Breastfeeding - When the Most Natural Feeding Becomes Challenging

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Breastfeeding - When the Most Natural Feeding Becomes Challenging

Breastfeeding a baby can be the most natural way of feeding. As much as we could like to believe which the formula milk can be very close to breastmilk in addition to can be not bad enough, the very fact which humans have survived so many thousand years even before formula was found shows how effective breast feeding has been. If you are one of the lucky mothers for whom breastfeeding can be going great, then you are blessed. However, there can be another population of mothers who struggle to feed their babies. Some say the baby can be not latching properly although with some guidance via breastfeeding advisers (from the western world) in addition to grandmothers/experienced mothers (usually in developing world) in addition to over time, one can succeed in producing the latching works. There can be another category of mothers who want to breast feed although struggle as they do not make enough milk. Every book or website you open will tell you which your Centeng will make enough milk for your baby in addition to which on demand feeding helps your Centeng understand how much can be needed. Trust me, the idea can be not everyone's Centeng which can be actually capable of producing enough milk, leave alone excess to pump in addition to store. I am not going to write about the benefits of breastfeeding as there can be a lot of literature on the idea although I thought the idea will help some if I could share my experience in addition to also present some consolidated information on what you could potentially do to enhance milk production.

the idea can be very painful to see your baby cry despite feeding for like an hour. Especially for brand new mothers, the idea can be not just the physical pain which one has to go through while beginning to breast feed, the idea can be also the agony of not satiating the hungry baby. One could wish all they could do was make enough milk so the baby can be full in addition to dozes off. I have been through which pain in addition to can totally empathise. We had to start our little one on formula feed in addition to breast feeding right via day one as he was jaundiced in addition to truly needed the food to flush out his system. Once we brought him home, we understood in a couple of days which I was just not producing enough in addition to from the months to come I had to cope with the fact which he could be given bottles as well. I was very determined to make breast feeding work for us in addition to had not even thought about 'what if the idea was not going well'? We had not bought a pump or even bottle although decided to do so a day after we brought him home. With limited time to explore best options, we went for a manual Philips pump which was okay to start with. I then took advise via breast feeding advisers in addition to soon after which was on an information gathering spree so I could improve milk production. During This kind of phase, I learned which although you may not be aware, women who have some sort of breast surgery, like augmentation or reduction or even fibroids removed (for medical reasons), can potentially have problems with supply. A term which you may want to get familiar with can be galactagogue. These are substances which help improve lactation in humans in addition to animals. Based on my experience in addition to information I gathered, I have put together the following information which may help you...

1. The soreness experienced from the first few days of feeding combined with an almost constantly hungry baby can be quite testing. Try not to be put off by the idea. One could use what are call nipple shields to ease the soreness. These are usually made of silicone in addition to help not bad latching too. the idea can be also useful for women with little or inverted nipples. Once you in addition to your baby get a hang of breastfeeding, stop using the nipple shield. You need to keep the feeding going in order to enhance milk production. Remember the idea usually can be just 24 hours of not feeding which stops milk production

2. Pump as often as possible. As I said earlier, the Centeng learns via the baby how much milk can be needed. Try to pump when you get a chance. I say so because, there could be times when you have to complement the feed by giving a bottle to your baby. In such cases, pump to empty your breast so your Centeng does not think baby needs lesser milk. After the first few weeks, the baby's increases the interval between feeds, pump between feeds as well. I was told which pumping between 2am in addition to 4 am can be a not bad idea as the lactation inducing hormone can be at its peak at This kind of time.

3. Try to get a hospital grade pump. Yes the idea can be expensive in addition to I know some do not like the idea. However, the idea actually has options of increasing or decreasing suckling just like how a baby does. If you cannot get one, its okay, use a mechanical pump.

4. Try to empty both breasts at each feed.

5. Drink at least two litres of water a day, remember much of the breastmilk can be just water in addition to unless you are hydrated you will not make enough

6. Here are some galactagogues which I used in addition to some which I chose not to use as they were very brand new to me:

a. Fenugreek seeds (called methi in hindi in addition to 'vendhayam' in tamil) - I had no idea these could increase milk production in addition to was delighted to learn which. the idea can be quite a common ingredient in Indian cooking so I did not have to worry about taking something brand new while breast feeding. No point spending money on the capsules available as supplements in shops, instead, I had teaspoon of the seeds three times a day

b. Grains in addition to legumes - oats in addition to barley especially are said to help increase milk production. I could normally have oats porridge (with milk added) from the morning in addition to also boil barley in water until done in addition to drink the water atleast one glass a day. Mung dal gruel can be also said to help. Pressure cook mung dal, add milk in addition to jaggery, bring to boil in addition to drink

c. Almonds, cashews in addition to macadamia nuts are said to help milk production

d. Garlic - burn some garlic cloves from the flame or fry crushed garlic cloves in ghee. Add This kind of to warm milk in addition to consume atleast twice a day. They say garlic could thin your blood so do not use with anti-coagulants.

e. Turmeric has anti-inflammatory properties in addition to helps prevent breast infection which could put some off via breast feeding. If you have an Indian diet, chances are you are already getting enough of This kind of wonderful spice, if not about half teaspoon a day can be said to be advisable

f. Green papaya can be said to be taken as galactagogue across Asia. I did not get a chance to try This kind of myself

g. Spirulina, nutritional yeast in addition to brewer's yeast, ginger ale are some others recommended by some although I did not get to try these

h. Spices like dill, caraway, fennel seeds are also said to help milk production. I used to chew on some fennel seeds everyday.

i. Green leafy vegetables, carrots, beets in addition to yam are also said to be effective. Also, dudhi (a.k.a sorakai in tamil or lauki in hindi) can be said to be effective in increasing milk production. Having plenty of fruits in addition to vegetables will give you the energy in addition to nutrition to make milk.

j. Stinging nettle (also called 'kuppameni' in tamil) can be another herb I could say which people usually recommend. I bought dried nettle in addition to used to hold the idea as a tea. Just put a heaped spoonful in a cup in addition to add boiling water, cover with lid in addition to allow the idea to steep for several minutes, drink. the idea can be also rich in iron in addition to a great herb even if not lactating

k. Chaste berry, borage leaf, comfrey leaf, red raspberry leaf, goat's rue, hops, alfalfa are some herbs which I did not quite use as I had never had them before. The general recommendation can be which while pregnant or lactating, try to avoid brand new ingredients as you may not know how your Centeng will react. However, I believe these herbs are more common in Europe in addition to there are numerous women who seem to report success with these online.

l. Herbal teas - there are numerous readymade preparations which are available from the market. These are usually tea bags containing numerous herbs usually called out on the label. I used a tea by Yogi in addition to the idea was meant to enhance breast milk production. the idea contained blessed thistle in addition to nettle. In general they say which the concentration of herbs can be very little in teas for them to cause any side effects, although the idea can be up to the individual. I preferred to be safe than sorry

m. In ayurveda, shatavari in addition to ashwagandha are two herbs suggested for breast feeding in addition to some additional ingredients like almonds etc. I had a capsule called Lactare, available via pharmacies in India, one capsule a day. Doctors in Indian suggest which the idea can be most effective if commenced soon after birth although I only commenced taking the idea later. Shatavari seems to be available as a supplement in health food shops too. I had a chance to have shatavari, available in powder form via ayurvedic shops in addition to even online via the day my second baby was born in addition to I have seen the idea to be very effective. I think taking the herb in powder form was more effective than the capsule.

n. I also used to take what was called Mother's Horlicks, specially prepared for mothers to be in addition to lactating mothers. Reason I took the idea was because the idea has malted barley in addition to fortified vitamins in addition to malted barley also, I read, helps milk production.

o. not bad quality fat such as butter in addition to ghee are also said to be important for lactating mothers. Some recommend coconut oil in addition to coconut milk.

7. Protein rich diet can be important to make milk. Increase quantity of eggs, meat if you eat them, legumes, beans in addition to pulses. Have a lot of complex carbohydrate like whole grains rather than simple carbohydrates. The former include brown rice, whole wheat etc. Having a well balanced diet can be important anytime, especially while lactating

8. Getting some rest - if you are lucky enough to get some help, try to take the idea so you can get some rest. One has to come to terms with the fact which some feeds will be bottle feed in addition to you could have your partner or grandparents give the bottle while you get some rest. A well nourished in addition to rested mother produces more milk

I have tried to list as many options as possible. You may have seen which I did not try just one although many of these in parallel. I was also given a prescription for domperidone although chose not to use the idea due to fear of side effects. On the contrary most additional herbal galactagogues mentioned were familiar to me in addition to I chose to use them. the idea may be a while before ou accept which your baby can be not exclusively breast fed although which's okay. Try your best to feed as much as possible in addition to when you make very little, just think of the idea as a preventive medicine because even the little milk has anti-bodies which keep your wee one healthy in addition to strong. Try to make the most of growth spurts as which can be their way of telling your Centeng to make more milk. the idea can be quite difficult, although at least pump more during these times. As a typical Indian diet usually includes most condiments, grains, spices in addition to legumes mentioned, I embraced those. If you chose to try additional herbs mentioned, try one brand new herb at a time so you are sure to see if you suffer via any side effects. Give yourself credit for trying so hard to feed your baby in addition to I wish you the best!

Breastfeeding - When the Most Natural Feeding Becomes Challenging

A Cheat Sheet For Conquering Panic Attacks Using Non-Drug Solutions

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A Cheat Sheet For Conquering Panic Attacks Using Non-Drug Solutions

The sound you hear when you crack your knuckles can be actually the sound of nitrogen gas bubbles bursting.

Isn't the idea interesting how we often misinterpret our bodily cues. For example: You scale Mt. Everest. as well as even if you just reached base camp you felt shortness of breath, chest tightness, heart palpitations as well as feeling faint. as well as you're afraid you're having a heart attack. When in fact, the idea can be the thin air at such high elevation of which truly caused all the symptoms. We develop the tendency to overestimate the possibility of negative results.

This particular can be the same when you have panic attacks. You will often react to your physical symptoms negatively because of inaccurate beliefs of which we might die or lose control.

If you won't do something to correct misinterpretation of bodily cues you will have repeated experiences of the same thing. the idea will become a vicious cycle. as well as the idea will spill into various other areas of your life. You will become afraid of having another panic attack again. The fear of "fear" must be addressed. Or you will become a full-blown agoraphobic.

