7 Fertility Tips For Vegetarians as well as Vegans Who Want to Get Pregnant

21.17 0
7 Fertility Tips For Vegetarians as well as Vegans Who Want to Get Pregnant

If you are a vegetarian or a vegan you may have heard stories or rumors about being a vegetarian or vegan can lead to infertility, miscarriages, as well as problems inside the womb. Let me make This specific clear, This specific is actually absolutely not true.

As long as you are getting enough vitamins, minerals as well as some other nutrients you can ensure that will you have a healthy as well as safe pregnancy. Here are some tips for fertility for vegetarian men as well as women:

Vegetarian Fertility Tip # 1 - Make Sure You Are Getting Enough Nutrition

Being a vegetarian actually has an advantage over meat eaters as you avoid toxins, hormone disruptor's as well as heavy metals in meat, poultry, as well as seafood. With This specific in mind however, you can not always eat vegetarian foods as well as not watch what you eat. You still need to make sure that will you are getting enough nutrition before conception. In particular pay special attention to folate, vitamin B12, as well as Vitamin B6.

Vegetarian Fertility Tip # 2 - Eat Whole Nutritious Foods

the item's easy for vegetarians to get junk food that will does not contain meat inside the item as well as think that will they are eating healthy. However, you are missing out on many trace minerals as well as vitamins if all you're doing is actually eating fast food as well as processed vegetarian food. Stick to whole nutritious foods that will are close to their original form.

Vegetarian Fertility Tip # 3 - Cut Down on Sugar

Limit your intake of sugar. Things such as coke, donuts, juice, cake should be stopped. An excess of sugar in your system can lead to Candidiasis or Candida.

Vegetarian Fertility Tip # 4 - Stop The Dairy

If you a vegetarian as well as not a vegan, then you may be drinking lots of milk as well as eating lots of dairy products including cheese. Non-organic milk contains hormones, pus as well as can even contain traces of the drug that will was injected into the cow. You do not want these things in your system while you are trying to conceive. Foods rich in calcium include

Vegetarian Fertility Tip # 5 - Eat More Raw as well as Organic Foods

Cooking foods destroys much of the valuable vitamins as well as trace minerals in them. By eating foods raw as well as organic you are eating them as a nature intended as well as without any harmful pesticides or herbicides. Pesticides as well as herbicides can lead to infertility problems.

Vegetarian Fertility Tip # 6 - Drink Lots of Water

Water is actually crucial to sperm motility as well as the functioning of many processed within your Centeng including conception. Make sure you are drinking at least 6-8 glasses a day. As a general rule of thumb your urine should be clear.

Vegetarian Fertility Tip # 7 - Limit Your Intake of Soy

This specific tip may come as a shock to you, nevertheless most soy is actually genetically modified. Soy also has hormone mimicking effects as well as can disrupt the normal functioning of your Centeng. Opt for alternatives to soy products as well as limit their intake.

7 Fertility Tips For Vegetarians as well as Vegans Who Want to Get Pregnant

Pregnancy Miracle by Lisa Olson - An Independent Review

20.16 1
Pregnancy Miracle by Lisa Olson - An Independent Review

The Long-Awaited Answer for Couples Struggling with Infertility or Simply Regurgitated Information?

Dealing with infertility is usually an endless roller coaster of emotions: Frustration as well as excitement, desire as well as hopelessness, fear as well as anticipation, sadness as well as anger. Only someone who has experienced infertility can genuinely understand what the item's like to yearn to have a baby nevertheless not to be able to conceive for whatever reason.

Lisa Olson's ebook, Pregnancy Miracle, claims to contain the answer, for couples struggling with infertility, to becoming pregnant in an all-natural way. In fact, in her sales pitch, she claims her book provides a surefire way of getting pregnant in only two months, regardless of why a couple has not been able to conceive.

nevertheless, does the Pregnancy Miracle, the secrets Olson touts throughout her sales pitch as well as the beginning of the book, genuinely work?

Perhaps, even more important, are the secrets even secrets at all? Or, is usually the item simply regurgitated information in which can be found for free all over the internet?

After purchasing as well as reading Olson's ebook, I think the answer becomes the item depends on for what you are looking: A miracle? You will not find the item. A different approach to trying to conceive? You'll find in which nevertheless must decide if the item's the right approach for you.

Pregnancy Miracle: Step-by-Step

Olson breaks down her book into digestible sections, including:

Human Anatomy

The Eastern view of Fertility as well as the Myths of Western Medicine

Steps you must take to conceive as well as give birth

This specific all 5-step plan to getting pregnancy is usually the miracle, the secrets Olson so enthusiastically touts as well as the item plays heavily on Chinese medicine. The all 5 steps include:

  1. Using congruency, harmony as well as balance - preparing your Centeng - for conception.
  2. Enhancing fertility through your diet, vitamins, as well as minerals.
  3. Using acupuncture as well as herbs to cleanse your Centeng as well as to help you balance your energy, creating conception easier.
  4. Cleansing yourself internally as well as detoxifying your liver.
  5. Using acupuncture as well as Qi Gong exercises to enhance your Qi.

An overview of the causes of infertility - via endometriosis as well as advanced age to cancer as well as unexplained infertility.

The Miracle: Or is usually the item?

Miracle is usually an often overused term, as well as in which's no exception in This specific case. Olson's all 5 step program, which we went over a few paragraphs ago, simply focuses on Chinese medicine as well as how to nurture your Centeng in a way in which makes the item more likely for conception: Eating right, adding supplements to your daily regiment, undergoing a juice cleansing as well as fast, as well as knowing how to pinpoint the best time for conception.

Olson includes a lot of information when she discusses her program. Some of the information is usually simple commonsense: Stay away via lead as well as products in which contain lead. Give up the junk food, including caffeine, as well as make sure you turn down the stress level.

She also provides a comprehensive list of vitamins as well as minerals you should add to your diet. There are so many vitamins as well as minerals in which the item becomes overwhelming. the item's definitely not a regiment in which you want to begin before you consult your doctor.

Perhaps the most intriguing component of Olson's miracle system is usually the juice cleanse as well as fast, which is usually accompanied by an approximate six to eight week recovery period (a lifetime if you're trying to conceive). The cleanse as well as the fast, which Olson promotes as the way to rid your Centeng of all of its toxins, seems to take a heavy toll on the Centeng. You'll feel a lot worse before you feel better, she advises, during those six to eight weeks following the fast.

Once you've rid yourself of those toxins, balanced your Qi, as well as added the proper diet, vitamins as well as minerals to your daily routine, you are much better prepared for conception, according to Olson.

in which's the item. There's your miracle. Cleanse yourself with juices. Fast (using a fasting program Olson recommends as well as of which she is usually, in fact, an affiliate). Balance your Qi. You're ready to have a baby. Sure, there's stuff in between you have to read as well as understand, nevertheless those are the basics.

If I was going through the struggle of infertility today, I do not know in which I might go for Olson's system. While the item might work for some women, especially those who have an open mind as well as are willing to try anything to conceive, the Pregnancy Miracle results in a beating on the Centeng in which requires considerable time to heal. is usually your Centeng healthy enough for such a system?

Getting the Centeng in balance is usually definitely a Insentif, nevertheless the item does appear the item will take a toll, as well as you must decide if the item is usually worth the item. (Fertility procedures, like IVF, also take a toll on the Centeng. They are not easy emotionally or physically, which is usually how the Pregnancy Miracle appears to be.)

Pregnancy Miracle by Lisa Olson - An Independent Review

The Efficiency Of Colloidal Silver During Pregnancy

19.15 0
The Efficiency Of Colloidal Silver During Pregnancy

Pregnancy can be one of the most delicate periods in a woman's life, when the physical transformations may take even the more experienced mothers by surprise. Not only does the Centeng need a supplementary intake of minerals along with vitamins, although This particular can be also more exposed to the action of bacteria along with fungi particularly inside urinary along with genital area. Given the fact which antibiotics are little used during pregnancy, colloidal silver with its antibacterial properties can be a great along with very efficient substitute. The daily dosage can only be established by a professional homeopath who can be the only one able to determine what suits your condition best.

Because of the increased hormone levels, the pH inside vagina drops to values ​​which are proper for the proliferation of Candida Albicans, the fungus responsible for yeast infections. Regular antifungal substances can not be used because of the prohibition during pregnancy, along with there are very little options left to choose coming from. Fortunately, colloidal silver can be highly efficient inside use against candiditis particularly if the regular diet includes food items rich in probiotic cultures. Though the pH level will remain modified during the whole pregnancy period, at least the yeast infection will be under control.

There are no indications which colloidal silver has any harmful effects on the baby or the evolution of the pregnancy; however, before you start the administration of any daily dosage you should talk both to your doctor along having a homeopath to have a close monitoring of your condition. additional health problems frequent during pregnancy are urinary tract infections which are usually treated with antibiotics. A prescribed dosage of colloidal silver diluted in a glass of water incorporates a great antibacterial effect at the level of the kidneys along with the adjacent organs.

