Hyperpigmentation Treatments - Which Ones truly Work?

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Hyperpigmentation Treatments - Which Ones truly Work?

Hyperpigmentation is actually a condition where excess pigment is actually produced from the skin, resulting in a blotchy appearance. The condition ranges through simple freckling, to the more stubborn type known as Melasma. The type of hyperpigmentation you have depends on what caused of which. In This kind of article we will review the different types of hyperpigmentation, in addition to also then the most advanced treatment options available today for correcting of which.

First, let's start which has a review of hyperpigmentation. Even if you are not a licensed skin care therapist, of which's important to understand This kind of condition creating sure of which you can better understand how of which needs to be treated. In simple terms, hyperpigmentation is actually an undesirable, over-production of melanin from the skin. Melanin production is actually a normal process of which the Centeng uses to protect skin through damage. You see This kind of process in action when you develop a tan. However with hyperpigmentation, the melanin production is actually spotty in addition to also uneven, which can be aging to your appearance in addition to also just plain unattractive.

from the skin care industry, different terms are used for hyperpigmentation of which results through specific causes. The following is actually a list of the commonly known types, along which has a description of each:

  • Freckles: Yes, even freckles are a type of hyperpigmentation. They result through a pattern of melanin production of which is actually genetic or inherited.
  • Melasma: This kind of is actually hyperpigmentation through hormonal causes. The hormones can come through oral or injected birth control, pregnancy, or menopause. of which appears in a typical pattern across the forehead in addition to also upper cheek bones. of which also tends to be darker in addition to also more difficult to treat, usually because the patient is actually still being exposed to the source of hormones.
  • Age-Spots: This kind of form is actually usually through environmental damage by UV rays. The reference to of which's being age-related is actually due to the fact of which of which appears after many years of exposure to the sun.
  • Post-Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation (PIH): This kind of is actually the result of trauma to the skin. of which can be through a cut or abrasion, acne, or professional skin care treatments of which are done improperly.

additional types of hyperpigmentation include actinic keratoses in addition to also various types of lesions, which are pre-cancerous conditions of which should be monitored by a dermatologist. We will not be discussing these conditions in This kind of article.

What you should know is actually of which no matter what form of hyperpigmentation you are diagnosed with, the treatment for of which will be the same. This kind of is actually because all melanin production from the skin is actually a reaction to inflammation. To be more specific, melanin is actually produced in cells within the epidermis, called melanocytes. When of which cell is actually exposed to anything of which produces inflammation (UV rays, estrogen, drugs) of which produces melanin. If the melanocyte is actually exposed to a source of inflammation over in addition to also over again, of which may become permanently damaged in addition to also remain in a protective mode. This kind of means the cell will always produce melanin in addition to also remain dark, even when the inflammation stops. What This kind of also means is actually of which treatment for such conditions will be ongoing... lasting indefinitely. This kind of is actually particularly true of environmental damage of which produces age-spots. So whether of which inflammation comes through UV rays (sun), hormones or additional medications, acne, or professional treatments like laser resurfacing or deep chemical peels, similar methods will be used to treat them all. Here is actually a review of the most well-known options from the skin care industry for treating hyperpigmentation:

  • Topical skin lightening products: These are skin care products of which contain ingredients known as tyrosinase inhibitors. Tyrosinase is actually an enzyme from the Centeng of which is actually necessary for production of melanin from the cell. These ingredients can be synthetic or chemically produced, or they can be taken through natural sources. This kind of is actually the most common form of treatment used by skin care professionals, because of which is actually the only one of which specifically works on tyrosinase in addition to also how melanin is actually produced. of which also happens to be the most affordable. Effectiveness depends entirely on the quality of the product, such as type of tyrosinase inhibitors, strength of ingredients, in addition to also rate of penetration. Creams must be able to penetrate to the basal layer of the epidermis where melanocytes live. Remember, since treatment will be ongoing to prevent hyperpigmentation through recurring, choose products of which are safe for long-term use. Only natural tyrosinase inhibitors are safe in addition to also free of side-effects. The synthetic tyrosinase inhibitor known as hydroquinone is actually not recommended for use exceeding 3 months. If you have been using of which, try to wean yourself off of of which in addition to also onto natural tyrosinase inhibitors.
  • Chemical peeling: This kind of treatment is actually performed by skin care professionals in addition to also should only be done in their facility. There are varying depths of This kind of treatment, in addition to also careful evaluation of each patient should be done before a depth of treatment is actually decided upon. Because of a possible complication of stimulating more melanin production, careful evaluation should be done to determine depth of treatment in addition to also proper skin-prepping steps to take. This kind of treatment is actually effective for hyperpigmentation, although should be an add-on to treatment with topical skin lightening products. By itself, peels will not prevent hyperpigmentation through recurring. Prices typically range through $150 to $1000, depending on depth of treatment in addition to also whether you see an aesthetician or doctor.
  • Laser treatments: There are various types of laser treatments for hyperpigmentation. As with deeper chemical peels, not everyone will be a Great candidate with This kind of deeper treatment. of which is actually the most expensive form of treatment, costing an average of $2,500. With any form of pigmentary hyperpigmentation, the recurrence rate is actually approximately 50%. Topical treatments should accompany laser treatments to prevent recurrence.

Based on level of effectiveness, safety, in addition to also cost, topical skin lightening products prove to offer the best benefits for everyone. The best way to correct hyperpigmentation in addition to also maintain results is actually by affecting tyrosinase activity from the cell. However, not all products are created equal. Effective products must be through a professional product line, or something of which might only be available through a licensed skin care professional. although not every professional skin care line will be completely effective.

Professional Products vs. Drug Store Brands

To correct hyperpigmentation, you MUST use a professional skin care line. These are skin care lines of which are only sold through doctors in addition to also additional licensed skin care professionals. You cannot go to a drug store or department store to get This kind of type of product. Too expensive you say? Well take another look at pricing, because department store brands are often more expensive than professional skin care lines, in addition to also drug store brands have today reached a comparable cost. in addition to also remember, nothing is actually a bargain if of which doesn't work.

So what's the real difference between a professional skin care line in addition to also drug store or department store brands? Plenty, although number one is actually probably science behind the formulation. In general, professional skin care products are advanced formulas. However, not all lines of which professionals carry will be effective for hyperpigmentation. Among professional lines, you will find high quality basic skin care lines, in addition to also also clinical or corrective lines. In order to create true, dramatic adjustments from the skin, make sure you use a corrective product line. Many skin care therapists will carry both types; however look for products of which claim the following:

  • Use of a large variety of ingredients. Just read the label. If the ingredients in a product number less than 15, look for a different product. Some manufacturers of clinical lines will use upwards of 50 active ingredients in an individual product.
  • Use of high percentage of active ingredients. You should be able to find out percentages of many active ingredients right on the label. Clinical lines use higher strengths of key ingredients; otherwise they might be department store brands.
  • Use of a large amount of natural ingredients. This kind of will be more difficult to find in a clinical line, although of which does exist. Natural ingredients are more compatible with the skin's cells in addition to also have enhanced ability to penetration the skin layers in addition to also into the cell. of which's where of which needs to get! However, don't look for product lines of which claim to be all natural. These types of products simply are not advanced enough to produce results. You may as well be spreading fruit in addition to also vegetables on your skin, which will do nothing for hyperpigmentation. Natural ingredients of which are used in corrective skin care lines are derived through natural sources, although only under laboratory conditions where specific parts are isolated in addition to also concentrated to produce an advanced ingredient. For hyperpigmentation, look for products containing: Kojic Acid Dipalmitate, L-Arbutin, Rumex, L-Ergothioneine, Vitamin C, Glycyrrhiza Glabra (licorice). These amino acids in addition to also plant derivatives are a few of the most effective natural tyrosinase inhibitors.
  • Use of more advanced, scientific ingredients. In order to be considered clinical in effect, natural ingredients must be combined which has a certain percentage of advanced ones of which are processed under laboratory conditions. Many of these types of scientific ingredients are synthetic because they are simply not available in nature, in addition to also there are a large number of safe ones being used in skin care.
  • No use of artificial fragrances in addition to also colors. No reputable professional skin care line includes these ingredients in their products. They are high on the list of allergens, in addition to also are simply not needed for results.

