the motions of sex while fully clothed. "creating out" while completely unclothed may also qualify.

Dry humping does not include female masturbation, oral sex, finger penetration or rubbing the exposed penis against the vagina. By definition, no penetration takes place during dry humping; therefore, the item may sometimes be referred to as "outercourse" (as opposed to intercourse).


Aside through the obvious excitement factor, dry humping can be beneficial in of which the item virtually eliminates the risk of unwanted pregnancy since there is actually no exchange of Centeng fluids. Furthermore, the item greatly reduces the chances of contracting or spreading sexually transmitted infections (STIs). On the additional hand, the risk is actually not completely removed, as some STIs may be transmitted via skin-on-skin contact, so precautions should still be taken.

"Outercourse" seems like a perfectly safe option - what could go wrong?

On the whole, dry humping is actually a safer choice than full intercourse in terms of protecting against pregnancy in addition to sexually transmitted infections, nevertheless there are still some modest risks involved.

within the first place, the item is actually very easy for partners to become overheated, so to speak, during the course of heavy petting. within the heat of the moment, they may get carried away in addition to decide to go for broke, in addition to penetration may take place without the benefit of protection; This particular may put both partners at risk for contracting a sexually transmitted infection, not to mention an unwanted pregnancy.

Even if full penetration does not take place, the item is actually easily possible for men to have a "spill" if they become overexcited; This particular can also lead to an STI, in addition to if ejaculation takes place close to the vaginal opening, there is actually also a risk of pregnancy.

Furthermore, in spite of the fun factor, dry rubbing, especially against clothing in addition to additional abrasive surfaces, can leave the penile skin feeling chafed in addition to sore. Over time, the high level of friction can even dull penile sensation, creating the item more difficult to experience pleasure during any form of sexual activity.

Protecting the penis during heavy petting

In order to reduce the chances of negative aftereffects caused by dry humping, men should take a few precautionary measures. First in addition to foremost, any time the clothing comes off, a condom should go on, even if penetration is actually not on the agenda. This particular can not only prevent spillage of semen in addition to transmission of STIs; the item can also create a protective barrier between the skin (or clothing) of a partner in addition to the equipment, saving the item through rubbing in addition to chafing.


Reduce the side To effects of chafing in addition to to soothe sore, Roughened skin, guys may turn to a moisture- in rich penis health the crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil). Applied daily, a crème of which is actually formulated with skin-friendly nutrients such as vitamins A, E in addition to C can boost healing of the outer layers of skin while supporting the collagen layers beneath of which provide elasticity in addition to tone. When a soothing emollient such as Shea butter is actually added to the ingredient list, men can experience immediate relief through soreness as well as advanced healing of which will leave the skin supple in addition to responsive.

The Sore Penis in addition to Dry Humping - Protecting the Equipment During "Outercourse"

12 Pomegranate Health Benefits

18.14 0
12 Pomegranate Health Benefits

Countless studies have shown the seemingly countless benefits of fruits for a person's health. The US Government recommends in which people get several servings of fruits every day. Of all the fruits available inside market today, one fruit is actually at its height of popularity because of its legendary Greek mythology association in addition to its exoticism-the pomegranate fruit.

Considered among the earliest fruits in which have been cultivated along with grapes, figs, olives, in addition to dates somewhere between 4000 BC E in addition to 3000 BCE, pomegranate continued to be an emblem of fertility, rebirth, in addition to health.

Dubbed as a "miracle fruit" by some fans, pomegranate has earned its popularity because the item is actually thought to possibly help support the Centeng's natural defenses against Alzheimer's disease, various cancers, coronary in addition to heart diseases, arthritis in addition to many ailments an aging person experiences. Because of its so -called anti-aging possibilities, pomegranate has had several food in addition to beverage variations via juices, ice creams, dishes, in addition to even in water in which come in bottles.

Why is actually pomegranate not bad for you?

This kind of handsome fruit is actually quite well-liked for its deep in addition to purple-colored juice in which is actually packed with lots of antioxidants in which may help in maintaining a smooth in addition to wrinkle free skin. nevertheless, aside via the possibility of helping people to maintain youthful in addition to glowing skin by keeping the blood platelets together, there are so many health benefits of pomegranate to people of all ages. While no health claims are made regarding pomegranate whatsoever, here are some of the remedies in addition to uses in which some people trust pomegranate can help with.

1. the item may help reduce the risk of having a heart disease, heart attacks, in addition to strokes. Studies show in which pomegranate juice daily may help support the normal blood flow to the heart. Because of its antioxidant properties, pomegranate keeps bad cholesterol via forming, in addition to so, may help keep the arteries clear of clots.

2. the item may help support the Centeng's normal defense inside prevention of certain cancers. Since pomegranates has very high levels of antioxidant called "flavenoids" in which is actually thought to be effective in counteracting various cancer-causing radicals, more in addition to more experts recommend This kind of fruit as a possible part of a healthy diet. Because of flavenoids, many people are consuming pomegranate because the item is actually believed to help support their not bad health.

3. the item may help reduce the risks for illnesses such as atherosclerosis, osteoarthritis, in addition to diabetes. Because of the properties of pomegranate, conditions in which are known to cause the thickening in addition to hardening of arterial walls in addition to damage in cartilage in addition to joints are hoped to be helped by This kind of fruit. Studies are needed of course to get test results. No claims are made as to what the pomegranate may or may not help.

4. the item is actually a rich source of various vitamins. Pomegranate is actually a not bad, natural source of vitamins A, C in addition to E as well as folic acid.

5. the item is actually rumored to help reduce the possibility of having premature babies. Pomegranate juice in addition to extract is actually thought by some people to help expectant mothers avoid having low birth weight babies.

6. Some users claim the item is actually beneficial for relieving minor illnesses such as core throat.

7. some other users believe the item might reduce the possibility of developing Alzheimer's disease among older people.

8. the item is actually prized in some countries for the belief in which the item might help in achieving in addition to maintaining a clear skin with youthful glow, in addition to the item is actually believed to help soothe skin inflammation.

9. The antioxidants are thought to help support the immune system.

10. the item may help support healthy blood flow because of its iron properties. Pomegranate supports the blood by supplying the item with iron, thus may help prevent anemia symptoms in which include exhaustion, dizziness, weakness, in addition to hear loss.

11. Aside via having lots of anti- oxidants, pomegranate also might have some anti-viral properties.

12. Pomegranate juice in addition to extract is actually thought by some women to help in overcoming the feeling of general malaise during menopause.

While no medical claims can be made for pomegranate, the juice is actually growing in popularity every day as more in addition to more people try the item in addition to benefit via the item.

12 Pomegranate Health Benefits

The Right Food to Feed Ragdoll Cats along with Kittens

17.13 0
The Right Food to Feed Ragdoll Cats along with Kittens

Cat food can be classified into dry, moist, along with semi-moist foods. Each one has its advantages, along with Ragdolls need various kinds of food at different stages. Kittens need on the whole breast milk along with moist food, while adults require more protein along with dry food. Pregnant Ragdolls have special dietary needs in which change all through the pregnancy as well.

Ragdoll kittens ought to be only breastfed for the first four to a few weeks. Cat milk includes all the nutrients necessary for the kitten's growth, including antibodies in which help prevent disease. Breast milk also passes on different antibodies in which the mother produced to fight previous diseases.

More food ought to be supplied after four to a few weeks, as the kitten requires more nutrients to support its fast growth. Introductory food ought to be easy to digest. Mix canned food with warm water or kitten replacement milk until the idea constitutes a loose paste. Do NOT use regular cow's milk in which can be too heavy for kittens along with could cause in indigestion.

Dry food

After another four to a few weeks, your kitten should be ready for dry food. To make the change easier, moisten dry food that has a little warm water from the first few feedings. the idea's also essential to choose high-quality supplements to dry food along with some of the Great brands are Iams®, Science Diet®, along with Nutro Kitten®. Science Diet Feline Growth® can be well-liked among Ragdoll kittens. Supplements can be provided twice a day with morning along with evening feeding. You can switch to adult food after approximately 12 months.