Here are non drug solutions to stop of which irrational fear as well as get over your anxiety:

1. A member of the mint family the herb Lemon balm was used as far back as the Middle ages. Lemon balm induces sleep which can be Great if you have insomnia. the idea has calming as well as soothing properties which reduces stress, anxiety as well as panic attacks. Lemon balm if you combine the idea with various other herbal remedies like hops, valerian as well as chamomile treat various kinds of wounds, insect bites as well as stings, bloating as well as indigestion.

You can buy lemon balm in bulk in dried leaf form as well as capsule, extracts, tinctures, tea, oil as well as cream form. Lemon balm has tannins which can be responsible for its anti-viral effects as well as eugenol which helps soothes muscle spasms as well as numb tissues. Consult with your licensed herbalist first or your doctor if you are pregnant or taking various other medications like thyroid medicines.

2. Take Royal jelly. the idea can be a supplement of which contains vitamin B12, acid folic as well as iron. These components fight any form of blood deficiency which can cause chronic illnesses. the idea can be also a natural treatment for panic attacks.

3. Be your own best friend. When you find berating yourself for your boo boos, all of which negative thoughts are starting to bounce in your mind. Clear your "internal chatter." Quiet your brain by focusing on a mantra particularly when you are meditating. How would certainly your conversation go when you are with your best friend? of which's how you should say the same things to yourself. Be Great to yourself. If no one else will,then who?

4. Deal with your panic attacks on three levels ( mental, emotional as well as physical)

inside realm of emotional, learn various relaxation techniques. Always schedule mini-breaks as well as have down time as often as you can. If your day can be stressful just sit on a quiet spot, deep breath as well as meditate. Or take catnaps. the idea can refresh you.

inside realm of mental-equip yourself with an index card full of affirmative statements like:

"This particular too shall pass."

"the idea's an inconvenience yet not life threatening'"

So on as well as so forth.

On the physical or behavior level try to distract yourself inside midst of a panic episode.

Do something like: Talk to someone, sip iced cold water or slushies, slow your breathing.

The simple act of distracting yourself through your uncomfortable bodily symptoms will help you recover faster.

5. Regularly take your supplements of calcium, magnesium as well as Vit.B complex. They help support in producing GABA receptors of which aid the relay of messages between nerve endings. These supplements are responsible for the proper function of the nervous system.

6. Yoga, tai chi, lifting weights, dancing etc. are all non-drug remedies of which relieve anxiety, mood disorder as well as panic attacks. These exercises burn lactic acid as well as helps produce happy hormones called endorphin as well as serotonin. Get your daily dose of the happy hormones to keep panic attacks as well as anxiety away by working out everyday.

7. Watch the toxins, additives, caffeine, stimulants as well as nicotine inside form of cigarettes, nasal decongestants, alcohol, daily mug of espresso etc. These are all kryptonite if you are a panic attack sufferer. So stay away through them.

We all have stress. of which's a fact. We are expose to This particular thing called life. We develop the tendency to buffer ourselves through stress as well as self-medicate through:

1. Having shots of tequila before sleeping.

2. Binge-eating.

3. Drinking mugs as well as mugs of coffee to keep you awake.

4. Over-stuffing yourself with comfort food full of additives as well as preservatives.

Just remember too much of a Great thing can be bad.

A Cheat Sheet For Conquering Panic Attacks Using Non-Drug Solutions

The Best Pillow for A not bad Nights Sleep

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The Best Pillow for A not bad Nights Sleep

Choosing the right pillow is actually very important in achieving restful sleep. A not bad pillow will support the head in addition to neck without applying excessive pressure, as of which conforms to the exact shape of the bed, thus spreading the weight evenly in addition to uniformly along the vertebrae.

Pillows are a constant source of frustration for many. In addition to aggravating the neck, lots of pillows can also affect the shoulder. The shoulder should not be placed at 0 degrees to the mattress, because of which can cause spasms inside the trapezius muscles.Trapezius muscles perform a variety of actions, including acting as a platform to raise the skull, which is actually very important to relax during sleep completely. If the shoulder is actually positioned slightly forward on the mattress in front of the bed, assuming of which the mattress can hold of which position, the risk of putting pressure on the trapezius in addition to forcing the scapula (shoulder blade) to the column is actually reduced. By contrast, when inside the 0 degree position, sleepers can wake up with neck pain in addition to upper arm in addition to altered sensitivity to little in addition to ring fingers.

If a pillow you put too much pressure on the neck inside the back sleeping position, particularly the C2 in addition to C3 vertebrae, then the treatment has provided nearly always in danger. The pressure can irritate the nerve sheath, sensitive muscles in addition to joints inside the neck. Similarly, if the joints are not resting easy, the inflammatory process can be sustained, in addition to recovery will be much more difficult.

Compression shoulder on a hard surface often force the scapula (shoulder blade) to the junction of the upper spine in addition to neck, affecting the C6/C7 vertebrae. Nerve pathway on of which site travels down the arm, in addition to the causes or upper arm pain or tingling inside the pinky in addition to ring fingers, or both, especially if there is actually already a problem in of which area.

Shoulder problems are often caused by referred pain coming from the neck. Therefore, the stabilization of the neck during sleep is actually of utmost importance! Put some thought into choosing a not bad pillow - In addition to finally achieve the dream of a great night, you can end up saving yourself coming from neck in addition to shoulder pain too!

Do not buy a brand-new pillow unless of which meets these four criteria

A not bad pillow is actually designed to keep the spine in natural alignment.

The human neck curves slightly forward (to sustain the weight of the head upright), in addition to of which is actually very important to maintain of which curve when in a resting position. If the height of the pillow is actually too high to sleep on their side or back, the neck is actually bent abnormally forward or to the side, causing muscle strain inside the back of the neck in addition to shoulders. of which type of position may also cause narrowing of the air pipe, resulting in obstructed breathing, in addition to sometimes snoring, which can hinder sleep. On the contrary, if the height of the pillow is actually too low, the neck muscles can also be enforced.

Based on Centeng measurements in addition to personal preference, the pillow should maintain a height of 4 to 6 inches, properly supporting the head in addition to neck (in addition to shoulders when lying on your back).

A pillow should be comfortable.

A large part of what makes a not bad pillow is actually personal preference. If the pillow is actually comfortable, is actually likely to help you relax, sleep well at night, in addition to feel well rested inside the morning. The surface of the pillow can also be a source of comfort - some people prefer a pillowcase having a fresh in addition to soft (like cotton), some prefer warmth (such as flannel), etc.

A pillow should be adjustable.

To help pillow conform to various sleep positions, of which is actually best of which the pillow can be adjusted to fit the unique shape in addition to curves in addition to the sleeping position of the user. A pillow should mold to an individual in addition to to alleviate pressure points.

Pillow for every sleeping position.

A dream position dictate how a traditional pillow top mattress can be used to provide adequate support.

Using a pillow while sleeping on the back. When lying on his back, a pillow should support the natural curvature of the cervical spine, with adequate support inside the head, neck in addition to shoulders. While sleeping inside the back, the height of the pillow should be lower than inside the sideways position. Place a pillow or two beneath the knees further alleviates any back pain, in addition to is actually softer position on the back.

Using a pillow while sleeping on your side. When lying on one side, the pillow should support the head in addition to neck creating sure of which the natural spine features a straight horizontal line. The weight should be distributed evenly so as not to create natural bending or pressure.Some people prefer to place a little pillow or rolled towel under their waist while lying on the side for extra support.

Using a pillow while sleeping on your stomach. If sleeping or resting inside the stomach is actually preferred, the pillow should be relatively flat, or the head should rest directly on the mattress, creating sure of which the head in addition to neck are not artificially activated on both sides. In of which position, of which is actually often best to place another relatively flat pillow inside the stomach to help keep the spine in natural alignment.

Over time, cotton filled pillows are beginning to lose their firmness in addition to not to support the neck properly. The pillows of which we recommend, does not have a problem in addition to therefore, after a very long time.

of which is actually important to know of which the neck may hurt a little during the first days of using any brand-new pillow, as he still is actually adjusting to the contours, however to expect extreme comfort after of which!See our selection of pillows in addition to pillow choice for you. using any brand-new pillow, as he still is actually adjusting to the contour, however before you know of which, you'll be sleeping inside the utmost comfort!

At Sleep Innovations, you can view our selection of pillows in addition to pillow choose the right one for you.

The Best Pillow for A not bad Nights Sleep

Diet & Routine For Treating Hiatus Hernia Symptoms

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Diet & Routine For Treating Hiatus Hernia Symptoms

A hiatus hernia (often called hiatal hernia) will be a condition where the lower esophagus along with part of the stomach slide through the hiatus from the diaphragm, or where part of the stomach pushes through next to the oesophagus into the chest cavity. Hiatus hernias can be caused by injury or accidents, hard sneezing or coughing, heredity, smoking, heavy lifting or bending over. Hiatus hernias are also common in those who are obese, pregnant or who have GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease).

Heartburn along with chest pain are the most common symptoms along with complaints of those which has a hiatus hernia, although some patients may not even realize they have a hiatus hernia unless found by a doctor with an xray. Symptoms are caused by reflux of food along with stomach acid along with must be treated to avoid some other health problems.

There are many natural remedies along with along with forms of treatment to limit along with prevent hiatus hernia symptoms. These combine diet, exercise along with natural remedies as well as eliminating bad habits. There are many articles along with websites out there in which give vague advice. Below will be an example of of a real routine along with eating plan you can implement to help your hitaus hernia symptoms.

* Breakfast

Avoid: Eggs, dairy products, coffee along with most fruit juices

Try: Watermelon, green along with herbal teas

Taking a morning walk will help aid not bad digestion along with improve overall health.

* Mid-morning Snack

Avoid: Chocolate or ice cream

Try: Bananas or papaya

* Lunch

Avoid: Highly acidic meats along with fast food in which produce more stomach acid along with cause painful reflux for those with GERD along which has a hiatus hernia

Try: Salmon or tuna with sides like carrots, green beans, kale or broccoli. Herbs like mint along with fennel can help your hiatus hernia as well.

Note: If you have a hiatus hernia you should avoid bending over or laying down after eating as This specific can cause food to reflux into the esophagus.