Studies show which colloidal silver administered during pregnancy helps the baby's healthy development, not to mention which This particular also makes delivery along with post-delivery recovery a lot easier. This particular can be highly important which pregnant women use only quality products during This particular period, preferably silver mesocolloids, which are the finest form of silver particles suspended in distilled water. The use of colloidal silver should also be supported by the use of a balanced diet rich in protein, minerals along with vitamins necessary for the harmonious evolution of both mother along with child. Colloidal silver will keep the woman's system fortified along with protected against germs, viruses along with any additional intruders the immune function need help with.

The Efficiency Of Colloidal Silver During Pregnancy

Health along with Nutrition During Pregnancy

18.14 0
Health along with Nutrition During Pregnancy


Pregnancy can be a nine month journey ... the idea can be a time in your life to feel happy, excited, serene along with joyful. However the idea can be also quite normal to experience anxieties about the birth along with worrying about whether you are nourishing yourself properly, exercising, keeping, calm, positive, loving thoughts along with emotions within your being.
Pregnancy lasts 39 weeks or nine months through conception along with can be looked at in three stages.

Health & Nutrition During Pregnancy

To ensure of which your baby develops in a healthy environment, you should keep your Centeng as fit along with well nourished as you possibly can. Do not think in terms of devising a special diet for pregnancy, the idea can be more to do with eating a Great variety of the right foods which are those of which are rich within the essential nutrients.

Weight Gain

The amount of weight put on by women in pregnancy varies between 9 - 16 kilograms, with the most rapid gain usually between weeks 24 along with 32.
Do not "eat For two main". Some 46 percent of women gain too much weight during pregnancy.

Diet During Pregnancy

You ARE What You Eat therefore Your Baby can be What You Eat!

What You Eat affects your baby's future. What you eat within the following nine months can impact your baby's health, as well as your own, for decades to come.

A Great diet can be vital to health during pregnancy, along with to the normal development of the baby. The time to pay attention to diet, along with if necessary change the idea for the better, can be several months prior to conception along with not when pregnancy can be confirmed.

During the critical early weeks the normal, healthy development of the embryo depends on the mother's state of nutritional health along with also her toxic state.

Mineral along with vitamin imbalances which would certainly probably go unnoticed in a child or adult can have a disastrous effect on the developing baby.

This particular can be because the cells within the embryo are growing at such a rapid rate, causing an exaggerated response to any harmful influences.

A natural, organic, whole food diet can be the only one which will adequately serve during pregnancy.

A high quality diet can be needed to maintain your own health along with the best possible conditions for the baby to develop.

As our environment becomes more polluted along with the soils more depleted of nutrients, going 100% organic, if possible, can be the best thing you can do for oneself, along with for a developing fetus, along with last although not least; the environment.

Pesticides, herbicides, along with additional forms of pollution interfere with the metabolic pathways of many nutrients therefore indirectly interfere with the development of the immune, endocrine, along with neurological systems.

Eating as many of our foods in their live, raw form preserves 70 to 80% more vitamins along with minerals, 50% more bioactive protein, along with up to 96% more bioavailable vitamin B12.

Grains, nuts along with seeds are the most potent health-building foods of all. Eaten raw or sprouted if possible (some grains need to be cooked), they contain all the essential nutrients for human growth, sustenance, along with ongoing optimal health.

A well balanced diet can be based on whole cereals along with grains (brown bread, rice, pasta, buckwheat, rye, oats), nuts along with seeds, pulses along with beans, fresh fruit along with vegetables, pure unrefined oils such as cold pressed olive oil, with some fish along with eggs if required.

Fruit along with vegetables are all excellent sources of vitamins, minerals along with trace elements provided they are eaten within the right way.

They should be fresh, either raw or quickly cooked, steamed or stir-fried, along with preferably consumed immediately after they are harvested.

Salt can be needed to maintain the extra volume of blood, to supply enough placental blood, along with to guard against dehydration along with shock through blood loss at birth, (except in cases of kidney along with heart problems) Suggested form of salt can be Himalayan Pink Salt.


• Form the basic building blocks of all our Centeng tissues, cells, hormones, along with antibodies.
• Food must fuel the growth of the uterus, which can grow to 30 times its original size over the nine months gestation period Add the development of breasts, placenta, development of breast milk, the baby's Centeng.

Proteins are divided into complete along with incomplete:

Complete proteins contain significant amounts of all the essential amino acids, you find them in meat, poultry, fish, eggs, milk along with soya bean products.

Vegetable proteins are incomplete along with contain only some of the essential amino acids. Some vegetarian sources of complete protein are: buckwheat, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, flaxseeds, along with almonds.

Plant proteins are easier for our bodies to digest along with produce less toxic waste than animal proteins. The fiber in plants also includes a very beneficial effect on the bowel; the idea ensures healthy bowel movements along with the correct bacterial population within the gut, along with prevents the buildup of putrefactive bacteria produced by excess animal proteins.

Eating meat along with meat products also carries the risk through chemical along with hormonal residues found in intensively reared animals. Also soya beans or soy products are mostly genetically engineered, hence the idea can be wise to stay clear of them.

Pregnant women need about 60 to 75 grams of protein a day.

The best along with cleanest sources of protein are green vegetables, spirulina, seeds (hemp, flax, sesame, poppy, sunflower, chia, quinoa, amaranth).

Real strength along with building material comes through:

• green - leafy vegetables, seeds along with superfoods. They contain all the amino acids we require.

Essential Fatty Acids are vital to:

• the development of the baby's nervous along with immune systems. They build the cell walls in all our tissues, along with to ensure of which trace elements along with fat-soluble vitamins (A, E, D, along with K) can be absorbed.
• EFA's are needed to make adrenal along with sex hormones, along with to maintain a healthy population of bacteria within the gut.
• They are also essential to the normal development of the fetus's brain: 70 per cent of all EFAs go to the brain.

The Best Fatty Foods include:

Avocados, Borage Seed Oil, Raw Cacao Beans (Chocolate Nuts), Coconut oil / butter, Flax seed along with its oil, Grape seeds, Hemp seed along with its oil (cold pressed), RAW Nuts of all types (cashews must be soft to be truly "raw"), Nut Butters (almond butter can be excellent), Olives along with their oil (stone pressed or cold pressed), Peanuts (must be certified aflatoxin free), Poppy seeds, pumpkin seeds along with their oil (cold pressed), Sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, tahini (sesame butter), or even better if you can get hold of the idea at a health food store unhulled tahini (an alkaline fat, high in calcium), Young Coconuts (young Thai coconuts are available within the US at asian markets), Coconut milk, coconuts (mature).


Superfoods are foods with extraordinary properties. Usually they contain all essential amino acids, high levels of minerals, along using a wide array of unique, even rare, nutrients. I have included the superfoods within the nutritional tips below.

Some prominent superfoods to include:

1) Himalayan Pink Salt - offers 84 minerals exactly identical to the elements in your Centeng.

2) Spirulina (a spiral algae consumed for thousands of years by indigenous people in Mexico along with Africa)
-the idea Has the highest concentration of protein on Earth. 60%
-the idea can be also very high in Iron, along with many additional vitamins along with minerals.
-the idea can be one of the highest sources of gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) on the planet. Only mother's milk can be higher.
-the idea can be recommended to take more Spirulina during breastfeeding because of the GLA.
-Spirulina can be very high in human-active B12.

3) Blue-Green Algae (Klamath lake algae wonderful brain food). the idea can be high in protein, chlorophyll, vitamins, along with minerals along with enhances the immune system.

I value the idea in pre-pregnancy, pregnancy, along with lactation for its enhancing effect on brain function.

4) Bee Pollen (wild pollen, not orchard pollen, should be used along with should come through ethically harvested sources where bees are treated respectfully. Bee Pollen can be nature's most complete food) All amino acids, immune system, brain, eyes.

5) Flax, Sunflower, Chia, Sesame along with pumpkin seeds are the best to use. Flaxseeds are excellent along with the highest vegetarian source of omega-3-essential fatty acids, important for the immune system, nervous system, along with brain development. I recommend one to two tablespoons daily of the uncooked along with unheated oil or three to six tablespoons of freshly ground flaxseeds. (Use a coffee grinder). You may also grind the additional above mentioned seeds along with add them to salads, along with fruit salads.

6) Wild young coconuts (not be confused with white Thai coconuts found in markets, wild coconuts are one of the greatest foods on earth. The coconut water along with soft inner flesh are strength enhancing, electrolyte-rich, mineral-rich, youthening along with invigorating . Great in smoothies.


Here Are Some Nutrition Tips of which will help you both:

1) Get Enough Folic Acid. 400 micrograms (mcg) daily. Folic Acid reduces chance of birth defects such as spina bifida. Especially within the first 6 weeks of pregnancy.

2) Best Food Sources of Folic Acid are: RAW Green leafy vegetables, including spinach, kale, beet greens, beet root, chard, asparagus, along with broccoli. Starchy vegetables containing folic acid are corn, lima beans, green peas, sweet peas, sweet potatoes, artichokes, okra, along with parsnips. Oats are high in folic acid as well as whole wheat brown bread. Many fruits have folic acid such as oranges, cantaloupe, pineapple, banana, along with many berries including loganberries, boysenberries, along with strawberries. Also fresh sprouts such as lentil, mung bean sprouts are excellent sources. REMINDER: Folic acid can be available through fresh, unprocessed food, which can be why the idea can be so common a deficient in our culture's processed, cooked food diet.