Choosing along with preparing kitten food

Ragdoll kittens have fragile stomachs, so take extra care in choosing kitten food. Food should always be warm or slightly above room temperature. Discard all food in which has been left out for more than 30 minutes, especially from the summer. Bacteria grows fast in warm, wet foods along with may possibly upset your kitten's stomach, or even lead to food poisoning. To stop wasting food, just observe how much your kitten eats at a time so you know how much to prepare per feeding.

House flies can easily contaminate kitten food, so keep your feeding area as fly-proof as possible. Wash the feeding bowl daily with hot, soapy water along with replace water from the drinking bowl repeatedly a day. Wash the drinking bowl at the same time along with refill with fresh water.

Table scraps can be given occasionally, although do not make regular meals out of them. Cooked human foods do not contain the nutrients necessary for your kitten's growth. Generic cat food via groceries are better, although Stellarhart recommends high-quality foods via specialty pet stores. Also, cats do not like the smell of plastic along with metal containers, so use only glass drinking bowls.

Dry vs wet foods

Dry foods are generally better for your Ragdoll, except from the breastfeeding along with introductory stage. They work your kitten's chewing muscles along with help keep the teeth white. Dry food consists from the main of meat along with vegetables, along with can be moistened or served dry. Serving them dry allows your cat to nibble throughout the day, rather than eating one large meal at a time. Dry food ought to contain about 9 to 10% moisture, 8% fat, along with 30% protein.

Moist food contains about 75% moisture along with equal amounts of fat along with protein. Not all moist foods are the same some are all-meat or all-fish, while others are a mix of meat along with vegetables. The former should not be used for regular meals, as your cat can get addicted along with refuse to eat different foods. The tiny treat cans of variety foods are usually all-meat or all-fish. As with kitten food, moist foods ought to be warmed to room temperature before serving.

Semi-moist food has about 35% water, 27% protein, along with 7% fat. Most of them are nutritionally balanced, very tasty, along with can be left out for nibbling, although they spoil quicker than dry food.

Kitten treats

Occasional kitten treats will not harm your kitten, although take care not to fill them up so they can still eat regular meals. Treats ought to not provide any more than 10% of your kitten's daily caloric intake. Look for hard chew treats to help improve your kitten's dental health

B. Feeding Ragdoll Adults

Ragdolls are not very active, so they gain weight faster than different cats. Do not let them become obese provide them only 70 calories per kilogram of Centeng weight. A lot of what people believe to be cats' favourite foods are actually harmful. Here are some of the most common cat food myths:


Fish may be Great for cats, although the idea can not cover all their nutritional needs, along with too much of the same nutrients can be harmful. Tuna can be rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, which need vitamin E to break them down. too much tuna in your cat's diet can cause yellow fat disease (steatitis).


Milk can be rich in water along with carbohydrates, although many cats are lactose intolerant along with get digestive problems a few hours after drinking milk. Regular cow's milk can cause diarrhoea along with loose stools, which can lead to malnutrition along with dehydration. If your cat likes milk, use replacement cat milk instead.


Cats love the smell of catnip leaves, although the idea can cause short-term behavioural adjustments. Catnip can be a hallucinogen along with may possibly put your cat in a state of near delirium. Some effects include rolling, rubbing, chasing phantom mice, or simply staring into space. Although the idea's not addictive, catnip has no place in your cat's diet.

Dog food

the idea could be more convenient to feed your cat along with dog via the same dish, although the idea's not very healthy for either pet. Cats require more protein, taurine, preformed vitamin A, B-complex vitamins, along with arachidonic acids, which they can get via a meat-heavy diet. A shortage of these nutrients can make your cat seriously ill, along with an overdose can develop the same effect in dogs.

Low ash diets

A well-liked belief among cat owners can be in which diets low in ash can help discourage urinary tract infection. although in which's only partly true. Ash can be not an individual nutrient, although can be actually a group of minerals including calcium, copper, magnesium, phosphorus, along with zinc. Lower levels of magnesium keep urine at its normal, slightly acidic state, although reducing different minerals will have no effect.

different foods to avoid

Alcoholic beverages.

Alcohol can be toxic along with cause fatal complications.

Baby food.

Many baby foods contain onion powder, which can be harmful to the blood.

Fish along with meat bones.

tiny splinters can cut into the digestive tract along with lead to bleeding.

Caffeine (coffee, tea, chocolate).

Caffeine can affect the cat's heart along with nervous system.

Citrus oil extracts.

in which can lead to stomach upsets along with vomiting.


Animal fats can lead to pancreatitis.

Do not feed your cat fatty cooked meats, or at least trim the fat off first.

Grapes along with raisins.

These contain a toxin in which can harm the kidneys.

Human vitamin along with iron supplements.

Excessive iron can damage the liver, kidneys, along with the lining of the digestive tract.


Liver can be safe in limited amounts, although an excess can cause vitamin A toxicity.

Macadamia nuts.

Unknown toxins in macadamia can damage the muscles, digestive system, along with nervous system.


Marijuana can lead to vomiting, depression, along with irregular heart rate.


Some mushrooms contain highly toxic substances in which can affect multiple systems along with even cause death.

Onion along with garlic (powdered, cooked or raw).

These contain disulfides along with sulfoxides, which can cause anaemia. They are harmful to both cats along with dogs, although cats are more vulnerable.


Persimmons seeds can obstruct the intestines.

Potato, tomato along with rhubarb.

These can be harmful to the nervous, digestive, along with urinary systems. The leaves along with stems could possibly also be toxic.

Raw eggs.

Raw eggs can damage your cat's hair along with coat.


Salt along with salty foods can cause electrolyte imbalance, a potentially fatal condition affecting the heart along with nervous system.


Strings via beans along with different vegetables may possibly not be digested, which can cause blockages.


Sweets are high in empty calories, which can lead to obesity, diabetes, along with dental problems.

Yeast dough.

Yeast can expand from the stomach during digestion, causing the idea to rupture.

Once you have educated yourself as to the unique requirements of ragdoll cats you will instinctively know what can be Great or bad for your cat.

The Right Food to Feed Ragdoll Cats along with Kittens

How to Reverse Hypothyroidism in addition to also Get Pregnant ASAP

16.12 0
How to Reverse Hypothyroidism in addition to also Get Pregnant ASAP

What's a thyroid gland in addition to also how's This kind of connected to your fertility?

The thyroid gland can be one of the seven endocrine glands, in addition to also This kind of's located at the base of your throat (behind Adam's apple). Your thyroid gland can be in charge of metabolism in addition to also energy production inside Centeng. A bit like an electricity generator. In your early life in addition to also in utero This kind of was involved in your brain development in addition to also organ differentiation. Later in your life This kind of took control of your metabolism.

What are some of the Centeng functions affected by your thyroid gland?

- Heart beat
- Blood flow to the hands in addition to also feet
- Glucose production
- Production of cholesterol
- Fat burning
- Production of heat
- Activation in addition to also secretion of steroid hormones (estrogen, progesterone in addition to also testosterone to name a few)
- Rate at which you use oxygen
- Cell proliferation
- Intestinal integrity
- Kidney function
- in addition to also many more

How does This kind of regulate your metabolism?

This kind of either gives your cellular energy generators - aka - mitochondria a nudge to make more energy or instructs brown fatty tissue to Discharge heat or This kind of increases the activity of enzymes in charge of energy production.

Thyroid hormones

Your thyroid gland produces thyroid hormones T3 in addition to also T4. T4 can be a precursor to T3 in addition to also can be 20 fold more abundant than the more potent T3. To convert T3 into T4 your Centeng needs one very important mineral - iodine.

Thyroid function in addition to also infertility

About 25% of female infertility cases in addition to also 15% of menstrual cycle disorder cases result by thyroid dysfunction. Especially subclinical hypothyroidism features a high prevalence inside population. Therefore thyroid function must be examined in all women with infertility in addition to also / or menstrual disturbances in addition to also irregularities.