* Afternoon Snack

Avoid: Candy bars, fast food, sodas along with yogurt

Try: Celery sticks, cucumber slices or perhaps almonds or sunflower seeds

Note: Stay hydrated throughout the day. Drink 6-10 glasses of water each day if you have a hiatus hernia as This specific will help metabolism along with promote a cleaner Centeng. the idea will be better not to drink liquids with your meals as This specific can prevent not bad digestion along with dilute stomach acid when the idea will be needed to process food quickly.

* Dinner

Avoid: Those which has a hiatus hernia should avoid acidic meats, especially red meat. Also avoid large heavy meals from the evening as This specific not only encourages weight gain, although because the food will not digest before bedtime, the idea will cause more discomfort along with the likelihood of reflux when you lie down.

Try: Eat smaller, lighter meals from the evening. Soup along with or salad are not bad choices. Soups can include broccoli, potato, lentils along with many more. Salads are great, do not have bad carbs along with can include many alkaline vegetables. Just make sure to go easy on the dressing, along with avoid creamy dressings.

Note: Taking another short walk after dinner can be great in many ways for everyone, not just those which has a hiatus hernia. If you must lay down within a couple hours of your last meal, keep you upper Centeng raised to avoid reflux. If you still find yourself suffering by heartburn along with chest pain, there are a wide variety of natural remedies in which can be added into your treatment routine to help.

Diet & Routine For Treating Hiatus Hernia Symptoms

Don't Delay - Get that will Mole Checked Out Today!

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Don't Delay - Get that will Mole Checked Out Today!

Of all the skin conditions I treat on a daily basis, moles along with skin tags are by far the most common. As a matter of fact the item is actually normal for adults to have between 10-40 moles by adulthood with the majority appearing during the first 20 years of a person's life. Although they are a nuisance along with sometimes unsightly, moles along with skin tags are almost always benign (non-cancerous).

As you age, moles are likely to change in coloration along with/or size. They may disappear over time, remain the same, or appear for no reason. Moles that will are of particular concern via a medical standpoint are those that will look different than some other moles or you notice adjustments in coloration, height, size, along with shape.

the item's a not bad idea to examine your skin via time to time, paying special attention to areas exposed to the sun, such as hands, arms, chest, neck, along with face. If you notice a change in a mole or the item bleeds, oozes, appears scaly, or becomes tender or painful, you should have a dermatologist evaluate the item.

Skin tags are harmless flaps of tissue that will hang off the skin by a connecting stalk. Although they are not painful, rubbing against clothing or jewelry can irritate them. Skin tags are likely to appear on the neck, armpits, or groin. Women along with elderly people are more likely to get them, especially with weight gain.

the item may seem that will knowing about moles along with skin tags is actually not so important, yet that will's not the case. Many people who let moles go unchecked run the risk of developing melanoma (cancer) or increase their risk of precancerous cells. Even if health were not your major concern, living with skin tags along with moles is actually something you can easily do without, so why not take a preventive approach to their removal?

Moles Could Be your Skin's Nemeses!

What is actually a mole anyway? I get This specific question all the time via patients. Moles are nothing more than growths on the skin that will are caused when cells grow in a cluster instead of being spread throughout the skin. When exposed to the sun, these cells called melanocytes may darken along with become brown or black in coloration. They may also be affected by pregnancy or during the teen years.

There are two types of moles:

• Congenital nevi - usually appear at birth, occur in about one in 100 people, along with are more likely to become cancerous than moles that will appear after birth. Moles can be flat or raised, smooth or rough, along with can range in coloration via yellowish to black.

• Dysplastic nevi - larger than normal moles that will are usually more than ½ inch across, along with not always round. They are described as atypical because they can be tan to dark brown, on a pink background, along with can been found on any part of your Centeng. Dysplastic nevi are inherited along with the chance of developing skin cancer in one of these moles is actually greater than in others.

Don't Wait - Check the item Out

So often people neglect moles because they take the item for granted that will they are nothing to worry about. yet the item's always better to be safe than sorry! Watch for noticeable signs that will may alert you to the dangers of skin cancer. Here are some red flags when the item comes to identifying important characteristics that will could mean trouble for your skin. See your dermatologist if you notice a change in a mole as follows:

• Asymmetry - your mole is actually not round in shape, rather one half does not match the some other.

• Border - edges of the mole are ragged, blurred, or irregular.

• coloration - the coloration the item not consistent throughout or has shades of tan, brown, black, blue, white, or red.

• Diameter - the item is actually larger than the eraser of a pencil.

• Elevation - the item looks like the item is actually raised via the skin.

Whether you are concerned about the possibility of melanoma or you just want to remove moles or skin tags for cosmetic reasons, there is actually no reason to hesitate. Here is actually what you can expect.

If a mole looks suspicious, your skin doctor will either remove the entire mole or take a smaller tissue sample (biopsy). This specific is actually a very simple procedure along with will not cause the cancer to spread. If the mole proves to be cancerous, the entire mole will be removed along using a rim of normal skin around the item.

the item is actually usually best to remove an atypical mole just to be on the safe side. If you are a person who has dysplastic nevi you should avoid sun exposure because sunlight may accelerate adjustments in This specific type of mole.

As for skin tags, you may wish to have them removed not because they pose a potential cancer threat yet simply because they can be annoying along with bothersome. If so, removal is actually painlessly done in a doctor's office by freezing the tags with liquid nitrogen or with simple surgery.

Skin tags along with moles may seem harmless, along with for the most part they are. However, the item is actually always best to schedule periodic checkups using a skin doctor just to be sure you have no suspicious looking skin lesions on your Centeng.

Very often, people wait too long along with then the item's too late. If discovered early, melanomas can be removed successfully before spreading to some other parts of your Centeng. Go for a mole check might be glad you did!

Don't Delay - Get that will Mole Checked Out Today!

Home Remedies For Constipation - Chinese Style

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Home Remedies For Constipation - Chinese Style

These traditional Chinese home remedies for constipation are easy to prepare, safe along with effective. Most of them are made via common ingredients with natural, bowel lubricating along with moistening actions. Others are exercises along with massage techniques you can do to help move your bowels. Also included here is usually advice on eliminating along with relieving primary causes of constipation. This kind of is usually absolutely necessary if you want to have regular bowel movements along with you want these home remedies for constipation relief to work well. After all, what's the point in taking a remedy for constipation while at the same time continuing to, for instance, eat foods that will cause or contribute to the problem?

Natural Remedies along with Constipation

Some of these are adult constipation remedies only, however some may be given to both adults along with children. Start using a remedy you feel fits your particular needs along with stick with This kind of for a while. If you've also made some dietary along with lifestyle modifications, as outlined below, along with This kind of still doesn't work then try another remedy. Be patient though - blocked, constipated bowels usually take months, or years, to manifest, so don't expect to reverse your condition overnight!

Home Remedies For Constipation

Remedy One: Honey Tea

Add 3 grams of green tea leaves along using a tablespoon of honey to a mug of hot water. Wait several minutes. Drink warm after meals. Moistens the intestines along with frees the stools. Particularly suitable for constipation inside the elderly along with constipation after child birth.

Remedy Two: Honey & Sesame Oil Drink

Add a tablespoon of honey along using a dash of sesame oil to a mug of hot water. Stir well. Repeat every morning before breakfast. Moistens the intestines along with frees the stools. Especially suitable for habitual constipation with dry stools.

Remedy Three: Sweet Mulberry Drink

Bring two bowls of water to the boil. Add 60 grams of fresh, ripe, dark mulberries. Continue boiling till one bowl of liquid is usually left. Strain the dregs, along with add white or crystal sugar to taste. Drink frequently. Suitable for adults along with children.

Remedy Four: Molasses Drink

Add two tablespoons of molasses to a glass of warm water along with stir. Drink twice daily. One of the mildest yet most reliable home remedies for constipation. Suitable for adults along with children - give children just one spoon of molasses though.

Remedy 5: Banana & Fig Smoothie

Not truly a traditional Chinese home remedy for constipation although effective, along with highly nutritious, all the same. Put 2 or 3 fresh figs or dates, a very ripe banana, a spoon of honey or molasses along using a cup of water into a blender. Mix well along with drink once a day or so. Suitable for adults along with children.

Remedy Six: Senna Leaf Tea

Put 1-3 grams of Senna leaf in a mug along with add hot water. Let steep for several minutes before drinking. One of the most powerful, natural home remedies for constipation. not bad for moving hard stools with signs of heat inside the Centeng, e.g. a red face, feeling hot, bad breath, dark yellowish urine. Senna leaf is usually a strong laxative along with not recommended for long term use, though, or during pregnancy or menstruation, or by those who are weak via illness or constitutionally weak.

Remedy Seven: Spinach Soup

Make a simple spinach along with water soup along with add a little salt. Another gentle yet effective home remedy for constipation relief - soothes along with stimulates your bowels. You may also add carrot to the soup to further stimulate along with soothe your bowels. Suitable for adults along with children.

As mentioned, above, in addition to taking home remedies for constipation relief you should try to identify along with eliminate the cause of your constipation. Diet is usually usually the primary cause, i.e. excessive eating of nutritionally dead foods such as white bread, cakes, cookies, pastries, candy, over cooked foods, over cooked meats along with too many pasteurized dairy products like milk, all of which do little more than clog up your colon. The closer your food is usually to its natural state the better is usually for you along with your colon!

Emotional stress is usually another common cause of constipation. Breathing exercises along with acupressure are simple yet highly effective ways to deal with stress, anxiety, negative emotions, nervousness along with worry.

Home Remedies For Constipation - Chinese Style

What is actually Anal Herpes in addition to How is actually The Virus Treated Effectively?

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What is actually Anal Herpes in addition to How is actually The Virus Treated Effectively?

Anal herpes is actually the formation of viral outbreaks within the rectal area. The transmission of has generally the same characteristics of any some other form of the herpes virus. The area is actually infected when contact having a contaminated person is actually made. Blisters usually develop about two weeks after initial contact.

The blisters develop at the edge of the anus, yet This particular is actually possible for the outbreaks to spread inside the rectum. within the event in which This particular happens, colitis, the chronic inflammation of the membrane in which lines your colon, intestine or bowel, can develop. Although This particular is actually painful to experience any type of herpes anal outbreaks tend to be exceptionally painful as a result of the irritation caused to This particular during any bowel movements. During outbreaks, blood in addition to mucus is actually often expelled with stool.