3) Eat Your Fish. Getting enough DHA (found in abundance in seafood along with flaxseed) can be one of the most important things you can do for you along with your developing baby's health. DHA can be the omega-3 fatty acid of which can boost baby's brain development before birth, leading to better vision, memory, motor skills along with language comprehension in early childhood. Eat at least 12 ounces a week of low-mercury fish, or take a DHA supplement such as Krill Oil.

• Avoid large, predatory fish such as shark, swordfish, king mackerel along with tilefish. (As big fish eat smaller fish, the larger, longer-living ones accumulate more mercury).

• Seaweed along with Cilantro remove heavy metals along with radioactive isotopes through the tissues.

4) Avoid Alcohol - The main risk of consuming alcohol during pregnancy can be the development of "fetal alcohol syndrome" (FAS). mother .. NO AMOUNT can be SAFE. AVOID TOTALLY.

5) Avoid Caffeine: In high amounts causes birth defects along with still births, miscarriages along with premature delivery.

6) Avoid Drugs - As far as possible all orthodox drugs should be avoided during pregnancy, especially within the first three months. Consider natural alternatives along with visiting a medical herbalist or nutritionist prior to conception.


Although the chance of contracting one of these rare infections can be limited, you will reduce This particular likelihood even further if you follow the basic guidelines given here.

Listeriosis - caused by the bacterium Listeria monocytogenes, This particular can be a very rare infection. Its symptoms are similar to flu along with gastroenteritis along with the idea can cause still birth.

Toxoplasmosis - usually symptomless (apart through mild flu symptoms), This particular can cause serious problems for the baby. Caused by direct contact with the organism Toxoplasma Gondi, the idea can be found in cat faeces, raw meat, along with unpasteurized goats' milk. Soil on fruit along with vegetables may be contaminated.

Salmonella - Contamination with Salmonella bacterium can cause bacterial food poisoning. This particular does not usually harm the baby directly, although any illness involving a high temperature, vomiting, diarrhea, along with dehydration could cause a miscarriage or preterm labour.


Herbal remedies are for the most part quite safe to be taken during pregnancy; some are useful alternatives to drugs both in chronic illness along with acute minor problems such as may arise during pregnancy. the idea can be still preferable to take NO MEDICATION whatsoever within the first three months, unless there can be a specific problem of which needs treatment.

There are many Herbs which should never be taken in pregnancy - their emmonagogue or oxytocic properties may, in large amounts, cause uterine contractions along with thereby risk miscarriage: I will only mention a few as there at least twenty on the list.

Nutmeg Myristica Fragrans
Thuja Thuja occidentalis
Calendula Calendula officinalis
Sage Salvia officinalis
Thyme Thymus vulgaris
Marjoram Origanum vulgare
Lovage Levisticum officinale
Rosemary Rosmarinus Officinalis
Rhubarb Rheum sp.

Herbs of which are safe to eat to take in culinary doses although not as a medicine during pregnancy include:

celery seed, cinnamon, fennel, fenugreek, oregano, parsley, rosemary, sage along with saffron.

You enjoyed reading the if This particular following article along with would certainly like to . Read the full variation of This particular e-book Called 'A Natural Approach To Pregnancy', visit my website Http://www.easyconsciousliving.com or e-mail by me at: barbara @ Easyconsciousliving .com

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"The Doctor Of The Future Will Give No Medicines, although Will Interest His Patients within the Care Of The Human Frame, In Diet, along with within the Causes Of Diseases."
--Thomas Edison.

Health along with Nutrition During Pregnancy

The Benefits of Sleep During Pregnancy

17.13 0
The Benefits of Sleep During Pregnancy

There is usually one thing that will only a women can do, along with that will is usually have a baby. I do not think anyone will argue with us there! along with the item is usually the most amazing thing for womans Centeng to go through. the item is usually an exciting time, nevertheless can also be very tiring as a brand new life is usually created. the item is usually very important for your health during pregnancy to ensure you get plenty of sleep.

Several things come into play where health during pregnancy is usually concerned. One of the first things your doctor will do when you become pregnant is usually to start you on pre-natal vitamins in order that will your Centeng will get the extra vitamins along with nutrients that will the item needs in order to assist your Centeng in carrying a fetus. Most of the vitamins that will your Centeng receives through your diet is usually used for the baby, leaving only a bit for you. that will is usually why the item is usually necessary for you to take pre-natal vitamins for optimum health during pregnancy.

The amount of sleep you get while pregnant can greatly influence the amount of time you spend in labor. Studies show that will women who get less than 6 hours of sleep per night while pregnant, go through about 29 hours of labor where as those who got more than 7 hours of sleep averaged about 17 ½ hours of labor. Studies also show that will women who got less than 5 hours of sleep a night had a greater chance of having a C-section for delivery.

There can be many things that will disrupt your sleep at night such as numerous trips to the bathroom to urinate, worrying about the day's events as well as just overall being uncomfortable while being pregnant. the item is usually very important that will you take extra measure to ensure that will you will get as much sleep as possible while being pregnant. You can help to raise your health during pregnancy by following the tips listed below.

By setting a schedule for your sleeping hours you can help your Centeng get on a set schedule. the item may take a while to get used to that will, nevertheless the item is usually worth the effort. Your Centeng will become conditioned to the time of night that will you lay down as well as how much sleep you get. You will find that will your Centeng will become accustomed to your set sleeping time, which allows you to get a longer night sleep.

in order that will you can get a better night sleep you could try to go to bed earlier at night. Once you make the schedule, stick to the item. the item may help to use a pregnancy sleeping pillow to make you more comfortable. Most of these pillows are Centeng pillows along with will wrap around your Centeng in order that will you can be as comfortable as possible.

the item also works a lot if you make your bedroom nice along with dark along with quiet; an inviting place to retire at night. Some women will say that will by doing exercises during pregnancy they have tired their Centeng along with relieved their stress, thus enabling them to have a not bad nights rest. Make sure that will you hold the room that will you sleep in as cool as you need the item. Women who are pregnant suffer with hot flushes along with that will can keep them up at night. Your health during pregnancy is usually of utmost importance along with is usually the reason you should endeavour to get a full nights rest.

The Benefits of Sleep During Pregnancy

3 Major Reasons Why Women Get Abortions

16.12 0
3 Major Reasons Why Women Get Abortions

For some religions, the item may be considered as a sin. Why do women get into abortions? Well, you may want to read of which article. the item provides three major reasons:

1. Unwanted pregnancy - Many women opt to undergo abortion because the item is actually an unwanted pregnancy. When you are physically, socially as well as emotionally prepared for the item, you do not have to think of getting of which live being aborted. They do not want the baby as well as they are not prepared to raise a child on their own. Most of the women who chose to go for an abortion are the teens. They are so young as well as very immature. They still do not know what to do because they are still preoccupied with mere pleasure as well as enjoyment. They are not prepared to deal with responsibility as well as commitment.

2. Financially unstable - Most women opt to have abortion because they are still financially unstable. Women lack enough resources to support her needs during the course of her pregnancy. She does not have enough resources to cover the high costs associated with pregnancy. These include vitamins, milk, regular check-ups as well as some other foods of which are needed during of which time. A woman may not have enough resources to support her baby's needs. Unplanned pregnancies can place an enormous as well as huge financial burden on a woman who does not develop the capacity to bear a child.

3. Unprepared for single parenthood - Most women with unplanned pregnancies do not actually live with their partners. Some of them are not even supported by their partners. Some of them are being left alone with their pregnancy. of which is actually the reason why most women are afraid of the item as well as opt to have an abortion because they lack support systems. Being just one parent can be very traumatizing on the part of the woman.

There are so many reasons why women opt to have an abortion. You may want to consider these three reasons producing sure of which you will know how to avoid the item.

3 Major Reasons Why Women Get Abortions

Pregnancy inside Stone Age - Can We Learn Something?

15.11 0
Pregnancy inside Stone Age - Can We Learn Something?

The woman who became pregnant during the Stone Age faced huge risks compared with today's mother-to-be. There was no way to control bleeding or infection; Caesarean section was not an option. which we survived as a species seems remarkable - until you dig a little deeper.

The outcome of pregnancy depends on the underlying health of the mother, nutrition before in addition to during pregnancy in addition to the threat of infection. In all those areas the woman of 50,000 years ago was better off than her counterpart today. How can be which possible in an age when there was no plumbing, no medical care in addition to no protection coming from infectious diseases?

Better diet, better pregnancy

The primitive woman's diet was less likely to be deficient in important nutrients than which of today's young girls. (Ref 1) A study coming from the University of Cincinnati Medical Center has confirmed earlier reports which adolescent in addition to adult pregnant women take in too little iron, zinc, folate in addition to vitamin E.