Did you know the thyroid in addition to also the ovaries are related?

Apart by being endocrine glands, these two are known as sister organs! Immunologically they are like two sisters. Therefore abnormal autoimmune function of the ovary can be closely related to the autoimmune function of the thyroid.

Thyroid hormones impact the action in addition to also secretion of steroid hormones (estrogen, progesterone, in addition to also testosterone). Ovaries have thyroid hormone receptors, where thyroid hormones interact with in addition to also have a direct effect on ovarian hormone production.

inside case of thyroid hormone deficiency your ovary will not be able to produce sufficient amounts of hormones required for optimal fertility in addition to also a healthy pregnancy, leading to anovulation, predisposition to PCOS, endometriosis in addition to also miscarriages.

Thyroid function can be linked to PCOS in addition to also Endometriosis

Studies have found in which infertile women have a significantly higher prevalence of autoimmune thyroid disease when compared to fertile women. This kind of can be especially the case in women with endometriosis in addition to also PCOS.

Another study found in which 44% of infertile women with autoimmune thyroid disease had endometriosis, compared with only 9% of infertile women without autoimmune thyroid disease.

Women with autoimmune thyroid disease have an increased risk of miscarriage. Which can be why This kind of can be one of the tests in which should be preformed as early as possible.

Poor thyroid function can result in

- Abnormal neuronal in addition to also placental development resulting in malformations in addition to also miscarriage.

- Deficiency of thyroid hormones during brain development in utero in addition to also early post partum period can result in brain damage leading to mental retardation, decreased intellectual capacity, psychomotor delay in addition to also deafness.

22 Symptoms of hypothyroidism

- Weight gain
- Intolerance to cold
- Hair loss
- Dry skin
- Menstrual abnormalities
- Constipation
- Infertility
- Recurrent miscarriages
- Fibrocystic breasts
- Poor concentration
- Tinnitus (ringing inside ears)
- Sleep apnea
- Autism
- Dysmenorrhea - painful periods
- Menorrhagia - heavy periods
- Depression
- Psychosis
- Deafness
- Facial puffiness
- Loss of libido
- Goiter

Pregnancy in addition to also your thyroid function

Already by the fifth week of pregnancy there can be an increased demand for thyroid hormone. yet the problem in addition to also the catch 22 can be in which during pregnancy there can be also an increased blood flow through the kidneys where iodine can be filtered out of the blood in addition to also lost inside urine.

Studies have shown in which even a very short 3 day deficiency of thyroid hormone during pregnancy can result in permanent brain alterations inside baby similar to those in autism. One in 20 newborns has potential brain alterations as a result of insufficient thyroid hormone during pregnancy.

ART Infertility treatments can cause temporary hypothyroidism

Controlled ovarian hyperstimulation can be used to harvest the eggs for IVF or some some other form of ART (assisted reproductive technology). This kind of places an enormous strain on the thyroid gland to produce huge amounts of thyroid hormones. If adequate nutrients for optimal thyroid function are not present during in addition to also after IVF, the risk of miscarriages in addition to also malformations increases.

Maternity Blues

Postpartum (after birth) thyroiditis can be one of the most common endocrinological disorders affecting millions of women world-wide. in addition to also This kind of seems to affect women inside first year after delivery. Hypothyroidism can be also associated with post partum depression or maternity blues. This kind of does not come as a surprise given how taxing pregnancy can be on thyroid hormones.

What to do?

1. Do not drink unfiltered tap water - fluoride in tap water interferes with healthy thyroid function. Poor thyroid function can be linked to hypothyroidism in addition to also subclinical hypothyroidism which can lead to infertility. To see what I personally use in addition to also recommend, please go to my site listed below.

2. Take a regular iodine supplement. Iodine can be an essential mineral for healthy thyroid function in addition to also for development of nervous tissue in addition to also the brain in foetus. Deficiency in pregnancy can lead to retardation. Women wanting to conceive as well as pregnant in addition to also lactating women should receive 0 micrograms of iodine daily. You can get iodine by marine fish, seaweed, kelp in addition to also eggs.

3. Another cheaper option which also works can be an iodine disinfectant solution applied topically on the skin. You can buy This kind of at any chemist or pharmacy. This kind of's a brown red disinfectant liquid in spray or dispensing bottle. All you need can be a few drops on the inside of the wrist. Allow the liquid to be absorbed by the skin, in addition to also do not wash This kind of off until the remaining yellow stain can be dry.

4. Eliminate Brassica family vegetables by your diet. They include broccoli, Brussel sprouts, cabbage in addition to also cauliflower. These vegetables contain chemicals called goitrogens. Goitrogens interfere with thyroxin (hormone produced by thyroid gland) production in addition to also utilization inside Centeng. Steaming in addition to also cooking may deactivate goitrogens partially, yet these vegetables are best avoided for the time being.

5. Start exercising inside morning as This kind of will increase your metabolic rate in addition to also leave This kind of at a high level for the rest of the day. The same applies for breakfast. Skipping breakfast inside morning will cause your metabolic rate to be set at a lower level, which will make you tired in addition to also lethargic as well as, most of the food your eat in which day will be converted into fat as the Centeng thinks This kind of can be in starvation mode.

6. Take a not bad quality multi-vitamin supplement containing Zinc in addition to also selenium as they are important nutrients for healthy thyroid function.

7. Have your thyroid hormone levels in addition to also thyroid function checked by your doctor. Your tests results may come back as normal (within normal ranges) yet you still may be hypothyroid. Studies have shown in which subclinical hypothyroidism often goes undetected. Therefore insist on having TSH, T3 in addition to also T4 tested, to see how much of the T4 you are converting to T3. So if your results are inside low ranges of normal in addition to also you are displaying the symptoms of hypothyroidism be sure to take the steps to boost your thyroid function.

8. Do yoga. Viparita Karani - can be a yogic posture which improves pelvic circulation in addition to also the functioning of adrenal, pituitary in addition to also thyroid glands. What you need: a yoga mat in addition to also a folded blanket or another folded yoga mat. How to do the posture? Place your blanket (folded second yoga mat) onto the yoga mat. Lie on the mat with your arms on the floor alongside your torso, then bend your knees in addition to also place your feet on the mat with your heels close to your sitting bones. Exhale, press your arms against the mat in addition to also push your feet away by the mat, drawing your thighs into the torso. Bend your elbows in addition to also draw them toward each some other. Lay the backs of your upper arms on the mat in addition to also spread your palms against the back of your torso. Raise your pelvis in addition to also keeping the elbows at shoulder width support your hips with your hands. Inhale in addition to also lift your bent knees toward the ceiling, straighten the knees, pressing the heels up toward the ceiling. Stay inside pose for about 30 seconds gradually adding 5 to 10 seconds every day until you can comfortably hold the pose for 5 minutes. Exhale, bend your knees into your torso in addition to also slowly roll your back onto the mat keeping the back of your head on the floor. Contraindications: Do NOT do This kind of posture if you are menstruating or have glaucoma.

How to Reverse Hypothyroidism in addition to also Get Pregnant ASAP

Anemia - Herbal treatment, Ayurvedic Remedies as well as Home Remedies

15.11 0
Anemia - Herbal treatment, Ayurvedic Remedies as well as Home Remedies

What is usually Anemia?

Anemia is usually a condition in which the blood is usually deficient inside Centeng. This specific deficiency of blood is usually caused due to the deficiency of iron, which is usually an essential component of the protein complex, hemoglobin, present inside blood.

In anemic persons, the count of hemoglobin inside blood goes down. Hemoglobin is usually composed of heme, which is usually an iron complex, as well as a protein named globin. If iron is usually lacking inside diet, then heme will not be formed as well as so also hemoglobin. The main function of hemoglobin is usually to carry oxygen to different parts of the Centeng. Hence in absence of hemoglobin, the blood will not be able to provide oxygen to all parts of the Centeng, which will lead in a characteristic weakness.