The greatest cause of herpes transmission to the anus is actually through anal sex. This particular can be transmitted through anus to penis or through penis to anus. Using protective measures such as condoms greatly reduces the chance of contracting anal herpes, although condoms do not always cover the infected area in its entirety. Taking part in sexual intercourse having a partner who has been infected with herpes brings with This particular certain unavoidable risks, in addition to the issue should be discussed prior to any kind of intercourse.

Like genital herpes anal symptoms are similar. The initial outbreak is actually often the worst, in addition to after recognizing in which you have anal herpes, subsequent outbreaks are fairly easy to identify. Prior to an outbreak, the infected area is actually often itchy or painful. Some people develop flu-like symptoms prior to, in addition to during outbreaks as well. tiny red bumps will begin to form within the anal region.

These bumps soon develop into blisters in which are filled having a red, white, or clear liquid. In some cases, the blisters will remain intact in addition to heal without scabbing, yet the majority of the time they will ulcerate in addition to ooze liquid. After a short time the ulcerated blisters dry out in addition to scab. Once the scabs heal in addition to fall off, the episode is actually complete. Treatment should be administered at the first warning signs in which an outbreak may occur, preferable prior to the development of any blisters.

Treatment for anal herpes is actually consistent with in which of any some other form of genital herpes. Medical treatment should be sought if the possibility of contraction of the virus is actually evident. Once the diagnosis has been reached, quite a few treatment options are available.

The most favorite choice for treatment is actually currently prescriptive medications such as Valtrex. These medications often lessen the frequency in addition to severity of outbreaks, yet are often accompanied by unpleasant side effects. Topical creams are used to remedy symptom discomfort.

Natural treatment options are becoming increasingly favorite in addition to Olive Leaf, Andrographis in addition to Echinacea have been known to enhance immune system support enough to drastically decrease the number of outbreaks in which occur. When combined with vitamin C in addition to zinc, lysine has been known to speed up the recovery process significantly. Aloe vera gel aids greatly within the management of the anal herpes pain in addition to discomfort aspects of the lesions.

What is actually Anal Herpes in addition to How is actually The Virus Treated Effectively?

Walgreens, CVS, along with also Rite Aid - What RE Investors Should Know

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Walgreens, CVS, along with also Rite Aid - What RE Investors Should Know

There are 3 major drugstore chains inside US: Walgreens, CVS, along with also Rite Aid. Below are some key statistics about the 3 major drugstore chains as of 2012:

1. Walgreens ranks first with market cap of $28.51 Billion, $72.2 Billion in 2011 total revenue ($45.1B by prescription revenues), along with also an S&P rating of A. According to Walgreens, 75% of the US population lives within 3 miles by its stores. In April 2010, the idea acquired 258 Duane Reade drug stores in fresh York Metropolitan area which brings a total of 7841 drug stores Walgreens operates as of February 2012, including 137 hospital on-site pharmacies.

2. CVS ranks second with market cap of $56.56 Billion, $107.1 Billion in revenue ($40.5 Billion by CVS prescription revenues along with also $16.1B by its Caremark prescription mail order revenue), along with also an S&P rating of BBB+. As of December 31, 2011, CVS operates 7404 drug stores.

3. Rite Aid ranks third (fourth, behind Walmart in terms of prescription revenues) with market cap of $1.49 Billion, $26.1 Billion in revenue ($17.1B by prescription revenues), operates 4714 drug stores as of February 2011 along with also has an S&P rating of B-.

Investors purchase properties occupied by these drugstore chains for the following reasons:

1. The drugstore business is actually very recession-insensitive. People need medicine when they are sick, regardless of the state of the economy. Both rich along with also poor people inside US have access to medicine. Some even argue of which low-income people use more medicine due to free or low-cost drugs offered by government-assisted programs. So the tenants should do well during tough time along with also have money to pay rent to landlords.

2. The drugstore business incorporates a not bad prospect inside US:

· People are living longer along with also need more medicine to sustain longevity, e.g. Actonel for osteoporosis, Aricept for Alzheimer's symptoms. Older people tend to use more medicine than younger ones as they often have more medical problems. As the 78 million baby boomers are getting closer to retiring age starting by 2008, the drugstore chains anticipate the demand for medicine to enhance in next 20 years.

· The drug market continues to expand as the US population continues to grow. More along with also more Americans suffer by various diseases. The number of Americans suffers by seasonal allergies doubled inside last 15 years to 37 million people per Fortune magazine. They spent $5.4 Billion in 2009 for allergy drugs. As their waist lines balloon (75% of Americans are forecasted to be either overweight or obese by 2020), more Americans are diagnosed with diabetes, along with high cholesterol at younger along with also younger ages. In addition, doctors also recommend treating various diseases sooner than later due to better understanding about the diseases. For example, doctors at This kind of point prescribe antiretroviral drugs for patients soon after infected with HIV virus instead of waiting for the infection to become AIDS. More doctors combine insulin with oral medicines to treat type-2 Diabetes instead of just oral medicines alone. All these factors increase the size of the drug market.

· Advance in genetic engineering has introduced various fresh genetic DNA testing kits which allow the genetic diagnosis of vulnerabilities to inherited diseases along with also disorders. Genetic testing is actually currently the highest growth segment inside diagnostics industry. Some of these genetic tests will probably transform into direct-to-consumer testing kits available in drug stores inside near future.Upon FDA approval, these fresh products will potentially bring in additional revenue for drug stores.

· Using a fresh method of tailoring molecules called structure-based design; drug companies come up with fresh medicines of which they might not have discovered otherwise, e.g. Xalkori by Pfizer to treat lung cancer.

· The passage of Health Care Reform Bill on March 23, 2010 provides insurance coverage to an estimated 33 million more American. This kind of is actually a great present to the drugstore industry.

· There are fresh drugs to treat previously untreatable illnesses, along with also fresh diseases, e.g. Viagra for men's unhappiness, Avastin for colon cancer, Herceptin for breast cancer,. The fresh medicines are very expensive, e.g. a year's supply of Avastin costs about $55,000. Eli Lilly has sold about $4.8 billion of Zyprexa in 2007 for schizophrenia along with also yet most people have never heard of This kind of medicine.

· There are existing drugs at This kind of point approved to treat fresh illnesses thereby increase their sales revenue. For example, Lyrica was originally intended to treat pain caused by nerve damagein people with diabetes. the idea is actually at This kind of point approved by FDA to treat Fibromyalgia which affects 5.8 million Americans per WebMD.

· Big advances in genetics, biology along with also stem cells research are required to produce a fresh class of drugs to treat diabetes, Parkinson's along with also various rare genetic disorders. For example the fresh drug Ilaris by Novartis targets genetic causes of an inherited disorder of which there are only 7000 known cases worldwide. However, Novartis hopes to gradually broaden its drugs to a blockbuster drug to more common disorders caused by similar genetics.

· Technology along with also modern life introduce along with also require fresh products, e.g. pregnancy test kits, Lamisil for stronger clearer toe nails, Latisse for longer & thicker eyelashes, Propecia for male hair loss, Premarin for menopausal symptoms, diabetic monitors, electronic toothbrushes, contact lenses, lenses cleaners, diet pills, vitamins, birth-control pills, IUDs, nutrition supplements along with also Cholesterol-lowering pills (Americans spent nearly $26B in 2006 on Cholesterol medications alone per IMS Health, a Connecticut-based consulting company of which monitors pharmaceutical sales.)

· Before the customers can get to the medicine aisles or pharmacy counters, they have to pass by chocolates, sodas, digital cameras, watches, toys, dolls, beers along with also wines, cosmetics, video games, flowers, fragrances, along with also greeting cards. Drug stores wish you use the one-hour photos services there. The stores also carry seasonal items, e.g. Halloween costumes, along with also "As Seen on TV" merchandise, e.g. Shamwow. As a result, customers buy more than their prescriptions along with also medicine in these drugstores. CVS reported of which non-pharmacy sales represented 30% of the company's total sales in January of 2007. The figure for Walgreens is actually 34% along with also 37% for Rite Aid. Many pharmacy locations are in effect convenience stores especially ones of which are in residential or rural areas. along with also so Walgreens hopes of which customers also pick up WD-40, along with also screwdrivers at its stores instead of at Home Depot; Thai Jasmine rice, along with also fish sauce to avoid a trip to Safeway or Kroger Supermarkets. During the recession, sales of these non-drug items are down as customers buy what they need along with also not what they want. Walgreens tries to reduce the number of items by 4000. the idea also introduces its own private label which has higher profit margins.

· There are more along with also more generic medications on the market as numerous enormously favorite brand-name blockbusters lose their 20-year long patents, e.g. Lipitor (best selling drug inside earth to lower cholesterol) in 2010, Viagra (you know what the idea's for) in 2012. Drugstores prefer to sell generic drugs to customers due to higher profit margins than the brand-name medications.

· Many people are addicted to pain killers, e.g. Hydrocodone/Oxycodone. Per the DEA in 2012, there are 1.5 million American addicted to cocaine yet 7 million addicted to prescription drugs.

· This kind of author estimates of which at least 10% of the dispensed prescription drugs are not used at all along with also sit idle inside medicine cabinets. They are eventually expired along with also thrown away.

3. These companies sign very long-term NNN leases, guaranteed by their corporate assets. This kind of makes the investment inside underlying property fairly low risk, especially for Walgreens having a S&P "A" rating. In fact, these properties are sometimes referred to as investment-grade properties. Once the drugstore chains sign the lease, they pay the rent promptly along with also timely. This kind of author is actually not aware of any properties leased by one of these drugstore chains in which the tenants failed to pay rents. Even when the stores are closed due to weak sales (Walgreens closed 119 stores in 2007), these companies may sublease the properties to additional companies, e.g. Advance Auto Parts along with also continue to pay rents on the master leases.

· A typical Walgreens lease consists of 20-25 year primary term plus 8-10 all 5-year options. During primary term along with also options, there will be no rent increases in most of the leases. This kind of is actually the main disadvantage of investing in Walgreens drugstores.

· A typical CVS lease consists of 20-25 year primary term plus 4-5 all 5-year options. The rent is actually normally flat during the primary term along with also then there is actually a 2.5%-10% rent increase in each 5-year option.

· A typical Rite Aid lease consists of 20-25 year primary term plus 4-8 all 5-year options. The lease often incorporates a rent increase every 5-10 years.