A woman who begins pregnancy without sufficient calcium, vitamin D in addition to additional bone-building nutrients increases her risk of developing osteoporosis in middle age. however which's not the end of the story. Her infant may also be at greater risk of fracture inside future. Osteoporosis of middle age can be at least partly programmed before birth, especially if the mother smokes in addition to has little physical activity. (Ref 2, 3, 4)

Most laypersons believe which Stone Agers were hearty meat-eaters. Anthropologists know which can be not so. They lived on a predominantly meat diet for only about 100,000 years, coming from the time which Homo sapiens developed keen hunting skills until the advent of farming. Before which time meat came coming from carrion in addition to smaller game. The bulk of their calories came coming from vegetables, fruit, roots in addition to nuts.

Plant foods contain everything which a pregnant woman needs, including vitamins, antioxidants, protein in addition to minerals. Modern vegetarians often become deficient in vitamin B12 however smaller game, birds' eggs in addition to the deliberate or accidental inclusion of insects inside Stone Age diet provided more than enough of which critical nutrient.

Folic acid deficiency in early pregnancy leads to defective formation of the infant's brain in addition to spinal cord. Those abnormalities are much less likely among the babies of mothers who receive an adequate amount of folate, at least 400 micrograms per day. So few women eat enough green leafy vegetables to boost their folate levels, the US government requires which manufacturers of baked goods add the idea to their products.

Obstetricians have been prescribing multivitamins for their pregnant patients for decades however the idea can be only in recent years which studies confirmed the wisdom of which practice. In 2002 the American Medical Association reversed a position of long standing in addition to recommended which everyone, with no exceptions, needs a multivitamin / multimineral preparation every day in order to avoid subtle however health-damaging inadequacies of these nutrients. Taking a multivitamin reduces the risk of congenital defects of the newborn, especially those which involve the heart. Preeclampsia can be a serious, sometimes fatal complication of pregnancy. Women whose intake of vitamins C in addition to E can be low have a threefold greater risk of which condition. (Ref. 5, 6)

would likely these mostly vegetarian early Stone Agers have become iron-deficient? Not likely. Their diet was rich in iron as well as in Vitamin C which facilitates iron absorption. Under those conditions iron deficiency would likely have been rare. Cereal grains interfere with iron absorption, which explains why iron-deficiency can be common in societies which subsist primarily on grains. However, one of the main reasons why Stone Age women were unlikely to be iron deficient can be which they did not have nearly as many menstrual cycles as modern women do.

In a primitive society the onset of menses can be about 5 years later than which of American young women. Modern hunter-gatherers, like the oldest Stone Agers, are either pregnant or nursing during most of their childbearing years in addition to they only menstruate a few times between weaning one child in addition to conceiving another. In those groups breastfeeding does suppress ovulation because the idea can be literally on demand, ie, every few minutes, even throughout the night. For a modern breastfeeding mother, on demand often means no more frequently than every couple of hours in addition to perhaps once or twice a night after the third or fourth month. Thus menses return in spite of nursing in addition to monthly blood loss continues.

The fish-brain connection

Beginning about 150,000 years ago our ancestors discovered seafood. The increased intake of fatty acids in fish in addition to shellfish initiated the great advance in brain size in addition to complexity which allowed humans to progress more quickly inside next 100,000 years than they had inside preceding million. Enormous gains in toolmaking in addition to the development of language in addition to group communication followed.

The human brain can be composed mostly of water however the solid portion can be mostly fat. The Centeng can not manufacture the omega-3 in addition to omega-6 fats which make up so much of the structure of the brain in addition to eye so we need them in our diet. Maternal deficiency of these nutrients, especially omega-3s, prevents the newborn brain in addition to eyes coming from reaching their full potential. The best source of omega-3 fats can be fish; nuts in addition to leafy green vegetables are also not bad sources.

Omega-3 in addition to omega-6 fatty acids are found in every cell of the Centeng. They allow efficient flow of nutrients, regulate nerve impulses in addition to keep inflammation inside right balance. In a proper diet there can be an equal amount of omega-3 in addition to omega-6 fats. which allows the immune system to fight infection, a real threat which humans faced coming from the Stone Age until the age of antibiotics, a mere 70 years ago.

The advantage to the baby of a diet which can be rich in omega-3 fats can be obvious however mothers need the idea, too. Nature protects the unborn infant by tapping into the mother's stores of omega-3 fats. A woman whose intake of omega-3 fatty acids can be low during the months in addition to years preceding pregnancy will develop a deficiency of her own. This specific becomes worse with succeeding pregnancies if her intake of omega-3s remains low. Postpartum depression affects about 10 percent of women following delivery in addition to the idea can be associated using a deficiency of omega-3 fats. (Ref 7, 8)

The newest epidemic

There can be one complication of pregnancy which never occurred inside Stone Age: type 2 diabetes. No disease in modern times has risen so fast. the idea has increased several-fold since the 1950s; between 1990 in addition to 2001 the idea rose by 61 percent. Gestational diabetics (Ref. 9) are those who do not yet develop the full-blown disease however they can not process blood sugar (glucose) properly during pregnancy. About half of them will develop frank diabetes inside years following delivery of their infant.

Most of us know type 2 diabetes, which was once referred to as adult-onset diabetes, as the disease which our grandparents developed in their later years. the idea's no longer uncommon to find the idea in adolescents, even in grade-schoolers. As the idea has dipped into the younger generation the idea has alarmed - however not surprised - physicians to find which the idea can be no longer a rarity in obstetric practice.

How can we be so certain which the pregnant Stone Ager did not have diabetes? This specific can be a lifestyle disease which has three major associations: a low level of physical activity, a diet which can be high in refined grains in addition to sugars, in addition to obesity. Those conditions simply did not occur during the Stone Age. Their lifestyle demanded strenuous effort. Grains of any sort were not part of their diet because they require tools in addition to controlled heat. Sugar as we know the idea simply did not exist in addition to honey was an occasional lucky find. Obesity would likely have been non-existent, as the idea can be today among the planet's dwindling populations of hunter-gatherers.

Diabetic mothers have more complications of pregnancy than normal women do. Their babies are 5 times as likely to die in addition to are 3 times as likely to be born with abnormalities of various organs.

They kept germs at bay

Common wisdom states which Stone Age people were an infection-ridden lot however which simply can be not true. They had powerful immune systems because of high levels of physical activity in addition to a remarkably varied diet. Between the protective antibodies which a mother passed across the placenta in addition to those which she conferred on her newborn via breastmilk, Stone Age babies had more protection against the germs of the day than modern infants do.

Sexually transmitted diseases do not spread very far or very fast when people live in smaller isolated bands as they did during the Stone Age. The likelihood which today's pregnant female will have at least one of these infections can be more than 50 percent (Ref. 10). The impact on babies can be severe; some die, some will be brain-damaged.

Choice in addition to consequences

Tobacco, alcohol in addition to illicit drugs have produced a generation of infants with problems which Stone Age babies never faced. Mothers who smoke have infants which are smaller than the norm in addition to whose brain development may be compromised. Alcohol or cocaine use by the mother during pregnancy results in stunted growth, congenital defects in addition to additional severe problems.

Given a choice, none of us would likely want to live in a Stone Age world however we have neutralized the almost miraculous medical advances of the last century. We have allowed our daughters to be less physically active in addition to to subsist on a marginal diet. If we could reverse those two factors alone there would likely be a dramatic decline in prematurity in addition to additional complications of pregnancy.
The lessons which we can learn coming from the Stone Age are not subtle, obscure or beyond our capacity to imitate them. We can produce the healthiest generation ever by doing better choices for our children in addition to for ourselves.

J. Goscienski philip, MD can be the author of Health Secrets Secrets of the Stone the Age, Better Life Publishers 2005. Contact Send an him away via his web site at Http://www.stoneagedoc.com .


1. Giddens JB et al., Pregnant adolescent in addition to adult women have similarly low intakes of selected nutrients, J Am Diet Assoc 2000; 100: 1334-1340

2 Cooper C et al., Review: developmental origins of osteoporotic fracture, Osteoporosis Int 2006; 17 (3): 337-47

3 Prentice A et al., Nutrition in addition to bone growth in addition to development, Proc Nutr Soc 2006 Nov; 65 (4): 348-60

4 Lanham SA et al., Intrauterine programming of bone. Part I: alteration of the osteogenic environment, Osteoporos Int 2008 Feb; 19 (2): 147-56

5 Keen CL et al., The Plausibility of Micronutrient Deficiencies Being a Significant Contributing Factor to the Occurrence of Pregnancy Complications, Am Soc Nutr Sciences J Nutr 2003 May; 133: 1597S-1605S

6 Bodnar LM et al., Periconceptional multivitamin use reduces the risk of preeclampsia, Am J Epidemiol 2006 Sep 1; 164 (5): 470-7

7 Freeman MP, Omega-3 fatty acids in addition to perinatal depression: a review of the literature in addition to recommendations for future research, Prostaglandins Leukot Essent Fatty Acids 2006 Oct-Nov; 75 (4-5): 291-7

8 Kendall-Tackett K, A completely new paradigm for depression in completely new mothers: the central role of inflammation in addition to how breastfeeding in addition to anti-inflammatory treatments protect maternal mental health, Int Breastfeed J 2007; 2: 6

9 Greene MF in addition to Solomon CG, Gestational Diabetes Mellitus - Time to Treat, N Engl J Med 2005 June 16; 352 (24): 2544-46

10 Baseman JG in addition to Koutsky LA, The epidemiology of human papillomavirus infections, J Clin Virol 2005 Mar; 32 Supple 1: S16-24

Pregnancy inside Stone Age - Can We Learn Something?