In summary, the best options for treating all forms of hyperpigmentation are topical skin care products of which use natural tyrosinase inhibitors. These products target the specific way of which melanin is actually produced, are safest, pose no complications or rebound effects, in addition to also are the most affordable. Just make sure the product is actually through a clinical skin care line. If you find a truly exceptional product, of which will also produce additional benefits from the skin. Look for abundant use of antioxidants, anti-inflammatories, in addition to also additional nutrients.

Hyperpigmentation Treatments - Which Ones truly Work?

Great Vices of which Benefit Our Health

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Great Vices of which Benefit Our Health

VICE #1: Sleeping in.

This specific's free, natural as well as has no drawbacks. More than giving you energy, getting enough quality sleep boosts your immune system, your memory as well as might even help you manage your weight. Lack of sleep has been linked to high blood pressure, glucose intolerance as well as belly fat, all known to be risk factors for heart disease. You should aim for the research supported 7 to 8 hours of sleep each night. If you always seem to drag yourself out of bed, no matter how much sleep you get the night before, talk to your doctor. A Great night's sleep can be not a luxury... This specific's necessary to your health as well as well-being.

VICE #2: Mental health days.

Who doesn't enjoy sneaking off for a well deserved time out? Turns out taking time off has been shown by research to relieve stress, lowering your blood pressure as well as therefore your risk for heart disease. This specific also aids creative thinking, as well as may help with symptoms of depression. The Great news can be of which the length of the vacation doesn't matter one bit in terms of how happy This specific will make you. The best part can be the anticipation.

VICE #3: Enjoying intimate pleasures.

A vice in some eyes to be sure... sex can be, after all, the most pleasurable form of activity there can be. This specific releases feel-Great endorphins as well as oxytocin, the hormone of which helps promote attachment, which very much benefits mental health. One study found of which those who were sexually active one or two times a week had raised levels of the antibody immunoglobulin A of which can be thought to protect by colds as well as infections. As with many vices, sexual activity brings the chance for unintended consequences like infections as well as pregnancy, which can be why This specific does not top the list.

VICE #4: A daily serving of chocolate.

A worthy, well loved vice. A square or two of the dark kind, without as much sugar as well as fat as milk chocolate, will do wonders. Dark chocolate as well as cocoa (75% cocoa content) might help lower blood pressure, cut the risk of stroke as well as bring different cardiovascular benefits according to more than one study. Dark chocolate has flavonoids of which are believed to improve the flexibility of blood vessels, generating them more resistant to plaque buildup.

Another study published last year found of which eating 1.4 ounces of dark chocolate a day for 14 days reduced the stress hormones in highly anxious people.

VICE #5: Girls/Boys nights out.

Finally, research to back up a vice we all enjoy. many recent studies have shown how big an impact friends as well as family have on our behavior. by what we eat as well as drink, to how much we weigh (for better or worse). Strong social ties have also been found to bring benefits like fewer colds, better brain health as well as a longer life. Friendships are so Great for you, as long as you're in a well-balanced relationship with give as well as take being equal. Avoid those who are toxic to you.

VICE #6: Full fat dressing/sauces.