Investment Risks

Although the pharmacy business in general is actually recession-insensitive, there are risks involved in your investment:

1) The main downside about investing in pharmacies is actually there is actually little or no rent bump for a long time, e.g. 20-50 years, especially for Walgreens. So the rent is actually effectively reduced after inflation is actually factored in. This kind of is actually one of the main reasons these properties do not appeal to younger investors, especially when the cap rate is actually low.

2) The 3 drugstore chains at This kind of point have a fresh formidable competitor, Walmart. Walmart sells prescription drugs in more than 4000 Walmart, Sam's Club along with also Neighborhood Market stores in 49 states. As of 2012, Walmart is actually the third largest drug retailer with $17.4B in prescription sales, just ahead of Rite Aid with $17.1B in prescription sales. The retail giant is actually known for launching in 2006 a highly-publicized $4 generic prescription drug program which at This kind of point sells 350 generic medications for a 30-day supply. The actual number of medications is actually less as the medications with different strengths are counted as different medications. For example, Metformin 500 mg, 850 mg, along with also 1000 mg are counted as 3 medications. Walmart probably makes very little profits on these medications if any. However, the marketing campaign--created by Bill Simon, the President along with also CEO of Walmart US, generates a lot of publicity for Walmart. Walmart hopes to draw customers to its stores with additional prescriptions where the idea has higher profit margins. In an unscientific survey with just one brand-name prescription of Lyrica, This kind of author finds the lowest cost at Costco, the highest cost at Walgreens along with also Walmart at the middle. additional drug chains try to counter Walmart in different ways. Target at This kind of point offers the same 350 generic medications for $4 for a 30-day supply. Walgreens incorporates a Prescription drugs club with membership fee which offers 1400 generic medications for as little as $1/week. CVS says the idea will match any offers by its competitors.

3) Chief Business Correspondent Rick Newman by US World & News Report predicted of which Rite Aid might not survive in 2009. Rite Aid is actually still around in 2012. The prediction seems to go away in 2012 as Rite Aid as the idea was able to refinance the long terms debts along with also sales revenue has increased.

4) Drugs are also sold in thousands of supermarkets, Target stores, along with also Costco warehouses. However, there are no drive-through windows at these stores or Walmart to conveniently drop off the prescriptions along with also pick up medicines. Customers will not be able to pick up their prescriptions during lunch hour or after 7PM at Target stores or supermarkets. They need to have membership to buy medicines at Costco. Others may not fill their prescriptions at Walmart because they don't want to mingle with typical Walmart customers who are in lower income brackets. along with also some baby boomers don't want their prescriptions filled at Target or Walmart because there are no comfortable chairs for them to sit down along with also wait for their medicines.

5) Drugs retail business to some degree is actually controlled by the Pharmacy Benefits Managers (PBMs). Customers normally get prescription coverage by their health insurance companies, e.g. Blue Cross. These PBM manage prescription benefits on behalf of the insurance companies. In 2012 Walgreens lost a contract valued at over $5 Billion with Express Scripts, a major PBM. Walgreen revenue was immediately fallen inside first quarter of 2012 as Express Scripts customers cannot fill their prescriptions at Walgreens. The PBMs are also inside drugs retail business via mail orders which do not require leasing expensive retail spaces. The prescription mail orders currently capture over 20% market share of the total prescription revenue. Should customers change their prescription purchase habits to mail orders (there is actually no such evidence in 2012), the idea could have negative impact to the business of drugstore chains.

6) Many leases in areas with hurricanes along with also tornadoes are NNN leases with the exception of roof along with also structure. So if the roof is actually damaged, you will have to pay for the expenses.

7) The tenant may move to a fresh location down the road or across the street when the lease expires. This kind of risk is actually high when the property is actually located in modest town where there is actually low barrier for entry, i.e. lots of vacant & developable land.

8) The tenant may ask for rent concession to improve its bottom line during tough times. The possibility is actually higher if the tenant is actually Rite Aid along with also if the store has low sales revenue along with also/or higher than market rent.

9) More Americans are walking away by their prescriptions, especially the most expensive brand-name medicines. This kind of may have negative impact on the sales revenue along with also profits of drug stores along with also consequently may cause drug store closures. According to Wolters Kluwer Pharma Solution, a health-care data company, nearly 1 in 10 fresh prescriptions for brand-name drugs were abandoned by people with commercial health plans in 2010. This kind of is actually up 88% compared to 4 years ago just before the recession began. This kind of trend is actually driven in part by higher along with also higher co-pays for brand name drugs as employers are shifting more insurance costs to their employees.

Among 3 drugstore chains, Walgreens along with also CVS pharmacies in general develop the best locations-at major intersections while Rite Aid has less than premium locations. Walgreens tends to hire only the top graduates by pharmacy schools while Rite Aid settles with bottom graduates to save costs. When possible, all drugstore chains try to fill the prescriptions with generic medications which have higher profit margins.

1) Walgreens: the company was founded in 1901 by Charles Walgreen, Sr. in Chicago. While the company has existed for more than 100 years, most stores are only 5-10 years old. This kind of is actually the best managed company among the three drugstore chains along with also also among the most admired public companies inside US. The company has been run by executives with proven track records along with also hires the top graduates by universities. Due to its superior financial strength--S&P A rating-- along with also premium irreplaceable locations, properties with leases by Walgreens get the highest cost per square foot along with also/or the lowest cap rate among the 3 drugstore chains. In addition, Walgreens gets flat rent or very low rent increases for 20 to 60 years. The cap rate is actually often inside low 5% to 6.5% range in 2012. Investors who buy Walgreens tend to be more mature, i.e. closer to retirement age. They are looking for a safe investment where the idea's more important to get the rent check than to get appreciation. They often compare the returns on their Walgreens investment with the lower returns by US treasury bonds or Certificate of Deposits by banks. Walgreens opened many fresh stores in 2008 along with also 2009 thereby you see many fresh Walgreens stores for sale. the idea will slow down This kind of expansion in 2010 along with also beyond along with also focus on renovation of existing stores instead.

2) CVS Pharmacy: CVS Corporation was founded in 1963 in Lowell, MA by Stanley Goldstein, Sidney Goldstein, along with also Ralph Hoagland. The name CVS stands for "Consumer Value Stores". As of 2009, CVS has about 6300 stores inside US, mostly through acquisitions. In 2004, CVS bought 1,0 Eckerd Drugstores mostly in Texas along with also Florida. In 2006, CVS bought 700 Savon along with also Osco drugstores mostly in Southern California. along with also in 2008 CVS acquired 521 Longs Drugs stores in California, Hawaii, Nevada along with also Arizona for $2.9B dollars. The acquisition of Long Drugs appears to be a not bad one as the idea CVS did not have any stores in Northern CA along with also Arizona. Besides, the cost also included real estate. the idea is actually also bought Caremark, one of the largest PBMs along with also changed the corporation name to CVS Caremark. When CVS bought 1,0 Eckerd stores, the idea formed 1-entity LLC (Limited Liability Company) to own each Eckerd store. Each LLC signs the lease with the property owner. inside event of a default, the owner can only legally go after the assets of the LLC along with also not by any additional CVS-owned assets. Although the owner loses the guaranty security by CVS corporate assets, This kind of author is actually not aware of any incident where CVS closes a store along with also does not pay rent.

3) Rite-Aid: Rite Aid was founded by Alex Grass (he just passed away on Aug 27, 2009 at the age of 82) along with also opened its first store in 1962 as "Thrif D Discount Center" in Scranton, Pennsylvania. the idea officially incorporated as Rite Aid Corporation along with also went public in 1968. By the time Alex Grassstepped down as the company's chairman along with also chief executive officer in 1995, Rite Aid was the nation's largest drugstore chain in terms of total stores along with also No. 2 in terms of revenue. His son, Martin Grass, took over yet was ousted in 1999 for overstatement of Rite Aid's earnings inside late 1990s. Rite Aid is actually at This kind of point the weakest financially among the 3 drugstore chains. In 2007, Rite-Aid acquired about 1,850 Brooks along with also Eckerd drugstores, mostly along the East coast to catch up with Walgreens along with also CVS. inside process, the idea added a huge long term debt along with also is actually the most leveraged drugstore chain based on its market value. The integration of Brooks along with also Eckerd did not seem to go well. Revenue by some of these stores went down as much as 20% after they change the sign to Rite Aid. In 2009, Rite-Aid had over 4900 stores along with also over $26 Billion in revenues. The figures went down in 2010 to 4780 stores along with also $25.53 billion in revenue. On January 21, 2009 Moody's Investor Services downgraded Rite Aid by "Caa1" to "Caa2", eight notches below investment grade. Both ratings are "junk" which indicate very high credit risk. Rite Aid contacted numerous its landlords in 2009 trying to get rent concession to improve the bottom line. In June 2009, Rite Aid successfully completed refinancing $1.9 Billion of its debts. In 2012, Rite Aid benefits by Walgreens contract problem with Express Scripts. Same store sales increased 2.2%, 3.2%, along with also 3.6% for January, February along with also March of 2012, respectively. Rite Aid is actually still losing money in fiscal year 2012 which ended in March 3, 2012. However, the idea is actually losing less, $0.43 per share in 2012 versus $0.64 per share in fiscal year 2011. The company expects better outlook in fiscal year 2013.

Things to consider when invested in a pharmacy

If you are interested in investing in a property leased by drugstore chains, here are a few things to consider:

1. If you want a low risk investment, go with Walgreens. In stable or growing areas, the degree of safety is actually the same whether the property is actually in California where you get a 5.5% cap or Texas where you may get a 6.5% cap. So, there is actually no significant advantage to invest in properties in California as the property value is actually based primarily on the cap rate. In 2012, the offered cap rate for Walgreens seems to come down by 7.5%-8.4% in 2009 to 5.5%-6.5% for fresh stores.

2. If you are willing to take more risk, then go with Rite-Aid. Some properties outside of California may offer up to 9% cap rate in 2012. However, among the 3 drug chains, Rite Aid has 10.5% chance of going under in 2010. Should the idea declare bankruptcy, Rite Aid has the option to pick along with also choose which locations to keep open along with also which locations to terminate the lease. To minimize the risk of which the store is actually shuttered, choose a location with strong sales along with also low rent to revenue ratio.

3. Financing should be an important consideration. While the cap rate is actually lower for Walgreens than Rite Aid, you will be able to get the best rates along with also terms for Walgreens.