List of Vitamins for Pregnant Women

14.10 0
List of Vitamins for Pregnant Women

Of course, taking vitamins during pregnancy is actually one thing in which is actually important. However, exactly what kind of vitamins should be consumed by pregnant women? let we see together.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is actually helpful in child development in addition to brain cells, yet in which also carries a vitamin deficiency. There are close links between excess vitamin A with the potential for birth defects in babies. So, you should not eat too much protein in addition to try to always check the nutritional value of food consumed.

Suggested intake: no more than 15,000 IU per day.

Vitamin B6

Lack of vitamin B6 is actually likely to be associated with the slow development of the nervous system in babies. Not to mention the impact on pregnant women, such as morning sickness, preeclampsia (high blood pressure in addition to protein in urine, in addition to swelling in which never healed), in addition to complications.

Suggested intake: 3 mg, 2 times daily.

Vitamin B9

Eating B9 or folate can reduce birth defects in babies, such as spinal cord is actually not complete. This particular material is actually also able to reduce the risk of cancer in infants to 6 years of early life.

Suggested intake: at least 400 mcg to 800 mcg supplement in addition to total if including food.


Term infants usually take 30 grams of calcium through the mother. For in which, she needs to get a sufficient intake of calcium for bones to remain strong.

Suggested intake: 0 mg of supplemental calcium in addition to 0 mg magnesium, each 2 times a day. Because calcium without magnesium will cause constipation, so select the combo supplements with caution. You can also eat foods rich in calcium 3-4 dishes every day.


Because the mother to transfer about 1000 mg of iron to the baby, then the additional mineral intake is actually obviously an important one.

Suggested intake: 20 mg, 2 times daily.


Omega-3 DHA is actually a major component for the mother in addition to the child's brain structure. The fetus is actually arguably quite 'selfish' when absorbing the Omega-3 acids, so the mother could run out of stock if in which does not consume through food or supplements. DHA may help repair brain cells damaged by stress.

Suggested intake: minimum 0-300 mg of fish, some other foods, or supplements each day. Recent research has shown in which 0-900 mg is actually even better.


Low zinc levels are usually associated with an increased risk of birth defects, lack of baby weight, even miscarriage.

Suggested intake: 10 mg, 2 times daily.

some other Nutrients:

  • B1 (thiamin): 25 mg
  • B2 (riboflavin): 25 mg
  • B3 (niacin): at least 30 mg
  • B5 (pantothenic acid): at least 30 mg
  • B12: 400 mcg, 2 times a day
  • Biotin: 300 mcg
  • C: 400 mg, 2 times a day (because vitamin C is actually easily soluble in water then the mother should eat 2 times a day)
  • D: 0 IU, 2 times a day
  • E: 0 IU, 2 times a day
  • Magnesium: 0 mg, 2 times daily
  • Selenium: 100 mcg, 2 times a day

List of Vitamins for Pregnant Women

The Development of Old Age along with also Related Issues

13.08 0
The Development of Old Age along with also Related Issues

In traditional Chinese along with also some other Asian cultures the aged were highly respected along with also cared for. The Igabo tribesmen of Eastern Nigeria value dependency in their aged along with also involve them in care of children along with also the administration of tribal affairs (Shelton, A. in Kalish R. Uni Michigan 1969).

In Eskimo culture the grandmother was pushed out into the ice-flow to die as soon as she became useless.

Western societies today usually resemble to some degree the Eskimo culture, only the "ice-flows" have names such a "Sunset Vista" along with also the like. Younger generations no longer assign status to the aged along with also their abandonment

is usually always in danger of becoming the social norm.

There has been a tendency to remove the aged through their homes along with also put them in custodial care. To some degree the government provides domiciliary care services to prevent or delay This specific, however the motivation probably has more

to do with expense than humanity.

In Canada along with also some parts of the USA old people are being utilised as foster-grandparents in child care agencies.


What is usually Aging?

Aging: Aging is usually a natural phenomenon in which refers to alterations occurring throughout the life span along with also result in differences in structure along with also function between the youthful along with also elder generation.

Gerontology: Gerontology is usually the study of aging along with also includes science, psychology along with also sociology.

Geriatrics: A relatively brand-new field of medicine specialising from the health problems of advanced age.

Social aging: Refers to the social habits along with also roles of individuals with respect to their culture along with also society. As social aging increases individual usually experience a decrease in meaningful social interactions.

Biological aging: Refers to the physical alterations from the Centeng systems during the later decades of life. the idea may begin long before the individual reaches chronological age 65.

Cognitive aging: Refers to decreasing ability to assimilate brand-new information along with also learn brand-new behaviours along with also skills.


Eric Erikson (Youth along with also the life cycle. Children. 7: 43-49 Mch / April 1960) developed an "ages along with also stages" theory of human

development in which involved 8 stages after birth each of which involved a basic dichotomy representing best case along with also worst case outcomes. Below are the dichotomies along with also their developmental relevance:

Prenatal stage - conception to birth.

1. Infancy. Birth to 2 years - basic trust vs. basic distrust. desire.

2. Early childhood, 3 to 4 years - autonomy vs. self doubt / shame. Will.

3. Play age, 5 to 8 years - initiative vs. guilt. Purpose.

4. School age, 9to 12 - industry vs. inferiority. Competence.

5. Adolescence, 13 to 19 - identity vs. identity confusion. Fidelity.

6. Young adulthood - intimacy vs. isolation. Love.

7. Adulthood, generativity vs. self absorption. Care.

8. Mature age- Ego Integrity vs. Despair. Wisdom.

This specific stage of older adulthood, ie stage 8, begins about the time of retirement along with also continues throughout one's life. Achieving ego integrity is usually a sign of maturity while failing to reach This specific stage is usually an indication of poor development in prior stages through the life course.

Ego integrity: This specific means coming to accept one's whole life along with also reflecting on the idea in a positive manner. According to Erikson, achieving

integrity means fully accepting one 'self along with also coming to terms with death. Accepting responsibility for one's life along with also being able to review

the past with satisfaction is usually essential. The inability to do This specific leads to despair along with also the individual will begin to fear death. If a favourable balance is usually achieved during This specific stage, then wisdom is usually developed.

Psychological along with also personality aspects:

Aging has psychological implications. Next to dying our recognition in which we are aging may be one of the most profound shocks we ever receive. Once we pass the invisible line of 65 our years are bench marked for the remainder of the game of life. We are no longer "mature age" we are instead classified as "old", or "senior citizens". How we cope with the alterations we face along with also stresses of altered status depends on our basic personality. Here are 3 basic personality types in which have been identified. the idea may be a oversimplification however the idea makes the point about personality effectively:

a. The autonomous - people who seem to develop the resources for self-renewal. They may be dedicated to a goal or idea along with also committed to continuing productivity. This specific appears to protect them somewhat even against physiological aging.

b.The adjusted - people who are rigid along with also lacking in adaptability however are supported by their power, prestige or well structured routine. however if their situation alterations drastically they become psychiatric casualties.

c.The anomic. These are people who do not have clear inner values ​​or a protective life vision. Such people have been described as prematurely resigned along with also they may deteriorate rapidly.

Summary of stresses of old age.

a. Retirement along with also reduced income. Most people rely on work for self worth, identity along with also social interaction. Forced retirement can be demoralising.

b. Fear of invalidism along with also death. The increased probability of falling prey to illness through which there is usually no recovery is usually a continual

source of anxiety. When one includes a heart attack or stroke the stress becomes much worse.

Some persons face death with equanimity, often psychologically supported by a religion or philosophy. Others may welcome death as an end to suffering or insoluble problems along with also with little concern for life or human existence. Still others face impending death with suffering of great stress against which they have no ego defenses.

c. Isolation along with also loneliness. Older people face inevitable loss of loved ones, friends along with also contemporaries. The loss of a spouse whom one has depended on for companionship along with also moral support is usually particularly distressing. Children grow up, marry along with also become preoccupied or move away. Failing memory, visual along with also aural impairment may all work to make social interaction difficult. along with also if This specific

then leads to a souring of outlook along with also rigidity of attitude then social interaction becomes further lessened along with also the individual may not even utilise the avenues for social activity in which are still available.

d. Reduction in sexual function along with also physical attractiveness. Kinsey et al, in their Sexual behaviour from the human male,

(Phil., Saunders, 1948) found in which there is usually a gradual decrease in sexual activity with advancing age along with also in which reasonably gratifying patterns of sexual activity can continue into extreme old age. The aging person also has to adapt to loss of sexual attractiveness in a society which puts extreme emphasis on sexual attractiveness. The adjustment in self image along with also self concept in which are required can be very hard to make.

e. Forces tending to self devaluation. Often the experience of the older generation has little perceived relevance to the problems of the young along with also the older person becomes deprived of participation in decision producing both in occupational along with also family settings. Many parents are seen as unwanted burdens along with also their children may secretly wish they might die so they can be free of the burden along with also experience some financial relief or benefit. Senior citizens may be pushed into the role of being an old person with all This specific implies in terms of self devaluation.