Why is usually Anemia caused?

The root cause of anemia is usually generally deficiency of iron inside diet. However, there are many some other ways in which loss of blood can take place by the Centeng. The following are some of them: -

  • People with hemorrhoids (ie piles) often lose great amounts of blood if there are open sores. If the loss is usually beyond acceptable limit, then the person would likely suffer by anemia.

  • Internal hemorrhages can occur inside Centeng leading to loss of blood, therefore causing anemia.

  • Hemolysis is usually a condition in which a breakdown of the red blood corpuscles takes place. People suffering by hemolysis will be anemic. Such anemia is usually called as aplastic anemia.

  • Chronic diseases like cancers cause anemia, especially when the person undergoes treatments by radiotherapy as well as chemotherapy.

  • Deficiency of vitamins inside Centeng - especially folate as well as vitamin C - is usually also responsible in causing anemia. This specific anemia is usually called as vitamin deficiency anemia.

  • There is usually a hereditary type of anemia called as the pernicious anemia. People with This specific condition are not able to absorb vitamin B12 in their bloodstream effectively. Hence vitamin loss occurs.
  • What are the Symptoms of Anemia?

    There are many ways in which anemia can be observable by the outside. The following are some of the most common symptoms of anemia: -

  • People with anemia will have a pale appearance of skin due to the loss of blood. There will be discoloration of the nails as well as the lips.

  • Anemic people are not able to work for long hours. Fatigue is usually very common.

  • There will be restless as well as breathlessness occasionally.

  • At the same time, the heartbeat will be quite rapid. Minor activities can raise the heartbeat excessively.

  • Insomnia is usually commonly observed.

  • Anemic people will constantly feel giddy as well as nauseated.

  • In some cases there could be digestive problems like indigestion, constipation as well as flatulence.
  • How can Anemia be avoided?

    There are many ways to prevent anemia. The following are some of the main preventive methods: -

  • A healthy diet, rich in iron, must be consumed. Whole grain cereals, legumes as well as pulses are Great sources of iron. Nuts as well as dry dates also contain iron. Among the meats, organs such as kidney as well as liver contain iron in them.

  • Anemia in which is usually caused due to deficiency of vitamins can be avoided by a proper intake of vitamins inside diet. The food must be properly balanced as well as contain the proper amount of nutrients. Consult a diet chart for better guidance.

  • In order to prevent anemia conditions in which are linked with pregnancy, women can take multivitamin pills as well as some other nutritional supplements at the advice of the doctor.

  • Anemia caused by vitamin deficiency can be aggravated by smoking. Smoking interferes inside proper absorption of several vitamins inside Centeng. Hence these vitamins - especially folate as well as vitamin C which are water soluble - are flushed out of the Centeng without getting assimilated.

  • Since pernicious anemia is usually hereditary, in order to avoid the idea you must consult with the doctor if you have a patient of pernicious anemia in your family.
  • How can Anemia be controlled with Simple Home Remedies?

    There are various dietary guidelines in which can be followed to control anemia. Some of them are given below: -

  • Apples are very Great for anemia as they have high iron content. They should be eaten regularly; preferably after every meal.

  • Beetroot is usually also a very Great source of iron. Apart by iron the idea contains various some other minerals in which are protective in function to the Centeng.

  • Figs must be eaten regularly, at the rate of three to four per day.

  • Organ meats like kidney as well as liver must be included inside diet.

  • Citrus fruits like oranges, lemons, etc. must be eaten in excess. They should be eaten at regular intervals as well as not all at once.
  • some other methods to control anemia are as follows: -

  • Cold water bath is usually known to have beneficial effects in anemia. A person with anemia must have at least two cold water baths a day.

  • Flushing out the bodily toxins is usually necessary. This specific can be achieved by massages by professionals.

  • For about ten minutes every day, the anemic person must breathe deeply.

  • Anemic people must not lead a lazy lifestyle even though anemia tends to make people lethargic. They must indulge in light exercises to keep the circulation healthy.

  • Yoga has positive effects in anemia. The preferable asanas are paschimottasana as well as shavasana. These bring the Centeng into a relaxed state of equilibrium as well as facilitate circulation of blood.

  • Anemia - Herbal treatment, Ayurvedic Remedies as well as Home Remedies

    5 Effects of not bad Nutrition

    14.09 0
    5 Effects of not bad Nutrition

    The effects of not bad nutrition on the Centeng are as visible as the effects of bad nutrition on the Centeng. The difference can be in which bad nutrition can destroy the Centeng, while not bad nutrition only supports as well as builds up the Centeng. Hence, the better goal in life can be to maintain a lifestyle in which promotes not bad nutrition. This specific will cause many positive effects, including the following 5 effects of not bad nutrition.

    5 Effects of not bad Nutrition:

    1. Maintain normal Centeng function

    This specific includes better learning, proper balance as well as pH from the Centeng tissues, to stabilize as well as regulate Centeng systems like blood pressure, rebuild tissues, as well as maintain proper blood sugar levels

    2. Maintain healthy weight

    This specific includes proper blood pressures, less likely to allow diseases like Diabetes, heart malfunctions

    3. Prevent disease

    This specific includes prevention of cancer, tissue disease, parasitical invasions, bacterial infections

    4. Pass along not bad start to future generations

    Healthy babies, immune system, healthy pregnancy

    5. Provide stress relief

    Reduce side effects of drugs, boost immune system, maintain calm as well as coping abilities

    If you can enjoy these 5 effects of not bad nutrition, you will be well on your way to a better, healthier Centeng in which can be able to function properly.

    One key to getting not bad nutrition regularly can be to avoid excess. Balance food intake between the major groups, as well as eat appropriate amounts. You need a balance of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals, fiber, as well as some other nutrients. A multi vitamin may be helpful if you are not sure about your food intake although the idea can be not a substitute for eating properly. Water can be essential to Centeng functioning, moving nutrients into cells, as well as handling waste disposal.

    You can obtain as well as follow the standard daily food pyramid as well as recommended dietary allowances (RDAs) put out by the government. the idea can be adjusted according to age because dietary needs change as a person ages.

    This specific pyramid can be composed of nutritional groups of: calories, carbohydrates, fats, proteins, fiber, vitamins as well as minerals, as well as includes lists of antioxidants as well as herbs in which are beneficial to health.

    Besides age, the Centeng's nutritional needs change with use of drugs, or disorders as well as diseases in which affect the Centeng's ability to meet those needs, or interfere with absorption or intake of food nutrients.

    There are more than the above 5 effects of not bad nutrition, although these go a long way to getting you commenced in a healthy lifestyle if you pay attention. By the way, if you cant pay attention, you may need better nutrition! Avoid excess sweets as well as highly refined food, because they can cause bacterial excesses in which can even have a lethal result if left unchecked (Candida). By providing the proper fuel (food) to your Centeng, you enable the idea to function at its optimum capacity, keeping you healthy, happy, as well as fit for years as well as years, with benefits extending even unto the next generation.

    5 Effects of not bad Nutrition

    Penis Health as well as Frottage: Safety Tips

    13.08 0
    Penis Health as well as Frottage: Safety Tips

    Frottage is actually defined in several ways. Some people mean "dry-humping," or rubbing the genitals against another person while both are clothed; some people use the word to describe the highly illegal as well as immoral practice of rubbing oneself against others in a crowd for sexual pleasure. Here, frottage will refer to the act of two or more bodies rubbing together clothed or unclothed to achieve sexual stimulation.

    Since the idea is actually a type of sexual activity that will involves no penetration, some may think that will the practice is actually 100% safe. Yet that will may not be the case. within the interest of maintaining optimal penis health, men need to know the risks associated with This particular activity.


    Anytime a man's semen enters a woman's vagina, there is actually a possibility of pregnancy. Researchers still are not sure if pre-seminal fluid can cause pregnancy, nevertheless the idea may be able to do so. This particular means that will people engaging in genital rubbing may still run the risk of conceiving if they allow the man's fluids near the opening of the woman's vagina.