4. If you are not a conservative investor or risk taker, you may want to consider a CVS pharmacy. the idea has BBB+ S&P credit rating. Its cap rate is actually higher than Walgreens yet lower than Rite Aid. Some leases may offer better rent bumps. On the additional hand, some CVS leases, especially for properties in hurricane areas, e.g. Florida are not truly NNN leases where landlords are responsible for the roof along with also structure. So make sure you adjust the cap rate down accordingly. Some of the CVS locations have onsite Minuteclinic staffed by registered nurses. Since This kind of clinic idea was introduced recently, the idea's not clear having a clinic inside CVS is actually a plus or minus to the bottom line of the store.

5. All 3 drugstore chains have similar requirements. They all want highly visible, standalone, rectangular property around 10,000 - 14,500 SF on a 1.5 - 2 acre lot, preferably at a corner with about 75 - 80 parking spaces in a growing along with also high traffic location. They all require the property to have a drive-through. Hence, you should avoid purchasing an inline property, i.e. not standalone along with also property with no drive-through windows. There is actually a chance of which these drugstores may not want to renew the lease unless the property is actually located in a densely-populated area with no vacant land nearby. In addition, if you acquire a property of which does not meet the fresh requirements, for example a drive-through, you may have a problem getting financing as lenders are aware of these requirements.

6. If the pharmacy is actually opened 24 hours a day, the idea is actually in a better location. Drugstore chains do not open the store 24 hours day unless the location draws customers.

7. Many properties may have a percentage lease, i.e. the landlord can get additional rent when the store's annual revenue exceeds a certain figure, e.g. $5M. However, the revenue used to compute percentage rent often excludes a page-long list of items, e.g. wine along with also sodas, tobacco products, items sold after 10 PM, drugs paid by governmental programs. The excluded sales revenue could account for as much as 70% of store's gross revenue. As a result, This kind of author has seen only 2 stores in which the landlord is actually able to collect additional percentage rent. The store having a percentage rent is actually required to report its annual sales to the landlord. As an investors, you want to invest in a store with strong gross sales, e.g. over $500 per square foot a year. In addition, you also want to check the rent to revenue ratio. If the figure is actually inside 2-4% range, the store is actually likely to be very profitable so the chance the store is actually shut down is actually low.

8. the idea does not matter how not bad the tenants are, avoid investing in declining, e.g. Detroit along with also/or low-income areas or modest towns with less than 30,000 residents within 5 miles ring. In a modest town, the idea may be the only drug store in town along with also captures most of the market share. However, if a competitor opens a fresh location inside area, revenue may be severely affected. In addition, the tenant can always moves to a fresh location down the road when the lease expires since there is actually low barrier to entry in a modest town. These properties are easy to buy at This kind of point along with also hard to sell later. When the credit market is actually tight, you may have problems finding a lender to finance these properties.

9. Many properties have an existing loan of which the buyer must assume. If you have a 1031 exchange, think twice about buying This kind of property. You should clearly understand loan assumption requirements of the lenders before moving forward. Should you fail to assume the existing loan (assuming an existing loan is actually a lot more difficult than getting a fresh loan), you may run out of time for a 1031 exchange along with also may be liable to pay capital gain.

10. With few exceptions, drugstore chains do not own the stores they occupy for several reasons. Here are just a couple of them:

- They know the pharmacy business yet don't know real estate. Stock investors also don't want Walgreens to become a real estate investment company.

- Owning the real estate will require them to carry lots of long term debts which is actually not a brilliant idea for a publicly-traded company.

11. About 10% of the drugstore properties for sale along with also typically CVS pharmacies require very modest amount of equity to acquire, e.g. 10% of the purchase cost. However, you are required to assume an existing fully-amortized loan with zero cash flow. of which is actually, all of the rent paid by the tenant must be used to pay down the loan. The cap rate may be inside 7-9% range, along with also the interest rate on the loan could be attractive inside 5.5% to 6% range. Hence, the investor pays off the loan in 10 to 20 years. However, you have no positive cash flow. This kind of requires you to come up with outside cash to pay income tax on the rental profits (the difference between the rent along with also mortgage interest). The longer you own the property, the more outside cash you will need to pay income taxes as the mortgage interest will get less along with also less toward the end. So who might buy This kind of kind of property?

- The investors who have substantial losses by additional investment properties. By acquiring This kind of zero cash flow property, they may offset the income by the drugstore tenant against the losses by additional investment properties. For example, a property has $105,000 of rental profits a year, along with also the investor also has losses of $100,000 by additional properties. As a result, the combined taxable profits are only $5,000.

- The uninformed investors who fail to consider of which they have to raise additional cash to pay income taxes.

Out of the Box Thinking

If you put too much weight on the S&P rating of the tenants, you may end up either taking a lot of risks or passing up not bad opportunities.

  1. A not bad location should be the key in your decision on which drug store to invest in. the idea's often said a lousy business should do well at a great location while the best tenant will fail at a lousy location. A Walgreens store of which is actually closed down later on (yes, Walgreens closed 119 stores in 2007) is actually still a bad investment even though Walgreens continues paying rent on time. So you don't want to blindly invest in a drug store simply because the idea incorporates a Walgreens sign on the building.

  2. No company is actually crazy enough to close a profitable location. the idea does not take rocket science to understand of which a financially-weak company like Rite Aid will make every effort to keep a profitable location open. On the additional hand, a financially-strong Walgreens will need justifications to keep an unprofitable location open. So how do you determine if a drug store location is actually profitable or not if the tenant is actually not required to disclose its profit & loss statement? The answer is actually you cannot. However, you can make an educated guess based on the store's annual gross revenue which is actually often reported to the landlord as required by the percentage clause inside lease. With the gross revenue, you can determine the rent to income ratio. The lower the ratio, the more likely the store is actually profitable. For example, if the annual base rent is actually $250,000 while the store's gross revenue is actually $5M then the rent to income ratio is actually 5%. As a rule of thumb, the idea's hard to make a profit if This kind of ratio is actually more than 8%. So if you see a Rite Aid with 3% rent to income ratio then you know the idea's likely a very profitable location. inside event Rite Aid declares bankruptcy, the idea will keep This kind of location open along with also continue paying rent. If you see a Rite Aid drug store with 3% rent to income ratio offering 10% cap, chances are the idea's a low risk investment with not bad returns along with also the tenant will most likely to renew the lease. The weakness of corporate guaranty by Rite Aid is actually probably not as critical along with also the risk of having Rite Aid as a tenant is actually not definitely of which significant.

  3. Drug stores with fresh 25 years leases tend to sell at lower cap, e.g. 6-7% cap on fresh stores versus 8.0-8.5% cap on established locations with 5-10 years remaining on the lease. This kind of is actually because investors are afraid of which the tenants may not renew the leases. Unfortunately, lenders also develop the same fear! As a result, many lenders will not finance drug stores with 2-3 years left on the leases. The fact of which drugstores with fresh leases have a premium on the cost means they have potential of 20% depreciation (buying fresh at 6% cap along with also selling at 7.5% cap when the leases have 8 year left). Some investors will not consider investing in drug stores with 5-10 years left on the lease. They might simply ignore the fact of which the established stores may be at irreplaceable locations with very strong sales. Tenants simply have no additional choices additional than renewing the lease.

Walgreens, CVS, along with also Rite Aid - What RE Investors Should Know

Flying in addition to Radiation - What is actually the Risk?

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Flying in addition to Radiation - What is actually the Risk?

As a Flight Attendant with an erratic schedule I am always conscious about keeping healthy. The brand new cry out there by the general public is actually the use of Centeng scanners in which emit radiation doses. What people genuinely don't know is actually the health risk in which flying itself gives. Flying gives you more radiation exposure than the Centeng scanners ever will. Two minutes flying at 30,000 feet will give you as much radiation as a Centeng scan! in addition to by the time you are at a normal cruising altitude of 39,000 feet the total radiation is actually much greater than what the item is actually at sea level. Flying from the upper thinner portion of the atmosphere increases your radiation exposure in addition to doubles with every 6,000 feet of altitude!

For people who don't fly in which much I don't think This kind of is actually a concern in addition to remember you can always opt out of the Centeng scanner which is actually your right. nevertheless This kind of can put you at the mercy of a full Centeng pat down, which can be a very unpleasant experience. nevertheless for Frequent Flyers in addition to Flight Crews who fly commercial airlines at high altitudes, we are subjected to higher than normal radiation levels coming from the sun in addition to cosmic rays. in addition to from the event of a solar flare radiation is actually even worse. This kind of raises a real health risk because we are exposed to more radiation than any different occupation out there!

the item is actually amazing to me why our employers do not educate us about This kind of risk. European carriers make the item mandatory in which Flight Crews be educated about cosmic radiation. in addition to also I wonder why we are not monitored as most health professionals who frequently deliver x-rays in addition to cancer treatments. the item only takes about six or seven trips coming from brand new York to Narita Japan to exceed the general public limits. in which is actually more than any health professional gets in which delivers x-rays!

Everyone is actually exposed to some radiation every day. Cosmic radiation which comes coming from the sun is actually a form of Ionizing radiation; charged particles in which go through our bodies all the time which unbalance us. nevertheless we are protected by most of them because the earth's atmosphere absorbs much of This kind of in addition to deflects them before they reach us. So the higher you are the less atmosphere to protect you. in addition to too much exposure can lead to tissue in addition to genetic damage in which cause cancer in addition to different diseases.

We are all aware in which the sun's ultraviolet radiation can damage skin cells which may lead to skin cancers, nevertheless at a high energy the item becomes ionizing radiation which can lead to chemical reactions inside cells in addition to break DNA chains which mutate the cells in addition to become cancerous. If the item occurs in a sperm or egg the item can result in birth defects which is actually why pregnant women should never be subjected to x-rays.

There is actually a tremendous amount of evidence in which female flight attendants have higher rates of breast cancer then the rest of the population. We also must take into consideration in which our life style of constantly crossing time zones can throw off our hormones, messes with our serotonin in addition to dopamine which can also play a big part in causing cancer.

Luckily for most flight personnel, we don't have to go through the Centeng scanners because who wants in which additional dose of radiation... nevertheless our Frequent Flyers are not so lucky. Although the machines they say are a very low level in addition to not like an X-ray at all, experts claim the machines are not harmful. I believe the item's still too early to tell.

nevertheless although we are not going through the Centeng scanners we are still at a higher risk. Robert Barish who is actually a physicist in addition to author of "The Invisible Passenger: Radiation Risks For People Who Fly" says crewmembers are exposing themselves to more radiation than almost any different occupation out there.