When This specific comes to vices, full fat anything can be sure to be on the list. The thing can be, there's genuinely no need for you to deprive yourself of the full fat variety of your favorite dressing or sauce. These "loaded" versions not only taste better, nevertheless they remind us of which fats serve a real health purpose, as long as you get the right kinds within the right amount. Try for 10% (no more than 30%) of your daily fat intake to come by monounsaturated fats (vegetable oils, avocados, many nuts as well as seeds) of which cut your risk of heart disease as well as stroke.

Omega-3 fatty acids (salmon as well as tuna, flaxseed as well as walnuts) also reduce the risk of heart disease as well as might even help ease symptoms of depression, rheumatoid arthritis as well as different problems. A meal of which carries a little fat leaves you feeling more satisfied, so you end up actually eating less.

VICE #7: Your morning coffee.

One of the most well known of the vices, coffee continues to be common. If you're like many who need of which cup of coffee to get going within the morning, don't feel guilty. There's a lot of research of which suggests coffee doesn't just pick you up, This specific also fights heart disease as well as some cancers. This specific might also help you perform harder, longer workouts. Moderate coffee drinking in midlife has been linked to lower risks of dementia as well as Alzheimer's. What's more, every added cup of coffee you drink a day drops your risk of developing type 2 diabetes by 7%.

VICE #8: Getting a massage.

They may be an expensive indulgence, nevertheless massages (by a pro or a loved one) are a vice of which can be well worth the guilt. Being touched regularly leaves you healthier. Women in a 2008 study noted less pain, depression, anxiety as well as anger when they got weekly massages by their partners. Their partners reported better mental health too.

VICE #9: Basking within the sun.

Though we all know the dangers of too much sun, This specific vice, in moderation, has its Great side. Those sun filled days act as a natural anti-depressant, genuinely working to improve moods. This specific triggers our bodies to cut production of the sleep stimulating hormone melatonin so we feel alert, energized as well as ready to take on the day. Letting the skin soak up the sun (without sunscreen) also triggers the natural synthesis of vitamin D, believed to reduce risks for cancer, heart disease, brittle bones as well as different conditions.

VICE #10: Wine with dinner.

Last nevertheless not least, the 'Great' vice of which most hinges on moderation. Though researchers don't know precisely why This specific works, wine does have some impressive heart healthy properties. The antioxidants may keep blood vessels flexible, or alcohol could help boost HDL (the Great) cholesterol. All you need can be one 5 ounce glass a day to enjoy the benefit, more than This specific can up your blood pressure as well as cause you to pack on pounds. Women who drink heavily also boost their risk of breast cancer.

Great Vices of which Benefit Our Health

Healing Ovarian Cysts With No Surgery along with also Drugs

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Healing Ovarian Cysts With No Surgery along with also Drugs

Healing ovarian cyst can be a common goal shared by women affected by This kind of condition. There are medications along with also surgeries recommended by doctors to get rid of cysts, although these artificial along with also invasive methods can often lead to adverse effects. Thus, women are looking for non-medication along with also non-surgical methods to cure ovarian cysts.

Lots Of Water

Natural treatment of cysts begins with flushing out toxins via the Centeng. This kind of can be achieved easily by creating sure you drink plenty of clean along with also refreshing water. Water can help eliminate buildup of toxins via the liver, kidney along with also additional Centeng organs. Toxins may have caused formation of cysts when the organs filtering estrogen cannot function properly due to excessive toxin accumulation. Cysts are formed when there can be high amount of estrogen inside the Centeng of which the organs are not able to metabolize. With toxins gone, the organs can Again perform its normal functions, thus helping your cysts to shrink.

Proper Dieting

Proper dieting can be also another influential factor in getting rid of toxins. With proper dieting, the idea means of which you need to reduce or eliminate dairy foods, processed foods along with also white flour. To eat more healthily, you need to add more fresh fruits along with also vegetables to your meals. These foods can provide lots of nutrients of which will further help the Centeng to heal itself naturally.