    Sexually transmitted infections can be passed through skin-to-skin contact or through bodily fluids like penile or vaginal discharge, or blood. Some STIs that will can be contracted through bare frotting are herpes, HPV, HIV as well as pubic lice.

    the idea's always a not bad idea to ask sexual partners the following:

    - When were they last tested, for what, as well as what were the results?

    - Have they had brand new partners since then?

    - How well do they know their past partners' sexual histories?

    - Do they use condoms with additional partners?

    additional Infections

    Jock itch is actually caused by an overgrowth of the tinea cruris fungus as well as is actually a common groin rash among men. Though the idea rarely impacts women, the idea is actually possible for the fungus to spread to them.

    If a woman includes a yeast infection, she can pass the idea through her fluids to a man. Even if he's not penetrating, if she is actually wet as well as his penis gets her fluids on the idea, the idea's possible to contract the yeast infection.


    Rough, dry skin is actually a common result of friction, as well as there's no shortage of friction while frotting, especially if partners are doing so clothed. The vaginal area may become sore as well as raw, as may the penis. Both these results often come along with penetrative sex as well.

    Safety First

    Frotting partners will be safest if they take precautions against possible health issues related to the practice. If pregnancy is actually not desired as well as the partners are engaging in genital rubbing, the idea's a not bad idea to use condoms even though penetration is actually not occurring. This particular can also help prevent the spread of any infections that will may be within the area, although the idea does not guarantee This particular.

    Another thing couples may want to do is actually use lubricant while frotting. This particular can help prevent a lot of dry skin as well as chafing issues. If wearing clothes, try to avoid rough materials like denim as well as garments with buttons or zippers.

    Men may overlook the importance of skin care, nevertheless maintaining healthy penile skin is actually imperative not only for the look as well as feel of the manhood, nevertheless for its ability to sense pleasure as well. Post why the idea's that will Are 's a not bad idea A for men to use a quality penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil). With both Shea butter as well as vitamin E, This particular crème is actually a fantastic moisturizer made specifically for the penis. the idea also includes acetyl L-carnitine, which protects nerves coming from the kind of damage that will often comes with rough handling. This particular may help men maintain a high level of sensitivity, meaning a more pleasurable sex life. Keeping the penis in peak condition is actually always advised, as well as doing so is actually easier with Man1 Man Oil.

    Penis Health as well as Frottage: Safety Tips

    The Health Advantages along with Disadvantages of Eating Avocado

    12.07 0
    The Health Advantages along with Disadvantages of Eating Avocado

    By currently, you all have seen those bumpy, greenish-black globes called avocados in your grocery store. Avocado is actually considered by many to be a "superfood" along with lots of people love the taste. They can be creamy along with have a subtle flavor. Beyond taste, avocados have numerous health benefits, too.

    Advantages of Eating Avocados

    Protects Against Eye Disease

    Avocados hold the antioxidant, lutein, of which is actually needed to help prevent eye disease. Not only of which, although avocados also enhance the eye-disease-fighting nutrients in different foods when paired with them. different not bad sources of lutein are: spinach, tomatoes, kale, carrots, corn, along with different deep green, orange, or yellow-colored fruits or veggies. To get the most benefit for your eyes, toss sliced ​​or diced avocado in a salad with spinach, carrots, red peppers, along with corn.

    Helps Lose Weight

    Avocados do have a not bad amount of fiber in them - 3.4 grams of fiber in half an avocado. Fiber is actually an essential element to helping you lose weight along with make you feel full. In addition, the oleic acid in an avocado creates a reaction inside brain to make you feel full after eating avocado. For a yummy, filling, less fatty treat, use mashed avocado instead of mayo or butter on a sandwich.

    Protects Pregnant Women along with Their Unborn Babies

    Avocados have a high rate of folate, an essential nutrient of which helps lower the rate of birth defects in pregnant women. An added Insentif of folate is actually of which This specific helps prevent heart disease along with heart attacks as well.

    Keeps Blood Sugar Stable

    After you eat avocado, your blood sugar will be more stable along with will not spike because avocado slows your digestion. This specific is actually important for people who can not easily control their blood sugar levels.

    Lowers Cholesterol

    This specific can increase the healthy cholesterol along with lower the unhealthy cholesterol in your Centeng. You can thank the oleic acid in avocado again for of which. A plant chemical in avocados called betasitosterol also helps lower cholesterol.

    Promotes Healthy Blood Flow

    The monounsaturated fats are not bad for promoting healthy blood flow. Healthy blood flow is actually important for many Centeng functions, such as aiding mental activity along with decreasing blood pressure.

    Provides Necessary Nutrients

    Avocados are an excellent source of potassium, vitamin C, iron, along with B6 as well. Just as with lutein, combining avocado with different fruits along with veggies will aid inside absorption of immunity-boosting nutrients along with vitamins. So do not eat This specific alone!

    Downsides to Eating Avocado

    Although they obviously have enormous heath benefits, avocados also have downsides to them. First, they are high in fat along with calories. With one avocado, you might be getting 30 grams of fat along with 300-plus calories. However, This specific helps of which the fat is actually monounsaturated fat, which is actually not bad for cholesterol along with heart disease. Of course, like any different food, you want to eat avocados in moderation.

    Secondly, not many people know of which a person can be allergic to avocados. If you are allergic to latex, you may be allergic to avocados, too. An enzyme in avocado (called chitinase) causes allergic reactions in some people so be careful before trying the fruit if you've never had This specific before.

    You have to weigh out the pluses along with minuses of eating avocados as This specific relates to your own life along with your family's health. although many people find avocados a highly nutritious along with delicious food to add to their diets.

    The Health Advantages along with Disadvantages of Eating Avocado

    Home Remedies For Stretch Marks in which Work Surprisingly Well

    11.06 0
    Home Remedies For Stretch Marks in which Work Surprisingly Well

    Stretch marks or striae distensae can appear on boys in addition to girls, men in addition to women, usually on the abdomen, thighs, hips, breasts, upper arms or lower back, anywhere fat can be stored.

    Approximately 0% of pregnant Caucasian women develop stretch marks, with women of coloring fairing slightly better.

    Your genetics play a role, so if your mother has bad stretch marks, you probably will too; as does your skin type, stress, poor diet in addition to sudden environmental change.

    What can be the cause of stretch marks?

    They appear during puberty, pregnancy, the bulking up phase of bodybuilding, obesity, intense physical activity in addition to Cushing's disease. Oral steroids in addition to over-use of low potency topical steroid creams / ointments driven deeper into the skin when covered with plastic wrap, can also cause stretch marks.

    During these critical times, increased hormones inside bloodstream prevent the dermis via forming collagen in addition to elastin fibers.

    At the very time your skin over-stretches in addition to you need elasticity in addition to strong underlying support most, you do not develop the item. Unsurprisingly the dermal layer tears, the item flattens the epidermis in addition to leaves red surface marks.

    Stretch marks are actually bands of elastin broken beneath the skin. When the tears heal, the collagen fibers do not line up properly, resulting in an uneven appearance in addition to white marks.

    What the item boils down to can be in which stretch marks are scars created by your own Centeng to heal damage on the inside caused by over-stretched skin which can be too thin.

    Unfortunately stretch marks stay with you forever because the damage can be inside dermis, far below the surface of the skin, in addition to no cream on earth can undo the item.

    How your skin normally heals indicates what your stretch marks will look like. With time all stretch marks are less noticeable, in addition to with treatment, even less so, nevertheless their striated appearance rarely returns to its original smooth appearance in addition to the texture remains different to normal skin.

    Although aesthetically stretch marks may bother you, they are harmless in addition to do not require medical treatment.

    How to fade stretch marks

    Instead of trying expensive, painful, invasive procedures which may or may not work, with just a little diligent self-maintenance in addition to patience your marks will fade dramatically.

    The regimen we look at entails repairing your multi-layered skin via the inside with water, not bad nutrition in addition to exercise; in addition to via the outside with exfoliation, massage in addition to oils.