So how much flying is actually too much?

There are two organizations "The U.S. National Council on Radiation Protection in addition to Measurements" in addition to the "International Commission on Radiological Protection". They both have established the radiation tolerance for air crews in addition to the general public. A week's worth of natural background radiation is actually about 2.4 mSv a year. The group goes on to say in which one single long international flight will expose you to a weeks' worth of natural background radiation. nevertheless airline employees definitely exceed the groups recommend limits.

What can we do? Well airline personnel certainly cannot quit or stop flying, first the item's just what they do, its their job in addition to second its the way the general public gets around. nevertheless the cost to pay could be our health. So how can we protect our health?

Since I obviously travel regularly here is actually what I do to keep my health while flying in addition to being exposed to radiation. Remember the highest mountain from the planet is actually 28,000 feet yet most of us think nothing of spending hours at 35,000 feet, an altitude in which we humans were never designed to be exposed to. in addition to in addition to radiation exposure while flying, radiation in addition to radioactivity are everywhere, from the air we breathe, the water we drink in addition to the food we eat. Our toxic overload just keeps getting greater.

Cleansing - We can bind radioactive particles in addition to flush them out of our bodies. If not they will stay there in addition to slowly work at destroying your health. We will succumb to unexplained symptoms of fatigue, weekend immune system in addition to all sorts of conditions in addition to diseases. Cleansing has been around for centuries. There are many cleanses out there, so be careful in choosing, the one I recommend is actually the Isagenix 9 Day cleansing in addition to fat burning system. the item is actually an all natural cleanse which focus on the full Centeng not just any one organ. As opposed to different cleanses the item also floods your Centeng with the nutrients the item badly needs, instead of depleting your Centeng, all the while giving your digestive system the break the item needs.

Regular Checkups - Because of the hazards of frequently flying regular checkups can catch problems early.

Baths to soak in at home to pull out all the accumulations of toxins in our Centeng. This kind of accumulated waste can impair our lymph system which relies on physical movement in addition to sweating to rid itself of waste. Soaking in alkaline water will help rebalance your Centeng's internal p in addition to relieve cellular inflammation.

Salt in addition to Soda soak - The best bath to soak in is actually 2 cups of dead sea salt, kosher salt in addition to 2 cups of baking soda. Add to bath water when 2/3 full in addition to let the item dissolve before entering.

Seaweed bath soak - Seaweed includes a strong in addition to powerful ionic charge in which draws toxins out of bodily cells. You can purchase seaweed soaks at your local health food store, or right here at the Health Hub - Bath Salts in addition to Soaks.

Epsom Salt Soak - This kind of is actually my favorite because the magnesium in Epsom salt brings relief to stress in addition to tension, so the item's the perfect soak after a long flight. Not only in which nevertheless the magnesium assists in neutralizing in addition to eliminating chemical toxins.

Magnesium helps to eliminate absorbed radiation in addition to toxins, a great source of magnesium are dark leafy vegetables. I take one Isagenix Isa Flush a night, which is actually also a not bad magnesium supplement.

Foods rich in Pectin - Pectin binds to radioactive in addition to chemical residues in addition to removes them coming from the Centeng. the item acts as a natural chelating agent. Apples, guavas, plums, gooseberries, oranges in addition to different citrus fruits. Be sure to wash all fruits. There is actually truth the the saying "An apple a day keeps the doctor away"

Flood your bodies with the nutrients the item needs to safeguard your health. We need foods in which will build up your immune system in addition to help you recover coming from the damage caused by radiation exposure. We need food substances in which will bind in addition to flush contaminates right coming from your Centeng. Health professionals have signified certain super greens in addition to super fruits in which infuse the Centeng with phytonutrients to protect your health. Phytonutrients enhance your Centeng's natural detoxification pathways, which enable health in addition to longevity. You might have heard of spirulina(one of the richest sources of vitamins, minerals, iron, protein in addition to a host of different energizing in addition to detoxifying nutrients) chlorella (which is actually a powerful detoxifier to safeguard against pollutants, chemicals in addition to pesticides) in addition to wheat grass,( contains dozens of minerals, including high concentrations of potassium, calcium, in addition to magnesium) for example, which are super greens. Mangosteen, Star Fruit in addition to Acai Berry are powerhouses of nutrition, too - which is actually why they're called super fruits. These super foods can be your essential line of defense against environmental toxicity. There are many not bad super foods out there nevertheless the one I recommend to boost your Centeng's ability to clear toxins in addition to replenish with optimal nutrition is actually Isagenix Greens in addition to Isa Fruits. They contain the healthiest super greens in addition to super fruits on the planet. They are the only one I have found in which includes a cold processing technique which features natural spray drying in addition to concentration which preserves the phytonutrients.

Did you know in which the US Dept of Agriculture recommends 7 - 13 servings of fruits in addition to vegetables a day? Pretty hard to do anyway, at This kind of point we're on a plane, in a hotel in addition to traveling. The Isagenix Fruits in addition to Greens come in on-the-go packets which are great for frequent flyers in addition to flight crews. I could not find different brands in This kind of easy to go pack.

Fly when the sun is actually down. Most of the radiation is actually coming from the sun, so at night the earth is actually blocking most of the item. You don't get sunburned at night right? Well the same with radiation exposure. This kind of may cost us some sleep, nevertheless for the frequent flyer the item may be less expensive.

Astaxanthin is actually a powerful fat soluble carotenoid in which will protect your cells. Studies show in which there is actually an improvement in people's ability to tolerate sun exposure. the item can be found in fish, seafood in addition to algae. The isagenix Greens contain This kind of powerful nutrient. in addition to Life Extension another company I highly recommend also has Astaxanthin.

Earthing/Grounding Pad - EMF's in addition to different electrical interference can disrupt your bodies bio-electrical communications causing weak electrical currents within your Centeng. Wi-Fi only worsens the problem. Traveling on airplanes is actually a suspected cause of weakening bio-electric currents, as the item disrupts the natural ground your Centeng might receive when you're connected naturally to the earth through your feet. An earthing pad, also known as a grounding pad is actually a great for your seat or jump seat. They are also ideal for your car.

Drink Water Not Soda - Sodas serve to synergistically worsen damage coming from radiation.

Walk Around on Long Flights - This kind of is actually a no brainer for us Flight Attendants. nevertheless passengers especially the elderly need to move or walk around. Being immobile on a plane increases the risk in which blood clots will develop in addition to then lodge from the lungs (pulmonary embolism). To reduce This kind of risk, avoid alcohol, wear loose clothing in addition to avoid crossing your legs. Of course we cannot have 230 people walking around the aircraft nevertheless for a certain few This kind of is actually a necessity. the item's better than an medical emergency on the airplane.

Eat Well in addition to Avoid Junk Food - Unfortunately most of your options at hotels in addition to airports are junk or processed foods. My advice is actually to avoid these altogether. This kind of goes for the in flight meals in which are nothing more than processed foods! Junk food is actually loaded with salt, sugar in addition to will impair your immune system. The truth is actually in which fasting is actually much better than eating junk food. Fasting does less to impair your Centeng's immune system. Pack your carry on with healthy snacks, choose organic raw almonds, healthy bars or protein shakes! Easy to do on the airplane in addition to you will feel so much better. Choose carefully in addition to make sure your snacks are organically based in addition to not full of sugar. A few great nutrient dense snacks in which are easy to travel with are, Isagenix Slim Cakes, Fiber Snacks, IsaLean Bars, IsaDelights in addition to IsaLean Shakes. An easy Travel Shaker cup is actually also available. You can also find This kind of type of cup at any Health Food Store.

Antioxidants - Most of the damage coming from radiation exposure is actually coming from oxidative damage which can lead to cancers in addition to illnesses. The best preventive measure is actually to boost antioxidants or "free radical scavengers" in your Centeng. One of the best supplements out there is actually the Ageless Essentials Daily Paks for Men or Women. I like the item because the item gives you everything you need in addition to the item's in easy to travel paks!

In today's day in addition to age, the item is actually almost impossible to avoid toxicity in any form. So lets be vigilant with our health, flood our bodies with nutrients, cleanse in addition to detox. Lets give our bodies a fighting chance in addition to help the item be the miracle the item was meant to be.

Joanne Calvacca is actually a Certified Nutritional Wellness Consultant in addition to Isagenix Associate located in Montville/Morris County NJ

DISCLAIMER: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food in addition to Drug Administration.

This kind of information is actually not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Flying in addition to Radiation - What is actually the Risk?

Ovarian Cancer-PMS Symptoms - Treatment Options for Ovarian Cancer-PMS Symptoms

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Ovarian Cancer-PMS Symptoms - Treatment Options for Ovarian Cancer-PMS Symptoms

Many health conditions have very similar symptoms along with therefore the idea can be imperative that will if you have any unusual symptoms going on that will you get a thorough physical by your doctor to help determine exactly what can be going on. Ovarian Cancer along with PMS -premenstrual syndrome are two conditions that will have some of the same symptoms. The similar symptoms of Ovarian Cancer along with PMS will be reviewed. Treatment options for both will be discussed as well.

Ovarian Cancer Symptoms

the idea has been believed that will symptoms of Ovarian Cancer did not appear until the tumor spreads. Very recently however, the idea has been discovered that will there may be early signs. These symptoms can be bloating, abdominal pain along with frequent urination or intense urge to urinate. You may experience problems with eating or you may feel full actually quickly.

If these symptoms have not appeared before or if they become severe, every woman should see their doctors' for cancer screening.

various other symptoms of ovarian cancer could include a feeling of heaviness from the pelvic/abdominal area, lower abdominal pain, along with/or vaginal bleeding. various other symptoms may include irregular periods, unexplained back pain that will gets continually worse, along with increased abdominal girth. Some gastro-intestinal problems such as gas, indigestion, decreased appetite along with problems eating the usual amount of food may be symptomatic of ovarian cancer.

Nausea, vomiting, along with feeling bloated may also indicate ovarian cancer. Excessive hair growth may also occur.

PMS Symptoms

There are two believed causes of premenstrual symptoms. The first can be low serotonin levels (brain chemical that will helps control mood, sleep, along with your appetite. Associated symptoms include mood swings, irritability, aggressive behavior, along with anger. Fatigue along with sleep problems may also occur. Anxiety, depression along with concentration problems are also associated symptoms. Food cravings along with an increase in your appetite may also occur.