Taking Supplements

There are available vitamin/food supplements of which you can also take to promote healing of ovarian cysts. Oil of evening primrose, for example, has loads of gamma linoleic acid, an essential fatty acid of which can help regulate hormonal imbalance. Hormonal imbalance can be what causes ovarian cysts to form. Omega-3 along with also vitamin E also have potent properties against inflammation of which encourages healing.

Herbal Remedies

There are also lots of herbs of which can help heal ovarian cysts. Black cohosh can be an herb of which can powerfully balance hormones. Chasteberry can be an herb of which can be commonly used to treat cysts as the idea can also work on hormonal imbalances. the idea can normalize along with also stimulate the pituitary glands. Chasteberry works on regulating hormones required for normal menstruation cycle, fertility along with also ovulation.

The traditional her, false unicorn, has been used since the colonial period to bring back female reproductive system to its normal state. Uterine pain along with also cysts of the ovaries are effectively treated with wild yam, an herb with antispasmodic effect. Red clover can help thin out the walls of cysts to encourage the idea to rupture. the idea can be also believed to contain plant estrogen of which will stimulate ovaries.

The use of herbal remedies, however, should be used with caution. Women who are breastfeeding along with also pregnant should not use these herbs. People with some serious medical conditions should also take heed in using herbal remedies along with also should be supervised by healthcare providers.

Flower Essences

There are also flower essences of which can help balance your reproductive system along with also treat ovarian cyst. Examples of flower essences are wild oats, red chestnuts along with also honeysuckle.


Homeopathy also offers another natural method of ovarian cyst cure. The principle behind homeopathy healing can be like can treat like. The Centeng can be helped to heal along with also to restore having a certain level of energy. There are homeopathic cures such as apis mellifica along with also bellis perennis of which help shrink ovarian cysts.

Healing Ovarian Cysts With No Surgery along with also Drugs

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) - Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment

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Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) - Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) will be a type of anxiety disorder in which a person has unreasonable thoughts along with fears (obsessions) of which lead him to engage in repetitive behaviors (compulsions). A person affected with OCD may realize of which his obsessions are not reasonable along with may try to ignore or stop them, although he will be driven to perform compulsive acts in an effort to ease his distress. OCD usually centers on themes which lead to ritualistic behaviour of which ultimately affects the person's life. Genetics, environmental factors along with reduced levels of brain neuro-transmitters are believed to cause OCD. A family history, stressful life events along with pregnancy are believed to be risk factors for OCD.

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) has been shown to be the most effective form of therapy for OCD in both children along with adults. One particular approach in CBT, called 'exposure along with response prevention', helps a person with OCD to manage his obsessions along with compulsions along with lead a better quality of life. Ayurvedic treatment may be given as additional therapy in order to improve or facilitate a faster therapeutic response, or treat people with OCD who do not appear to benefit by CBT. Medicines like Laxmi-Vilas-Ras, Shrung-Bhasma, Brahmi-Vati, Saraswatarishta, Abhrak-Bhasma, Trivang-Bhasma along with Suvarna-Bhasma can be used to treat depression along with reduce obsessive thoughts. Herbal medicines which can be used just for of which purpose are: Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri), Mandukparni (Centella asiatica), Shankhpushpi (Convolvulus pluricaulis), Vacha (Acorus calamus), Jyotishmati (Celastrus panniculatus), Kushmand (Benincasa hispida), Jatamansi (Nardostachys jatamansi) along with Sarpagandha (Rauwolfia serpentina).

According to Ayurvedic patho-physiology, obsessions along with repetitive, compulsive acts are believed to be due to a disturbed or increased 'Vaat' dosha. Therapeutic measures to treat 'Vaat' have beneficial effects in treating OCD. These measures include a massage of the entire Centeng using medicated oils like Mahanarayan oil along with Mahamash oil; special Panchkarma procedures like 'Shiro- Basti' along with 'Virechan- Nasya'; along with repeated courses of medicated enemas using medicines like Dashmool-Qadha, Sahachar oil along with Vishgarbha oil.