4 Major Categories of Problems or Needs:



Income maintenance.

Interpersonal relations.

BIOLOGICAL alterations

Physiological alterations: Catabolism (the breakdown of protoplasm) overtakes anabolism (the build-up of protoplasm). All Centeng systems are affected along with also repair systems become slowed. The aging process occurs at different rates in different individuals.

Physical appearance along with also some other alterations:

Loss of subcutaneous fat along with also less elastic skin gives rise to wrinkled appearance, sagging along with also loss of smoothness of Centeng contours. Joints stiffen along with also become painful along with also range of joint movement becomes restricted, general

mobility lessened.

Respiratory alterations:

Increase of fibrous tissue in chest walls along with also lungs leads restricts respiratory movement along with also less oxygen is usually consumed. Older people more likelyto have lower respiratory infections whereas young people have upper respiratory infections.

Nutritive alterations:

Tooth decay along with also loss of teeth can detract through ease along with also enjoyment in eating. Atrophy of the taste buds means food is usually inclined to be tasteless along with also This specific should be taken into account by carers. Digestive alterations occur through lack of exercise (stimulating intestines) along with also decrease in digestive juice production. Constipation along with also indigestion are likely to follow as a result. Financial problems can lead to the elderly eating an excess of cheap carbohydrates rather than the more expensive protein along with also vegetable foods along with also This specific exacerbates the problem, leading to reduced vitamin intake along with also such problems as anemia along with also increased susceptibility to infection.

Adaptation to stress:

All of us face stress at all ages. Adaptation to stress requires the consumption of energy. The 3 main phases of stress are:

1. Initial alarm reaction. 2. Resistance. 3. Exhaustion

along with also if stress continues tissue damage or aging occurs. Older persons have had a lifetime of dealing with stresses. Energy reserves are depleted along with also the older person succumbs to stress earlier than the younger person. Stress is usually cumulative over a lifetime. Research results, including experiments with animals suggests in which each stress leaves us more vulnerable to the next along with also in which although we might think we've "bounced back" 100% in fact each stress leaves the idea scar. Further, stress is usually psycho-biological meaning

the kind of stress is usually irrelevant. A physical stress may leave one more vulnerable to psychological stress along with also vice versa. Rest does not completely restore one after a stressor. Care workers need to be mindful of This specific along with also cognizant of the kinds of things in which can produce stress for aged persons.

COGNITIVE CHANGE Habitual Behaviour:

Sigmund Freud noted in which after the age of 50, treatment of neuroses via psychoanalysis was difficult because the opinions along with also reactions of older people were relatively fixed along with also hard to shift.

Over-learned behaviour: This specific is usually behaviour in which has been learned so well along with also repeated so often in which the idea has become automatic, like for example typing or running down stairs. Over-learned behaviour is usually hard to change. If one has lived a long time one is usually likely to have fixed opinions along with also ritualised behaviour patterns or habits.

Compulsive behaviour: Habits along with also attitudes in which have been learned from the course of finding ways to overcome frustration along with also difficulty are very hard to break. Tension reducing habits such as nail biting, incessant humming, smoking or drinking alcohol are especially hard to change at any age along with also particularly hard for persons who have been practising them over a life time.

The psychology of over-learned along with also compulsive behaviours has severe implications for older persons who find they have to live in what for them is usually a brand-new along with also alien environment with brand-new rules along with also power relations.

Information acquisition:

Older people have a continual background of neural noise producing the idea more difficult for them to sort out along with also interpret complex sensory

input. In talking to an older person one should turn off the TV, eliminate as many noises along with also distractions as possible, talk slowly

along with also relate to one message or idea at a time.

Memories through the distant past are stronger than more recent memories. brand-new memories are the first to fade along with also last to return.

Time patterns also can get mixed - old along with also brand-new may get mixed.


Intelligence reaches a peak along with also can stay high with little deterioration if there is usually no neurological damage. People who have unusually high intelligence to begin with seem to suffer the least decline. Education along with also stimulation also seem to play a role in maintaining intelligence.

Intellectual impairment. Two diseases of old age causing cognitive decline are Alzheimer's syndrome along with also Pick's syndrome. In Pick's syndrome there is usually inability to concentrate along with also learn along with also also affective responses are impaired.

Degenerative Diseases: Slow progressive physical degeneration of cells from the nervous system. Genetics appear to be an important factor. Usually start after age 40 (however can occur as early as 20s).

ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE Degeneration of all areas of cortex however particularly frontal along with also temporal lobes. The affected cells actually die. Early symptoms resemble neurotic disorders: Anxiety, depression, restlessness sleep difficulties.

Progressive deterioration of all intellectual faculties (memory deficiency being the most well known along with also obvious). Total mass of the brain decreases, ventricles become larger. No established treatment.

PICK'S DISEASE Rare degenerative disease. Similar to Alzheimer's in terms of onset, symptomatology along with also possible genetic

aetiology. However the idea affects circumscribed areas of the brain, particularly the frontal areas which leads to a loss of normal affect.

PARKINSON'S DISEASE Neuropathology: Loss of neurons from the basal ganglia.

Symptoms: Movement abnormalities: rhythmical alternating tremor of extremities, eyelids along with also tongue along with rigidity of the muscles along with also slowness of movement (akinesia).

the idea was once thought in which Parkinson's disease was not associated with intellectual deterioration, however the idea is usually right now known in which there is usually an association between global intellectual impairment along with also Parkinson's where the idea occurs late in life.

The cells lost in Parkinson's are associated with the neuro-chemical Dopamine along with also the motor symptoms of Parkinson's are associated the dopamine deficiency. Treatment involves administration of dopamine precursor L-dopa which can alleviate symptoms including intellectual impairment. Research suggests the idea may possibly bring to the fore emotional effects in patients who have had

psychiatric illness at some prior stage in their lives.

AFFECTIVE DOMAIN In old age our self concept gets its final revision. We make a final assessment of the value of our lives along with also our balance of success along with also failures.

How well a person adapts to old age may be predicated by how well the person adapted to earlier significant alterations. If the person suffered an emotional crisis each time a significant change was needed then adaptation to the exigencies of old age may also be difficult. Factors such as economic security, geographic location along with also physical health are important to the adaptive process.

Need Fulfilment: For all of us, according to Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs theory, we are not free to pursue the higher needs of self actualisation unless the basic needs are secured. When one considers in which many, perhaps most, old people are living in poverty along with also continually concerned with basic survival needs, they are not likely to be happily satisfying needs related to prestige, achievement along with also beauty.

Maslow's Hierarchy



Belonging, love, identification

Esteem: Achievement, prestige, success, self respect

Self actualisation: Expressing one's interests along with also talents to the full.

Note: Old people who have secured their basic needs may be motivated to work on tasks of the highest levels from the hierarchy - activities concerned with aesthetics, creativity along with also altruistic matters, as compensation for loss of sexual attractiveness along with also athleticism. Aged care workers fixated on getting old people to focus on social activities may only succeed in frustrating along with also irritating them if their basic survival concerns are not secured to their satisfaction.


Social aging according to Cumming, E. along with also Henry, W. (Growing old: the aging process of disengagement, NY, Basic 1961) follows a well defined pattern:

1. Change in role. Change in occupation along with also productivity. Possibly change

in attitude to work.

2. Loss of role, eg retirement or death of a husband.

3. Reduced social interaction. With loss of role social interactions are

diminished, eccentric adjustment can further reduce social interaction, damage

to self concept, depression.

4. Awareness of scarcity of remaining time. This specific produces further curtailment of

activity in interest of saving time.

Havighurst, R. et al (in B. Neugarten (ed.) Middle age along with also aging, U. of Chicago, 1968) along with also others have suggested in which disengagement is usually not an inevitable process. They believe the needs of the old are essentially the same as in middle age along with also the activities of middle age should be extended as long as possible. Havighurst points out the decrease in social interaction of the aged is usually often largely the

result of society withdrawing through the individual as much as the reverse. To combat This specific he believes the individual must vigorously resist the limitations of his social world.

DEATH The fear of the dead amongst tribal societies is usually well established. Persons who had ministered to the dead were taboo along with also required observe various rituals including seclusion for varying periods of time. In some societies through South America to Australia the idea is usually taboo for certain persons to utter the name of the dead. Widows along with also widowers are likely to observe rituals in respect for the dead.

Widows from the Highlands of brand-new Guinea around Goroka chop of one of their own fingers. The dead continue their existence as spirits along with also upsetting them can bring dire consequences.

Wahl, C in "The fear of death", 1959 noted in which the fear of death occurs as early as the 3rd year of life. When a child loses a pet or grandparent fears reside from the unspoken questions: Did I cause the idea? Will happen to you (parent) soon? Will This specific happen to me? The child in such situations needs to re-assure in which the departure is usually not a censure, along with also in which the parent is usually not likely to depart soon. Love, grief, guilt, anger are a mix of conflicting emotions in which are experienced.


Our culture places high value on youth, beauty, high status occupations, social class along with also anticipated future activities along with also achievement. Aging along with also dying are denied along with also avoided in This specific system. The death of each person reminds us of our own mortality.