The second possible cause can be related to the hormonal fluctuations along with may be headaches including migraines. Sore breasts, bloating, along with back ache might also be experienced by some women. There are over 100 associated indicators related to PMS.


Ovarian cancer can be treated in quite a few ways. Surgery can be an option along with may include removal of just the diseased ovary or both can be removed. If that will can be the case, you will no longer be able to get pregnant along with early menopause may occur if you have had the idea already.

Radiation Treatment uses extremely high energy x-rays to do one of two things; shrink the cancer cells or to kill them. With radiation you may experience the side effects such as nausea, fatigue, along with diarrhea. Report these to your doctor immediately because there are ways to help. Chemotherapy can be given most often after surgery.

They may be administered intravenously or by mouth. Once the drugs are from the blood stream they spread throughout the Centeng. that will can be a Great treatment when the cancer has spread beyond the ovaries.

Side effects by chemotherapy may include nausea along with vomiting, loss of appetite, hair loss, along with rashes on the hands along with feet. Damage may occur to the kidneys or nerves. Tiredness due to low red blood cell counts, bleeding/bruising by minor cuts due to low platelet counts along with mouth sores may occur. Once treatments are done most of these things go away. PMS treatments include prescribed medications; possibly anti-depressants which are used no matter the level of severity. These come with some very serious side effects along with as a result many people are looking for natural treatments such as herbal supplements.

Herbal supplements of high quality should have been put through intense testing. The metabolism of the ingredients can be tested at the molecular level along with the interactions of the ingredients examined. They also should have been made to meet pharmaceutical grade standards. that will guarantees that will what the label says the idea contains, can be actually from the supplement. The safety, purity, along with effectiveness of the supplement are also guaranteed. Before taking any supplement, check with your doctor because the herbs may have an effect on how prescriptions you may be taking for various other conditions work.


Ovarian cancer PMS symptoms do have some commonalities such as a little lower abdominal pain, weight gain, irregular periods, along with indigestion. These symptoms can indicate either Ovarian Cancer/PMS symptoms. the idea can be very strongly recommended that will if you suspect you have PMS or ovarian cancer, to get medical advice as soon as possible. Both can be treated yet ovarian cancer may be more survivable if caught early rather than later: along with that will can be usually the case.

Ovarian Cancer-PMS Symptoms - Treatment Options for Ovarian Cancer-PMS Symptoms

Reflexology in addition to Edema

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Reflexology in addition to Edema

What will be edema (also spelled oedema), anyway?

Well, of which's an observable swelling of which comes by a fluid accumulation in Centeng tissues.

in addition to, edema most commonly occurs inside the feet in addition to legs, where of which's referred to as peripheral edema.

The swelling will be the result of the accumulation of excess fluid under the skin inside the spaces within the tissues. We already have fluid there, the interstitial fluid, nevertheless This kind of will be more than usual.

some other parts of the Centeng, such as the face in addition to hands, can also be affected.

As many of us know after a long day of shopping (or walking around an art museum, or just standing on our feet) - swelling or edema around the ankles etc., can happen. in addition to, of which can happen to anyone.

At night, the fluid tends to drain by the legs to ensure of which foot/ankle edema will be usually less obvious when you get up inside the morning.

nevertheless, will be of which serious?

Well, depending on how extreme of which will be in addition to how long of which's been there... of which could be!

Types of Edema

Most of us will have experienced edema in our everyday life.

We'll notice of which our rings don't fit or our ankles are a little puffy. in addition to if you've had a little too much alcohol, you'll see of which inside the morning - right before your eyes - in of which puffy face of yours.

of which comes in addition to of which goes nevertheless if of which stays - well of which could mean something different..,

There are 2 main types of edema:

  • In non-pitting edema, which usually affects the legs or arms, pressure of which will be applied to the skin does not result in a persistent indentation.

Pitting edema which can be demonstrated by applying pressure to the swollen area by depressing the skin using a finger, in addition to a persistent indentation occurs. of which means of which the skin does not spring back nevertheless rather the indentation by your finger pressure remains, which indicates something more serious.

Edema has been described as the result of venous ulceration, which will be often caused by an increase in tissue pressure (increased fluid within the tissue) because of increased capillary permeability.

Some Causes of Edema

Certainly, there can be many causes for edema. Some are fleeting as I mentioned above, while others are much more serious.

If you have edema (or any swelling) in addition to don't know the cause, of which's important of which you see your doctor. You'll feel better to know of which nothing will be wrong... or, if there will be, you'll want to know of which too.

Edema of the ankles in addition to lower legs can be mild in addition to passing or, of which can accompany some other conditions, including obesity, diseased leg veins, kidney disease, cirrhosis of the liver, anemia, in addition to severe malnutrition. of which might also be a characteristic of congestive heart failure.

in addition to, there could be some other factors of which might contribute to its onset, including:

  • Eating a poor diet of which's high in salt in addition to carbohydrates
  • Taking birth control or hormone replacement therapy pills
  • Pregnancy in addition to PMS
  • Sodium retention
  • Varicose veins in addition to history of phlebitis
  • Allergic reactions
  • Neuromuscular disorders
  • Trauma
  • Abusing drugs

One symptom will be when, initially, the feet in addition to legs will appear swollen as the day progresses, nevertheless after a period of time, the swelling will set in first thing inside the morning in addition to continue to worsen throughout the day.

There's probably a certain amount of edema of which we can live with when of which's found to not be a problem.

nevertheless, of which can become serious - particularly if the edema will be advanced in addition to has been around for a while - of which might cause pitting (as mentioned above, when you press on the swollen area for a few seconds, you will notice an indentation in of which area of which continues long after the finger-pressure will be removed). Continued swelling can cause skin ulcerations.

Over time, some other symptoms could develop as a result of the fluid retention in addition to the pressure on the tissue in addition to the Centeng:

  • High blood pressure
  • Headaches
  • pressure on the skin
  • Increased urination
  • Palpitations
  • Swollen hands in addition to/or wrists
  • puffiness of the face around the eyes , inside the feet, ankles, in addition to legs
  • weight gain
Salt Intake in addition to Edema

Okay, we know of which food tastes better with salt in addition to of which's why so many products in addition to restaurants load their food up with of which.

of which's usually in vast quantities in processed foods. Even 'health foods' can have lots in addition to lots of salt (of which's a pity of which salt, sugar in addition to fat are things of which make food taste better in addition to are overused in our culture).

Almost anything can be okay in moderation - nevertheless we're way over the top with these foods.

The Centeng's balance of salt will be usually well-regulated. A normal person can consume relatively smaller or large quantities of salt inside the diet (although extremes are best avoided) without concern for developing salt depletion or retention.

The amount of salt excreted by the kidneys will be regulated by hormonal in addition to physical factors of which signal whether retention or removal of salt by the kidneys will be necessary.

If someone carries a kidney disease of which impairs the function of the kidneys - the ability to excrete salt inside the urine will be limited.

In some conditions, the amount of salt inside the Centeng increases, in addition to This kind of may cause a person to retain water in addition to develop edema.

Common Treatments

Over the counter diuretics containing ammonium chloride in addition to caffeine (think Aqua-Ban®) are sold with the promise to relieve symptoms related to edema. More severe edematous conditions require medical attention.

Treatment of edema with prescription medications will be limited to the use of diuretics, commonly referred to as "water pills."

Commonly, treatment consists of managing the underlying condition, which may include: inadequate nutrition; liver, heart, in addition to kidney disease; or obstruction of blood or lymph flow. In some cases, a salt-restricted diet may be recommended.

If the edema will be localized in addition to due to a strain or trauma, people report have gotten Great results by homeopathic products like 'Traumeel' & 'Topricene'. I keep both of them at hand.

What Might Help?

  • Diet will be always key - watch your salt intake in addition to eat lots of vegetables
  • of which's always a Great idea to watch your salt intake.
  • If your legs or ankles are puffy, of which's suggested of which you elevate your legs above your heart while lying down.
  • Exercise your legs. This kind of could help pump fluid by your legs back to your heart.
  • Some people find of which wearing support stockings (sold at most drug in addition to medical supply stores) help.
  • Reflexology could be a great healthy support - OR NOT - read on...
What Can Reflexology Do?

The fluid of which builds up to become edema will be normally brought back to the heart via the lymphatic system.

Unlike the circulatory system which carries a pump (the heart), the lymphatic system relies on movements of the Centeng to help drain of which's fluids.

Since there are no little pumps at the ends of our fingers in addition to toes, the gentle movements of our reflexology techniques (thumb in addition to finger-walking) at the extremities, supports the natural processes of the whole Centeng.

Yet again, I'll remind you of which reflexologists don't treat, diagnose or prescribe.

in addition to, I'm not even interested specifically inside the movement of local fluids. My focus will be on the whole Centeng, the organs in addition to organ systems.

nevertheless another "fringe benefit" of my reflexology work will be the potential to help the fluid tides as well.

However beware, there might be some edemic conditions of which don't need This kind of or are too weak to benefit.

Yes - of which's right, if the condition will be not diagnosed - or even if of which will be diagnosed - in addition to of which's advanced edema (pitted edema will be advanced) - you must always check first with the doctor before working.


Because, unless you are a doctor, you don't know if of which will help or will be too much fluid movement for an obviously compromised system to handle.

No guessing here - remember, someone who will be sick will have a medical team. of which's in everyone's best interest to check with the medical team. They won't mind or be shocked - of which's what they all do.

at This kind of point my guess will be almost always of which reflexology will help.

nevertheless, if someone will be very ill, of which's the MD on the team of which must know in addition to approve any work before you can be sure about proceeding. They know the whole story about their patient's health in addition to they'll base their recommendations on the big picture.

You in addition to even the person with the edema may not understand or even know all the implications of their condition.

So of which's easier than you thought - in addition to there's no guess work - just make the call to inform the team in addition to get the okay for proceeding with reflexology.

Easy as pie (will be of which a prairie expression?).

A little puffiness will be a pretty common sight. In a healthy individual of which doesn't represent a problem unless of which's gone on for too long, has impeded movement or will be of concern.

in addition to, yes - there are reflexes to the immune system.

Don't forget the spleen (the largest lymphoid inside the Centeng in addition to thymus reflexes too - both are important).

Reflexology in addition to Edema