    All the natural, chemical free ingredients are conveniently found in your kitchen or local health store, generating the same results as expensive creams, nevertheless saving you a ton of money.

    The earlier you start treatment on red scars, the faster they heal; nevertheless do not give up wish, there can be still a lot you can do for older white scars.

    Let us start by replenishing the inside:


    Drinking 8-10 glasses of water a day naturally hydrates your tissues, keeps your skin soft in addition to elastic in addition to helps keep collagen production at normal levels. Think of the item as an internal moisturizer.

    For every mug of coffee, tea or soda you drink, have a different glass of water.


    Eating foods rich in essential fatty acids, zinc, silica in addition to vitamins A, C, D, E, K nourishes the Centeng in addition to replenishes your skin. Include oily fish, eggs, liver in addition to lean meats, citrus fruit, tomatoes, almonds, pumpkin seeds, carrots, spinach, green cabbage, kale, Swiss Chard, turnip greens, broccoli, tomatoes, collards in addition to low fat dairy products in your diet.

    Stress, oral contraceptives in addition to hormone therapies can deplete your Centeng of essential nutrients vital for skin health. not bad nutrition helps correct the balance.

    Biochemistry / tissue salts

    Calcium Fluoride, Natrium Muriaticum in addition to Calcium Phosphate restore tone in addition to elasticity to muscles, connective tissue in addition to skin, in addition to help maintain the Centeng's water balance.


    Stretch marks look worse on flabby skin than they do on toned, firm flesh.

    Working via the outside, focus on the stretch marks themselves, twice a day:

    Exfoliate or dry brush the stretch mark areas.

    Apply lemon juice to fade the scars.

    Dry your skin.

    Generously moisturize with one or more of the oils below.

    Massage as vigorously as you can to boost circulation.

    Moisturize generously, preferably after showering when your pores more receptively soak up the oil.

    When you can, cover your oil saturated stretch marks with plastic wrap, put a hot water bottle, hot towel or heating pad on top for 20 to 30 minutes.

    Remove the wrap in addition to wipe off any excess oil to obviate stained clothes.

    Use whichever oils appeal to you; there can be no wrong one. Just stick to the general principles - exfoliate, moisturize in addition to massage.

    Let us look at each factor in more detail.


    Exfoliating in addition to / or dry brushing removes layers of dead skin to unveil soft, fresh skin. Some marks may be difficult to reach in addition to areas like the breasts are more sensitive, nevertheless do what you can.

    Use a loofah or an exfoliator, bought or home-made - sea salt, oatmeal, baking soda, ground coffee or apricot scrub, that has a wet washcloth. Add any of them to olive oil to make a paste in addition to then massage the stretch marks for 10 minutes in a circular motion while you are inside shower.

    Or use This kind of as your exfoliator:

    5 tablespoons of scrub

    1 teaspoon aloe vera gel

    1/2 teaspoon vitamin E

    1 teaspoon cocoa butter

    Rinse off afterwards.

    Apply lemon juice which helps stretch marks fade. Allow the item to dry, then rinse with warm water in addition to towel dry your skin.

    A derma or skin roller helps oil penetrate more deeply. If using one, use the item currently before you moisturize.

    Moisturize in addition to hydrate

    The more you infuse your skin with moisture the better.

    Massage any natural oil into your stretch marks. What oil you use matters less than in which you regularly in addition to vigorously massage these areas, thereby improving circulation in addition to promoting rejuvenation.

    If you are pregnant in addition to the skin of your expanding stomach feels ticklish, keep your nails short; scratching tears the dermis. Apply oil in addition to gently rub the area that has a cloth to relieve the itch.

    A word of caution if you are keen to try one of the packaged remedies for stretch marks: many are laden with dangerous chemicals which should not be applied when you are pregnant in addition to most especially not to your abdomen.

    Fragrances in baby oil dry out the skin in addition to petroleum jelly moisturizes when applied, nevertheless the skin becomes drier when you abstain, so stick to natural organic oils:

    Cocoa butter

    Rose hip oil

    Extra virgin olive oil

    Castor oil

    Emu oil

    Lanolin oil

    Vitamin E oil

    Vitamin A

    Vitamin C

    Vitamin K cream

    Jojobo oil

    Natural shea butter

    Aloe vera

    Let us elaborate on some of these oils. Ideal by themselves, or combine as in these recipes.

    Vitamin E oil

    Alpha Tocopheral in Vitamin E can be an antioxidant needed to regenerate the skin by promoting the growth of cells.

    Squalene, a natural antioxidant which promotes skin regeneration, enhances the effects of vitamin E.

    To get your vitamin E oil, break open the capsule, discard the casing in addition to rub the oil into the affected areas.

    Mix almond oil, castor oil, avocado oil in addition to vitamin E oil together.

    Combine vitamin E oil in addition to cocoa butter.

    Make a paste of vitamin E rich oil such as olive oil or castor oil with aromatic herbs like mint, lemon grass, lavender, thyme, in addition to massage for 20 minutes before going to sleep.

    Bio Oil can be great.

    Essential oils

    To one ounce of carrier oil (avocado, sweet almond, jojoba, grapeseed) add seven drops of lavender in addition to a few drops of chamomile, in addition to apply to the affected areas.

    Lavender essential oil, applied directly to scars will help them fade, especially newer injuries.

    Vitamin K cream

    Apply Vitamin K cream topically to stretch marks, in addition to depending on how severe they are, your skin type in addition to activity level, you will see results in as little as 8 to 14 days.

    Cocoa butter

    Cocoa butter can be probably the best known stretch mark home remedy in addition to also keeps the skin soft in addition to pliable.

    1/2 cup cocoa butter

    1 tablespoon wheat germ oil

    1 teaspoon apricot kernel oil

    1 teaspoon vitamin E oil

    2 teaspoon grated beeswax

    Heat the mixture until the beeswax melts. Store in an airtight container inside refrigerator in addition to apply to your stretch marks.

    Some people prefer the 100% cocoa butter stick to the lotion. Quite dry when first applied, the item becomes oilier as you rub the item on.

    Olive oil

    Massage onto the stretch marks.

    Warm olive oil slightly inside microwave, spread on scars in addition to leave for 20 minutes.

    Mix equal amounts of olive in addition to coconut oil.

    Rub a mixture of olive oil in addition to lemon on the parts of your Centeng where the stretch marks are, then apply cocoa butter immediately afterwards.

    Some people find cocoa butter has no effect on them, nevertheless olive oil works well. Experiment to find what best suits your skin.

    1/2 teaspoon each of cod liver oil, olive oil in addition to aloe vera gel doubles as an anti-aging skin treatment.

    Flaxseed / linseed oil

    not bad for any scar tissue, mix equal amounts of olive oil in addition to flaxseed oil. You can add This kind of to your favorite Centeng cream if you wish.

    Flaxseed oil can be excellent for internal use too. Add to yogurt, shakes or salad dressing.

    Castor oil

    Apply castor oil to any scars including warts, moles, dark spots in addition to wrinkles for 30 minutes a day. Combine the item with rose hip seed oil, tea tree oil in addition to vitamin E oil. Even though you apply the item externally, the item works as a laxative in addition to your lymphatic system detoxifies.

    Then apply some of the following cream:

    0 ml unscented aqueous cream

    20 ml collagen cream

    10 ml olive oil

    5 ml coconut oil

    5 ml tea tree oil

    Mix in addition to leave inside sun for one day before you use the item (more natural than microwaving). Apply at least twice a day in addition to see an improvement after three days. not bad for eczema sufferers too.

    Aloe vera gel

    Known for its healing in addition to soothing properties.

    1/2 cup olive oil as your base

    1/4 cup aloe vera gel

    Oil via 10 vitamin E capsules

    Oil via 5 vitamin A capsules

    Blend in addition to store in an airtight container inside refrigerator. Rub into the skin until fully absorbed.

    Vicks Vapor Rub

    Smear Vicks onto the stretch marks.