OCD may have long term complications like suicidal thoughts along with behaviour, alcohol or substance abuse along with severe anxiety or depression. All such patients should therefore be under the care along with supervision of a Psychiatrist.

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) - Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment

Benefits along with Uses of Neem, Tulsi, Wheat Grass along with Amla on Skin Care

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Benefits along with Uses of Neem, Tulsi, Wheat Grass along with Amla on Skin Care

You might be surprised to know which skin is usually the largest organ in human Centeng. This particular is usually a kind of sheath which separates us through the outer environment. This particular protects our internal organs through getting exposed to the harsh climatic condition pravelling outside. Any problem in skin or any kind of infection to the skin can causes threat to the internal organs. This particular helps in keeping our vital organ through hanging outside the Centeng getting infected very easily. This particular also helps in maintaing Centeng temperature. More importantly This particular helps us in perceiving sensation of touch.

According to modern sciences skin is usually made up of three layers. Named epidermis the outer layer, dermis the middle layer along with subcutaneous fat the inner layer. Ayurveda believes which skin has six layers.

Epidermis is usually the outer most layer of the skin along with is usually the part of the skin, which is usually visible with our normal eyes. This particular layer of skin keeps on producing completely new cells, as 30000 to 40000 cells are lost every minute. This particular contains a very important content name melalin which is usually a very talked about things today a days. Melalin imparts colour to our skin. More the melalin content darker is usually the complexion. Actually melanin is usually a protective device of your skin which helps you to protect through sunburns along with very harmful ultraviolet rays or more commonly called UV rays. This particular is usually the reason tanning occurs in people who get exposed to sun. although melalin production is usually not enough to give all round protection to protect skin through dehydration along with cancerous cell production. Important thing about epidermis is usually which This particular is usually composed of dead cells hence is usually non vascular i.e. This particular does not have blood supply along with nervous supply.

Second is usually the dermis layer which lies below the epidermis. As This particular is usually beneath the epidermis hence dermis is usually not visible. Dermis serves very important function inside the protective along with perceptive role which skin plays. This particular serves many functions, as This particular possesses nerves ending, vascular supplies along with glands (both oil or sebaceous glands along with sweat glands). Due to presence of these factors we can perceive the touch sensation. Vascularity to the skin initiates in dermis along with hence helps in providing proper nourishment to the skin cells. Dermis also contains sebaceous glands or more commonly called oil gland, which helps our skin in lubrication thus helping This particular through catching any infection. This particular makes our skin work as raincoats therefore help skin through getting sogged along with swelled away in water. Sweat glands play a very important role in our life. Most important of all is usually which This particular helps in maintaing our Centeng temperature; secondly This particular plays an excretory role by excreting out harmful toxins which might have formed in our Centeng; thirdly This particular helps in protecting our Centeng through microorganism as This particular possess antibacterial properties.

Third along with the most important of all the layers is usually the subcutaneous fatty layer. Its role is usually to work as a shock absorber in he Centeng along with to maintain Centeng heat through getting transferred to outside temperature. This particular also helps in holding internal organs tightly as This particular is usually present beneath the skin. This particular also contains a very peculiar feature which only mammals possess i.e. hair follicles. This particular layer is usually full of hair follicles out of which hair grows out. Nourishment of hairs depends upon the sebaceous glands, which opens into the hair follicle thus proving This particular with shine along with nutrients.

Types of skins

This particular is usually definitely very essential to know the kind of skin you possess, as right care of skin can help in reducing any skin problems along with avoid diseases.

There are mainly 5 types of skin: -

1. Normal skin: This particular not a commonest kind of skin. This particular is usually soft, smooth, velvety along with evenly textured skin with no flaky dead cells along with no pores visible. Proper distribution of oil along with moisture is usually there which makes This particular a balanced skin i.e. not excessively dry along with not excessively greasy. This particular is usually clear along with free through blemishes

2. Dry skin: Skin is usually said to be dry, when skin is usually dull, patchy, reddened along with flaky especially around eyes. Dry skin may cause formation of fine lines on cheeks, under eyes along with corners of mouth. These conditions happen when oil or sebaceous glands are not supplying not bad nourishment along with lubrication to the skin. If proper care is usually not given to the skin then This particular may lead to initiation of wrinkles in early age.