The death of the elderly is usually less disturbing to members of Western society because the aged are not especially valued. Surveys have established in which nurses for example attach more importance to saving a young life than an old life. In Western society there is usually a pattern of avoiding dealing with the aged along with also dying aged patient.

Stages of dying. Elisabeth Kubler Ross has specialised in working with dying patients along with also in her "On death along with also dying", NY, Macmillan, 1969, summarised 5 stages in dying.

1. Denial along with also isolation. "No, not me".

2. Anger. "I've lived a Great life so why me?"

3. Bargaining. Secret deals are struck with God. "If I can live until ... I promise to ..."

4. Depression. (In general the greatest psychological problem of the aged is usually depression). Depression results through real along with also threatened loss.

5. Acceptance of the inevitable.

Kubler Ross's typology as set out above should, I believe be taken that has a grain of salt along with also not slavishly accepted. Celebrated US Journalist David Rieff who was in June '08 a guest of the Sydney writer's festival in relation to his book, "Swimming in a sea of ​​death: a son's memoir" (Melbourne University Press) expressly denied the validity of the Kubler Ross typology in his Late Night Live interview (Australian ABC radio) with Philip Adams June 9th '08. He said something to the effect in which his mother had regarded her impending death as murder. My own experience with dying persons suggests in which the human ego is usually extraordinarily resilient. I recall visiting a dying colleague in hospital just days before his death. He said, "I'm dying, I do not like the idea however there's nothing I can do about the idea", along with also then went on to chortle about how senior academics at an Adelaide university had told him they were submitting his name for a the Order of Australia (the brand-new "Knighthood" replacement in Australia). Falling in along with also out of lucid thought with an oxygen tube in his nostrils he was nevertheless still highly interested from the "vain glories of the earth". This specific observation to me seemed consistent with Rieff's negative assessment of Kubler Ross's theories.


The aged share with the young the same needs: However, the aged often have fewer or weaker resources to meet those needs. Their need for social interaction may be ignored by family along with also care workers.

Family should make time to visit their aged members along with also invite them to their homes. The aged like to visit children along with also relate to them through games along with also stories.

Meaningful relationships can be developed via foster-grandparent programs. Some aged are not aware of their income along with also health entitlements. Family along with also friends should take the time to explain these. Some aged are too proud to access their entitlements along with also This specific problem should be addressed in a kindly way where the idea occurs.

the idea is usually best in which the aged be allowed as much choice as possible in matters related to living arrangements, social life along with also lifestyle.

Communities serving the aged need to provide for the aged via such things as lower curbing, along with also ramps.

Carers need to examine their own attitude to aging along with also dying. Denial from the carer is usually detected by the aged person along with also the idea can inhibit the aged person through expressing negative feelings - fear, anger. If the person can express these feelings to someone then in which person is usually less likely to die that has a sense of isolation along with also bitterness.


The following notes are my interpretation of a Dr. Depak Chopra lecture entitled, "The brand-new Physics of Healing" which he presented to the 13th Scientific Conference of the American Holistic Medical Association. Dr. Depak Chopra is usually an endocrinologist along with also a former Chief of Staff of brand-new England Hospital, Massachusetts. I am deliberately omitting the detail of his explanations of the more abstract, ephemeral along with also controversial ideas.

Original material through 735 Walnut Street, Boulder, Colorado 83002,

Phone. +303449 6229.

from the lecture Dr. Chopra presents a design of the universe along with also of all organisms as structures of interacting centres of electromagnetic energy linked to each some other in such a way in which anything affecting one part of a system or structure has ramifications throughout the entire structure. This specific design becomes an analogue not only for what happens within the structure or organism itself, however between the organism along with also both its physical along with also social environments. In some other words there is usually a correlation between psychological

conditions, health along with also the aging process. Dr. Chopra in his lecture reconciles ancient Vedic (Hindu) philosophy with modern psychology along with also quantum physics.

Premature Precognitive Commitment: Dr. Chopra invokes experiments in which have shown in which flies kept for a long time in a jar do not quickly leave the jar when the top is usually taken off. Instead they accept the jar as the limit of their universe. He also points out in which in India baby elephants are often kept tethered to a little twig or sapling. In adulthood when the elephant is usually capable of pulling over a medium sized tree the idea can still be successfully tethered to a twig! As another example he points to experiments in which fish are bred on

2 sides of a fish tank containing a divider between the 2 sides. When the divider is usually removed the fish are slow to learn in which they can right now swim throughout the whole tank however rather stay from the section in which they accept as their universe. some other experiments have demonstrated in which kittens brought up in an environment of vertical stripes along with also structures, when released in adulthood keep bumping into anything aligned horizontally as if they were unable to see anything in which is usually horizontal. Conversely kittens brought up in an environment of horizontal stripes when released bump into vertical structures, apparently unable to see them.

The whole point of the above experiments is usually in which they demonstrate Premature Precognitive Commitment. The lesson to be learned is usually in which our sensory apparatus develops as a result of initial experience along with also how we've been taught to interpret the idea.

What is usually the real look of the earth? the idea does not exist. The way the earth looks to us is usually determined by the sensory receptors we have along with also our interpretation of in which look is usually determined by our premature precognitive commitments. Dr Chopra makes the point in which less than a billionth of the available stimuli make the idea into our nervous systems. Most of the idea is usually screened, along with also what gets through to us is usually whatever we are

expecting to find on the basis of our precognitive commitments.

Dr. Chopra also discusses the diseases in which are actually caused by mainstream medical interventions, however This specific material gets too far away through my central intention. Dr. Chopra discusses in lay terms the physics of matter, energy along with also time by way of establishing the wider context of our existence. He makes the point in which our bodies including the bodies of plants are mirrors of cosmic rhythms along with also exhibit alterations correlating even with the tides.

Dr. Chopra cites the experiments of Dr. Herbert Spencer of the US National Institute of Health. He injected mice with Poly-IC, an immuno-stimulant while producing the mice repeatedly smell camphor. After the effect of the Poly-IC had worn off he again exposed the mice to the camphor smell. The smell of camphor had the effect of causing the mice's immune system to automatically strengthen

as if they had been injected with the stimulant. He then took another batch of mice along with also injected them with cyclophosphamide which tends to destroy the immune system while exposing them to the smell of camphor. Later after being returned to normal just the smell of camphor was enough to cause destruction of their immune system. Dr. Chopra points out in which whether or not camphor enhanced or

destroyed the mice's immune system was entirely determined by an interpretation of the meaning of the smell of camphor. The interpretation is usually not just from the brain however in each cell of the organism. We are bound to our imagination along with also our

early experiences.

Chopra cites a study by the Massachusetts Dept of Health Education along with also Welfare into risk factors for heart disease - family history, cholesterol etc. The 2 most important risk factors were found to be psychological measures - Self Happiness Rating along with also Job Satisfaction. They found most people died of heart disease on a Monday!

Chopra says in which for every feeling there is usually a molecule. If you are experiencing tranquillity your Centeng will be producing natural valium. Chemical alterations from the brain are reflected by alterations in some other cells including blood cells. The brain produces neuropeptides along with also brain structures are chemically tuned to these neuropeptide receptors. Neuropeptides (neurotransmitters) are the chemical concommitants of thought. Chopra points out the white blood cells (a part of the immune system) have neuropeptide receptors along with also are "eavesdropping" on our thinking. Conversely the immune system produces its own neuropeptides which can influence the nervous system. He goes on to say in which cells in all parts of the Centeng including heart along with also kidneys for example also produce neuropeptides along with also

neuropeptide sensitivity. Chopra assures us in which most neurologists might agree in which the nervous system along with also the immune system are parallel systems.

some other studies in physiology: The blood interlukin-2 levels of medical students decreased as exam time neared along with also their interlukin receptor capacities also lowered. Chopra says if we are having fun to the point of exhilaration our natural interlukin-2 levels become higher. Interlukin-2 is usually a powerful along with also very expensive anti-cancer drug. The Centeng is usually a printout of consciousness. If we could change the way we look at our bodies at a genuine, profound level then our bodies might actually change.

On the subject of "time" Chopra cites Sir Thomas Gall along with also Steven Hawkins, stating in which our description of the universe as having a past, present, along with also future are constructed entirely out of our interpretation of change. however in

reality linear time does not exist.

Chopra explains the work of Alexander Leaf a former Harvard Professor of Preventative Medicine who toured the earth investigating societies where people lived beyond 100 years (these included parts of Afghanistan, Soviet Georgia, Southern Andes). He looked at possible factors including climate, genetics, along with also diet. Leaf concluded the most important factor was the collective perception of aging in these societies.

Amongst the Tama Humara of the Southern Andes there was a collective belief in which the older you got the more physically able you got. They had a tradition of running along with also the older one became then generally the better at running one got. The best runner was aged 60. Lung capacity along with also some other measures actually increased with age. People were healthy until well into their 100s along with also died in their sleep. Chopra remarks in which things have changed since the introduction of Budweiser (beer) along with also TV.

[DISCUSSION: How might TV be a factor in changing the former ideal state of things?]