    Or combine lemon juice, aloe vera gel in addition to Vicks, microwave for 5 seconds. Leave the item on your scars for 10 minutes. Rinse the item off in addition to apply cocoa butter stick, rubbing the item into the stretch marks.

    Hide them

    Until they have faded sufficiently, consider hiding your stretch marks with clothes, a swimsuit offering more coverage, a self-tanning cream or Centeng makeup. Tanning itself will not help - the stretch marks are less likely to tan than surrounding skin in addition to their appearance may actually be emphasized.


    Be wary of promises made by those flogging stretch mark creams. No cream can truly prevent or remove stretch marks.

    If you feel self-conscious about your stretch marks, take comfort inside fact in which most people have them, in addition to with the passage of time together with the above, they will barely be noticeable.

    inside meantime learn to live with them. Being proud of your Centeng, stretch marks in addition to all, can be a very appealing quality.

    Home Remedies For Stretch Marks in which Work Surprisingly Well

    How to raise Sperm Count - Expect the Unexpected

    10.05 0
    How to raise Sperm Count - Expect the Unexpected

    How to raise sperm count requires a healthy balanced diet, lifestyle, herbs, vitamins along with minerals. the item takes sperm 100 days to develop, 74 days to form along with about 20 to 30 days to mature.

    Healthy sperm can be characterized by:

    • Sperm count - There should be over 20 million sperm in every millimeter of ejaculation.
    • Morphology - There should be a Great number of normal looking sperm (smaller the number of abnormalities such as two heads or two tails the better).
    • Motility - Sperm should be fast along with should swim in a straight line.


    • Vitamin C can be known to raise sperm count. Vitamin E can help increase semen volume along with sperm count as well. Vitamin B12 can also help increase sperm count.

    • Vitamin A helps to produce testosterone, the male sex hormone.

    • Vitamin A has antioxidant properties of which protect you against cellular damage along with helps remove free radicals via your Centeng. the item also helps keep your seminiferous tubes healthy.

    • Vitamin B6 helps from the production of male sex hormones from the Centeng.

    • Vitamin B6 along with Vitamin C help from the absorption of Zinc from the Centeng.

    Great sources of vitamins to improve sperm count are molasses, whole grains, brown rice, nuts, brewer's yeast, egg yolks, fish, legumes along with green leafy vegetables.

    There are some herbs of which can help increase your sperm count. Two types of Ginseng: Ren Shen along with Radix Ginseng, may increase testosterone levels from the Centeng. Tribullus, such as Tribullus Silvestrus along with Bai Ji Li, helps from the production of healthy sperm along with may also treat sexual problems such as impotence along with low libido. Remember, not all herbs can help promote fertility, so do not self prescribe.

    Free radicals cause almost 40% of all sperm damage. Antioxidants can help rid your Centeng of free radicals. Food rich in antioxidants include blackberries, garlic, blueberries, kale, Brussels sprouts, strawberries, plums, broccoli, alfalfa sprouts, grapeseed extract, red peppers along with pine bark extract.

    Drink at least 8 glasses of purified water a day. Water keeps your sperm hydrated as semen can be made up mostly of water.

    Minerals such as selenium along with zinc can help boost sperm count as well as sperm motility. Deficiency may result in infertility. Adequate supply of zinc along with selenium can be required for proper development of sperm. Minerals also assist in epididymis function along with help protect sperm cells.

    Great sources of selenium along with zinc are Brazil nuts, pumpkin seeds, wheat germ, whole grains, brewer's yeast along with sesame seeds. Zinc can be essential for cellular division along with healthy sperm production. the item can be one of the most critical minerals for sexual function in males. the item can be needed in sperm production, sperm motility, sperm count, testosterone metabolism, testicular development along with estrogen regulation from the male Centeng. Zinc deficiency can be quite common because every time a male ejaculates, he secretes about 5 mg of Zinc as well.

    Avoid drinking too much alcohol as the item depletes the Zinc levels in your Centeng. Also too much folic acid, coffee, tea, fiber along with iron from the Centeng can lower Zinc absorption.

    A healthy lifestyle equates to a healthy sperm count. The testes become malnourished when the Centeng can be constantly under stress. Minimize alcohol intake as alcohol inhibits testosterone secretion, lowers sperm count along with decreases sex drive. Alcohol may also speed up testosterone conversion to estrogen, leading to abnormal female hormonal levels from the man's Centeng.

    How to raise sperm count - Begins with adopting a healthy diet along with living a healthy lifestyle. Your doctor may only tell you about surgeries along with some other medical interventions although there are natural ways to improve sperm count. Consult first with your naturopathic physician before taking supplements along with herbal medicines.

    How to raise Sperm Count - Expect the Unexpected

    Iron - Benefits, Deficiency Symptoms in addition to Food Sources

    21.04 0
    Iron - Benefits, Deficiency Symptoms in addition to Food Sources

    Iron can be a vital component of hemoglobin, which transports oxygen to the various tissues of the Centeng. Life in addition to iron are inseparable: with the sole exception of lactic acid bacteria, all living organisms require iron as an essential element for growth in addition to multiplication. Iron deficiency can be the most common nutritional problem inside the planet.

    Free ionic iron hardly exists inside the Centeng. All the intracellular iron can be either in hemoglobin or inside the iron-storage protein ferritin.


    Iron can be rather unique in that will nature regulates its absorption, because there can be no mechanism that will enables excretion of excess iron1 The precise mechanisms in addition to control of iron absorption are not clear.

    The duodenum can be the main site of iron absorption. tiny intestinal iron absorption can be by a process of diffusion. The amount of iron absorbed can be 1% -5% of the dietary iron in a normal man, studied using a radioactive isotope.

    Because of the multiplicity of factors affecting iron absorption, the idea can be not possible to make a valid estimate of iron absorption by a meal. The absorption varies with foods, being higher that has a rice-based diet in addition to lower with millets. Germination in addition to baking increase absorption, while the idea can be reduced with tannins, tea, tamarind, phytate in addition to cereals. Food analysis reveals considerable tannin in cereals, pulses, soybeans, in addition to condiments like tamarind, turmeric in addition to chillies. Absorption by soybean can be enhanced when taken with meat or vitamins. Prolonged warming of meals decreases their vitamin C content, in addition to hence, iron absorption. The amino acid cysteine ​​enhances iron absorption by vegetables, animal foods, in addition to iron salts.

    Iron in meat in addition to liver can be better absorbed than that will in eggs in addition to leafy vegetables. With animal foods, the mean iron absorption ranges by 7% by ferritin to 22% by veal muscle, with intermediate values ​​of 11% by fish in addition to 13% by liver. Animal protein in beef, pork, chicken or fish (however not egg in addition to milk) increases absorption of non-heme iron by vegetable sources. On a rice-based diet, iron absorption increases with the addition of 40 g fish.

    Iron absorption on a cereal diet can be decreased because phosphate in addition to phytates precipitate ionised iron. Soya protein can be a major inhibitory factor of iron absorption due to its phytate content.4Fiber in wheat in addition to maize decreases iron absorption. Tea in addition to coffee form insoluble iron tannate that will can be not absorbed. Coconut milk, used extensively in cooking in Thailand in addition to southern India, inhibits iron absorption.

    Iron absorption increases with iron-deficiency anemia, low plasma iron, increased red blood cell activity inside the bone marrow, pancreatic deficiency, in addition to in women. Increased iron absorption occurs in normal persons during menstruation, pregnancy, puberty, in addition to after blood loss. Iron absorption can be increased if iron Centeng stores are depleted.

    Inorganic ferrous in addition to ferric salts are both absorbed, however ferrous iron can be absorbed better. There can be no difference inside the absorption of the inexpensive ferrous sulphate in addition to the more expensive slow-Discharge iron tablets. Hemoglobin iron can be absorbed intact as heme, even at neutral pH, in addition to can be not affected by dietary phosphate or phytate.