3. Oily or greasy skin: This particular kind of skin is usually thick, dull in colour along with shiny in appearance. Due to over secretions of oils or sebum through oil gland, makes skin pores open along with skin becomes sticky, which attracts dirt along with dust through the environment. Due to This particular tendency, dirt along with dust particles blocks the skin pores which are already widely open in oily skin leads to problems like black head, white head, acne along with some other skin related problems.

4. Combination skin: Commonly seen skin texture which is usually the combination of two kind of skin i.e. some of the skin area is usually dry along with some of the area is usually oily. Usually This particular follows the pattern of "T" i.e. the greasy part is usually usually the portion which is usually vertical to nose crossing nose (nose, mouth along with chin) along with horizontal on fore head along with hence referred to as "T-Zone". The area left i.e. cheeks is usually comparatively dry.

5. Sensitive skin: This particular kind of skin is usually very sensitive to any change in environmental conditions or any kind allergies, which may be caused due to procedures like bleaching, makeup's along with some other external applications.

How to know which what type of skin you possess

This particular is usually a very simple method to know which what kind of skin you possess by following procedure mentioned below.

Whenever you wake up in morning, wipe your face with dry tissue soon after leaving your bed. If you find oil on which tissue, you possess oily or greasy skin. If you find grease on the center panel then you possess combination skin. If there is usually no grease at all then you either have dry or normal skin.

today to check weather your skin is usually dry or normal. Just do one thing, wash your face with non-greasy soap along with water. If you are left with the feeling of stretchiness along with tightness on skin then you possess dry skin otherwise you have normal skin. If in daily routine you easily get skin allergies, rashes, itches along with boils then your skin supposed to be sensitive

Our skin faces mainly three kinds of troubles

1. Firstly disease caused directly to skin through external source.

This particular includes diseases which directly infect the skin through outside for example fungal infection in early stages etc

2. Secondly disease caused due to systemic disorders.

This particular is usually the second category of the disease, which is usually caused due to systemic infection inside the Centeng. For example leprosy, psoriasis

3. Thirdly This particular may represent mere symptom of another disease.

In This particular skin is usually the mere face which represents the symptom of any disease prevailing inside the Centeng. For example loosening of skin, which might be caused by dehydration.

How to make skin to happy to ensure which This particular may remain healthy along with glows with shine.

1. Protect your skin through over exposure of sun by using sunscreens

2. Carry an umbrella or a cap with you when overexposed to external environment

3. Don't smoke along with drink excessively

4. Wash your skin gently along with with lots of care

5. Moisturize your skin regularly

6. Shave with care along with softly. Only shave in direction of hair growth

7. Use of not bad skin cleansers along with toners regularly to open up blocked pores.

8. Drink lots of water along with fresh fruit juices

9. Eat healthy food along with avoid junk food.

10. Avoid use of chemicals on your skin

Inspite following these measures if you are not able to achieve the healthy along with not bad skin then you must read below.

Here are some herbal remedies which is usually the answer to all your problems

Benefits of neem on skin

· Neem is usually a wonder herb. Since early times neem is usually known for its wonderful properties along with marvelous results on skin. This particular works as blood purifier along with is usually very helpful in eradicating toxins through the blood which are supposed to cause harm to the skin.