Chopra refers to Dr. Ellen Langor a former Harvard Psychology professor's work. Langor advertised for 100 volunteers aged over 70 years. She took them to a Monastery outside Boston to play "Let's Pretend". They were divided into 2 groups each of which resided in a different part of the building. One group, the control group spent several days talking about the 1950s. The some other group, the experimental group had to live as if from the year 1959 along with also talk about the idea from the present tense. What appeared on their TV screens were the old newscasts along with also movies. They read old newspapers along with also magazines of the period. After 3 days everyone was photographed along with also the photographs judged by independent judges who knew nothing of the nature of the experiment. The experimental group seemed to

have gotten younger in appearance. Langor then arranged for them to be tested for 100 physiological parameters of aging which included of course blood pressure, near point vision along with also DHEA levels. After 10 days of living as if in 1959 all parameters had reversed by the equivalent of at least 20 years.

Chopra concludes through Langor's experiment: "We are the metabolic end product of our sensory experiences. How we interpret them depends on the collective mindset which influences individual biological entropy along with also aging."

Can one escape the current collective mindset along with also reap the benefits in longevity along with also health? Langor says, society will not let you escape. There are too many reminders of how most people think linear time is usually along with also how the idea expresses itself in entropy along with also aging - men are naughty at 40 along with also on social welfare at 55, women reach menopause at 40 etc. We get to see so many some other people aging along with also dying in which the idea sets the pattern in which we follow.

Chopra concludes we are the metabolic product of our sensory experience along with also our interpretation gets structured in our biology itself. Real change comes through change from the collective consciousness - otherwise the idea cannot occur within the individual.


Chopra, D. The brand-new Physics of Healing. 735 Walnut Street, Boulder, Colorado 83002,

Phone. +303 449 6229.

Coleman, JC Abnormal psychology along with also modern life. Scott Foresman & Co.

Lugo, J. along with also Hershey, L. Human development a multidisciplinary approach to the psychology of individual growth, NY, Macmillan.

Dennis. Psychology of human behaviour for nurses. Lond. WBSaunders.

The Development of Old Age along with also Related Issues

What Are the Details Behind Gensona Genetic Testing?

12.07 0
What Are the Details Behind Gensona Genetic Testing?

The Interleukin Commitment

Interleukin Genetic's goal is usually to provide the best available genetic information, to help you make intelligent lifestyle decisions related to nutrition, exercise, lifestyle habits as well as also also health care practices aimed at preserving your Great health into your later years.

Interleukin's state-of-the-art genetic testing laboratory is usually certified under the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA) to ensure accurate, high quality, secure results for every test.

Gensona (TM) Genetic Tests

Interleukin Genetics' goal inside the nutrigenomics sector is usually to partner with leaders inside the food as well as also also nutrition industry to develop nutritional products that will extend wellness by first identifying those individuals with specific genetic variations as well as also also then to provide products to those persons. These targeted products will be inside the form of specially configured nutritional supplements or functional foods.

Interleukin is usually currently in partnership with Alticor * (Quixtar **) to market genetic tests linked to nutritional products direct to consumers. Nutrilite, the 75-year old leading nutrition brand worldwide, is usually the nutritional division of Alticor as well as also also is usually responsible for developing the nutritional products that will are matched to Interleukin's genetic tests under the Gensona (TM) brand.

* Alticor is usually the parent company of Amway Corp., Amway Global, Access Business Group LLC, as well as also also Alticor Corporate Enterprises.

** During 2008-2009, Quixtar is usually adopting the Amway Global name in North America. This specific change is usually part of a larger transformation of the business opportunity that will includes exceptional fresh products, expanded support, as well as also also enhanced compensation. So when you read the name Quixtar in This specific article, think Amway Global.

Gensona Genetic Tests are backed by world- class science of individuals' genetic predispositions to common diseases or health conditions as well as also also ultimately will help them make informed decisions about extending their wellness zone.

  • The Gensona Heart Health Genetic Test is usually the first as well as also also only IL1 gene test to identify an individual's predisposition for over-expression of inflammation as well as also also increased risk for CVD as well as also also acute cardiac events.
  • The Gensona General Nutrition Genetic Test identifies nutrient metabolism (including vitamin B as well as also also antioxidants).
Gensona Testing Service to Consumers

Interleukin's state-of-the-art genetic testing laboratory is usually registered under the Clinical Laboratories Improvements Act (CLIA), to assure accurate, high quality as well as also also secure results for every Gensona Genetic Test. The Interleukin laboratory is usually committed to providing quick, easy as well as also also reliable testing service as well as also also quality tests:

  • User-friendly sample collection packets
  • Centralized laboratory process utilizing best available analysis techniques for reliable results as well as also also short turnaround times.
  • Easy to read as well as also also interpret laboratory test reports.
  • A one-time test at an affordable cost for a lifetime of knowledge.
  • Top quality product information as well as also also educational materials available including technical support coming from qualified staff including medical geneticists as well as also also genetic counselors are available to help with the interpretation as well as also also communication of results.

Respect for your privacy is usually their top concern.

What Are the Details Behind Gensona Genetic Testing?

Earliest Symptoms of Being Pregnant in addition to Initial Pregnancy Signs

11.06 0
Earliest Symptoms of Being Pregnant in addition to Initial Pregnancy Signs

Were you attempting to get pregnant for the previous couple of months? If so, then you definitely should be anticipating to see the initial symptoms of being pregnant within a couple of days. Although these types of early pregnancy signs change through one female to another; there are numerous early symptoms of being pregnant which are usually lived through by simply every woman within the first days of their pregnant state.

Tender Breasts

Another indication of being pregnant which is actually encountered by virtually all females is actually definitely tenderness of their breasts. This particular particular tenderness at the beginning of pregnant state differs through moderate to severe. Couple of women that will are pregnant actually whine that will even minor breeze at times can hurt. Conversely, different women encounter just negligible tenderness. There are actually very few females who encounter gentle tenderness before their particular monthly cycles start; therefore the tender breasts usually are not the indication of being pregnant.

Implantation Bleeding

The earliest indication of being pregnant is actually actually implantation bleeding. This particular can be a brief stage of blood loss which happens through ten days of ovulation. Occasionally the idea is actually sometimes not the primary sign of being pregnant since a tiny amount of women already encounter spotting on a regular basis. Although the females that will do not encounter any kind of spotting amid 2 fertility cycles in addition to instantly observe spotting in between eight to thirteen days of ovulation, then This particular can be an earlier pregnancy indication. Throughout the time frame of fertility cycles there are actually likelihood of implantation spotting.

Excessive Hunger

Apart through breast tenderness in addition to implantation bleeding there are several additional symptoms of being pregnant. One of these can be extreme hunger. There is actually certainly few females who experience the sensation of extreme hunger in addition to perhaps they are not able to feel filled regardless of anything they consume. different women encounter just a bit more hungry compared to ordinary.

Various different early pregnancy signs comprise of

  • Queasieness
  • Severe headaches
  • Bloating
  • Tiredness
  • Dizzy periods
  • Abdominal muscle aches in addition to pains
  • Itching

As we can say, the first signs of being pregnant will vary for almost every female. Many experts highly suggest the fact that will females must not think of themselves conceived when they ever encounter just few symptoms of being pregnant. This particular is actually because that will a lot of earlier pregnancy signs are usually exactly like the Post Menstrual Symptoms or even common influenza. If however females who live with 3 or even more indications of being pregnant, then simply This particular can be a decent sign which you may often be pregnant.

Under these circumstances the idea is actually usually great approach to perform a home pregnancy check. This particular particular test could be effortlessly carried out within the comfort of your own house. Should you be going through in excess of 2 early symptoms of being pregnant you can assume to acquire positive outcome through the home pregnancy test.

Earliest Symptoms of Being Pregnant in addition to Initial Pregnancy Signs

which One is actually For Women Only Says the Authors

10.05 0
which One is actually For Women Only Says the Authors

As a man do you ever wonder what which is actually like for your significant some other to be the woman which they are? as well as you women do you definitely want to know yourself better as well as enjoy all there is actually to being a woman? If so, boy have I got the perfect book for you. which's one I highly recommend;

"For Women Only, The Fine Art of Being a Woman" Edited by Evelyn R. Petersen as well as J. Allen Petersen; Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, IL; 1974.

which book starts out using a chapter labeled "The Woman as well as Herself" discussing issues of self-esteem, privacy, thoughts as well as emotions. Next, comes "The Woman as well as Her World" which was my favorite chapter as well as realize each chapter is actually a series of stories as well as information written by various authors, over 50 in all, then edited for each specific chapter by the Petersen's.

There is actually a chapter on women's health which is actually very interesting as well as informative, then another on marriage life as well as realities of give as well as take within the union. A chapter on raising children with love as well as then one which explains all about women as well as their home, a chapter I think husbands ought to read for sure, because most simply do not get which.

The last chapter is actually one about her spiritual soul; "The Woman as well as Her God" as well as which is actually a wonderful chapter for the religiously inclined, as well as if you are a religious faith based soul, you will definitely love which chapter, although I was able to skip over which as well as quickly finish the book in order to prepare which book review for you. I must say, I highly recommend which book to every woman as well as any man who definitely wants to know them on a soul-mate level.

which One is actually For Women Only Says the Authors