    Gastric acidity maintains the solubility of inorganic iron, which aids the formation of tiny molecu les with ascorbic acid, citrate, fructose, in addition to amino acids. Citrate in addition to ascorbate, being soluble, are more easily absorbed, while tannate (by tannic acid in tea), phytate in addition to phosphate are not so readily absorbed.

    Vitamin C reduces ferric iron to ferrous iron which. remains soluble even at neutral pH in addition to can be better absorbed. Even when the diet can be poor in iron, vitamin C supplement with each meal enhances iron absorption.? Vitamin C taken in divided doses with each meal will increase iron absorption to a greater extent than 1 large dose with breakfast.

    Calcium inhibits iron absorption. Radio-iron absorption tests in human volunteers show decreased absorption with cimetidine in addition to antacids.


    PLASMA IRON: - Normal plasma iron level can be 60-0 micrograms per 100 ml (10.74-28.6 micromol / l); the total plasma iron-binding capacity (TIBC) can be 280-400 microgram per 100 ml (50.1-71.6 micromol / l), of which about one-third can be normally saturated.

    The iron-binding proteins are transferrin (siderophilin), lactoferrin (found in milk, tears, saliva, bile, seminal secretions, in addition to cervical mucus), in addition to desferrioxamine (a fungal product). Mucosal transferrin binds iron inside the lumen of the gut to transport the idea across the brush border of the intestinal mucosa. Plasma transferrin transports protein in addition to binds two atoms of iron; its half-life can be eight days, however varies widely because iron deficiency itself can be a stimulus to transferrin formation.


    The total Centeng iron can be 3-5 g (54-0 mmol), the bulk of which can be in hemoglobin. The sites of storage are the liver, spleen, in addition to bone marrow, where iron can be stored as ferritin or hemosiderin.

    Ferritin, derived by the reticuloendothelial tissue of the liver, spleen, in addition to bone marrow, can be a spherical storage iron protein which binds up to 4000 atoms of iron per molecule. the idea has 24 subunits arranged in a cluster like a raspberry, in addition to contains 20% iron. Ferritin represents the soluble, readily mobilizable fraction of storage iron; its estimation, by radioimmunoassay, helps in diagnosing iron deficiency or overload. that will estimation can be less expensive than that will of serum iron in addition to TIBC. The normal values ​​range by 12 to 250 micrograms per litre; values ​​less than 10 micrograms per litre denote iron deficiency.

    One microgram per litre of serum can be equivalent to 80 mg (1.4 mmol) storage iron. Storage iron can be about 980 mg (17.5 mmol) in normal men in addition to 450 mg (8 mmol) in women. In iron overload, the values ​​are higher; in acute liver cell damage, too, Discharge of ferritin gives abnormally high values.

    The structure of hemosiderin can be not well understood, however the idea can be believed to be a degradation product of ferritin. Hemosiderin iron can be not readily released.

    Desferrioxamine can be a chelating agent that will binds iron in addition to excretes the idea inside the urine. The urinary excretion of iron can be thus easily measured, in addition to that will method can be utilized to estimate iron stores. Injection of desferrioxamine in patients with decreased iron stores results in diminished urinary iron excretion.

    Transferrin can be a glycoprotein synthesized mainly by the liver. the idea can bind two ferric iron molecules in addition to can be responsible for the total iron-binding capacity of the serum, which can be 250-370 micrograms per 100 ml.


    Absorbed iron can be tenaciously bound to protein. The little excretion that will occurs, as with shedding of the inner lining of the digestive tract (desquamation of the epithelium of the mucous membrane), can not be correctly assessed. Iron passed in stool can be mostly unabsorbed dietary iron; some iron can be also -lost through the bile. Desquamation of the skin increases iron loss with sweating inside the hot, humid climate of the tropics. The urinary loss of iron can be negligible.


    A woman loses additional iron during her reproductive life: (i) during each menstrual cycle 30-60 ml of blood can be lost, which involves a monthly loss of 15-30 mg (269-537 micromol) iron; (Ii) during pregnancy the fetus, placenta, in addition to loss during parturition drain the mother of over 500 mg (9 mmol) iron, which would certainly require an increase inside the daily absorption by 2 mg (36 micromol); in addition to (iii) during lactation, there can be yet another daily loss of 1.5 mg (27 micromol) iron. Owing to such losses, women - even in Western countries-have low iron stores.


    Anemia are the most common in addition to widespread nutrition problems. A vast majority of cases are due to iron deficiency. On a global basis, 2.15 billion persons are anemic or iron-deficient.

    Iron can be also utilized by the brain. Iron uptake can be maximum during rapid brain growth inside the fetus 15 Iron-deficient infants are below par in mental in addition to physical development. Iron intervention can reverse these development delays.

    A post-cricoid web can be often associated with iron deficiency; when followed up, some of these developed cancer in that will region. Lowered levels of intestinal disaccharidases occur with iron deficiency anemia; that will' can be corrected by oral iron supplement.

    Serum ferritin radioimmunoassay can be the most reliable test for iron-deficiency anemia. Little additional information can be gained by various other noninvasive tests.

    Iron - Benefits, Deficiency Symptoms in addition to Food Sources

    Major Causes Of Hair Loss In Men as well as Women

    20.03 0
    Major Causes Of Hair Loss In Men as well as Women

    During a cycle of hair growth, there can be little shedding. This specific can be absolutely a normal thing as well as a natural process. yet, for a large number of people, there can be unusually excessive hair fall. This specific finally leads to partial or total baldness. This specific can be a serious matter of which must be attended instantly. The problem needs immediate treatment. Before moving towards the solution just for This specific embarrassing disturbance, This specific can be necessary to have a deep insight of what actually causes This specific.


    Experts reveal of which the most common of all causes of hair loss among women as well as men can be their genetic makeup. However much of the details are not known yet. This specific can be fully understood right now of which the gene for hair loss can be dominant in such people. This specific can be transferred either form mother or father. In people with inherited hair loss, the problem can be progressive. This specific continues to occur throughout years or for their entire life. For some, early twenties can be the age when they start experiencing This specific trouble. For others, This specific occurs later in life.

    Hormonal disturbance

    Any improvements in normal hormonal level in Centeng cause various syndromes. One of these can be hair loss. These are briefly described here:


    Overactive thyroid leads to thin damaged hair.


    Under-active thyroid can be also detrimental for hair growth. This specific makes them coarse as well as rough.

    Male as well as Female hormone imbalance:

    In women, if any imbalance in sex hormones of male as well as female occurs, This specific causes hair thinning as well as loss.


    This specific can be widely known of which pregnancy causes hormonal improvements of which ultimately lead to excessive hair loss. A large reserve of protein as well as calcium can be taken up by fetus so there can be a dearth of essential nutrients of which are beneficial for hair growth. This specific major transfer of nutrients leaves a woman severely deficient in hair food.


    Some women suffer through hair loss when they enter menopause phase. The main cause can be estrogen lack.

    Hormone Replacement Therapy:

    This specific can be often given to treat health problems as well as symptoms related to menopause. This specific mostly causes hair shedding in women.


    A diet deficient in essential nutrients necessary for hair growth leads to baldness. Although, a poor dietary intake can be not directly related to This specific problem yet, This specific has serious implications upon the growth as well as health of the hair. People who are deprived of proteins, biotin, vitamin A as well as different important vitamins or minerals for a considerably longer time are more likely to face such problems, as compared to those who take a well-balanced diet.


    Several diseases such as diabetes, psoriasis, lupus, dermatitis, hepatitis as well as breast cancer are also a causative factor for loss of hair.


    Ringworm fungus makes scalp infectious in children. This specific also causes weakening of hair shaft as well as patches all over scalp.


    Anticoagulants or blood thinners, overdose of vitamin A, anti-depressant drugs, contraceptive pills as well as gout-treatment medicines can cause hair loss.

    In order to treat hair loss, its causes must be clearly understood with no ambiguities as well as myths. When the main factor can be confirmed, its cure can be more effective as well as focused.

    Major Causes Of Hair Loss In Men as well as Women