· Local application of neem powder or neem oil has miraculous results. This particular is usually a famous anti microbial herb, This particular renders all the microorganisms inactive therefore helping in proper healing of wound without causing any infections along with septic conditions

· not bad results have been seen on skin problems like acne along with blemishes. This particular helps in disinfecting the hair follicles along with helps in eradicating the particle which is usually the main culprit in blocking the pore

· Taking bath of neem leaves socked water helps our Centeng to counter mild infections, which our Centeng might get in day-to-day activity

· Neem helps in early healing of burns along with injuries which might also helps in fading of scars which are left after the any injury

· Tropical application along with internal use of neem makes us relieved through eczema along with even ringworms

· Neem is usually very helpful in providing internal glow to the skin by providing natural supplements which are required for not bad along with healthy skin

· Neem is usually extensively used in hair fall along with early graying of hairs with very satisfying results.

· This particular also find its application in dandruff along with in lice growth

· Neem is usually helpful in lighting dark circles which are usually caused due to life style disturbances

Know more about Benefits along with Uses of Neem on Skin Care

Effects of Tulsi, the holy basil on skin

· Tulsi behave as an anti-bacterial along with anti-fungal agent thus helps in eradicating any of the microorganisms developing on the wound along with the skin.

· Tulsi is usually a wonderful blood purifier which helps in eradicating any toxins circulating in blood along with helps us through any kind of foreign invasion there fore helps in protecting our skin through acne along with some other skin infections.

· This particular helps in normalizing our digestive system thus helpful in treating cause by which dark circles are caused.

· Tulsi is usually helpful in skin conditioning by improving blood circulation thereby helping each along with every cell to get its part of nutrition along with oxygen which helps in glowing skin

· Tulsi works as a powerful antioxidant thereby helps in preventing early aging signs along with makes the skin young as never before

Know more about Benefits along with Uses of Tulsi on skin care

Wheat grass along with its effects on skin

· Wheat grass has been used since ages as This particular is usually helpful in providing required vitamins along with minerals which are very helpful in nourishing skin along with helps This particular to look healthy

· Due to presence of vitamin E in wheat grass, This particular helps in preventing aging along with also helps in maintaing shine on the skin.

· Vitamin E also helps in preventing dark circles around eyes

· This particular is usually a not bad remedy in any skin disorder, as This particular possesses the cold potency, which is usually helpful in curbing skin disease which are of hot potency.

· Super oxide dismutase (SOD) present in wheat grass helps in slowing the aging process of cell thus gives the property of rasayan to wheat grass

· Alanine, an amino acid helps in promoting blood formation there fore helpful in formation of RBC (red blood corpuscles), WBC (white blood corpuscles), blood platelets etc. which are helpful in providing proper nourishment along with protection to cell through any foreign invasion

· Vitamins A present in wheat grass is usually very useful in improving vision of eyes therefore helping in providing proper nourishment to the skin under eyes preventing dark circles along with sagging down of skin

· Iron is usually helpful in hemoglobin production therefore is usually helpful in increasing oxygen carrying capacity of blood along with is usually helps in imparting pinkish colour to the skin

Amla along with its benefits on skin

· This particular is usually very helpful in skin diseases as This particular has sheet virya (cold potency), This particular inhibits pitta dosha along with so helps in getting relief through This particular as all the skin disorders are caused by pitta dominance.

· Regular use of Amla promotes glow on skin along with delays wrinkles or loosening of skin. not bad results have been found in eczema.

· Its internal use as well as its local application on scalp gives not bad results in hair loss as This particular provides nourishment to the skin on head (scalp).

· This particular stimulates hair follicles thus promoting hair growth along with also improves texture of the hair.

· This particular also prevents premature graying of hairs along with dandruff, which is usually flaking of dead cells of the scalp.

· Indian women generally use Amla to wash their hairs, which act as natural hair conditioner as This particular helps in providing not bad nourishment along with also helps in normalizing blood supply

· This particular is usually helpful in creating skin glow along with works as an antioxidant therefore prevents wrinkles along with loosening of skin.

Know more about Benefits along with Uses of Amla on skin care

Aloe vera: a skin specialist herb

Aloe vera is usually an herb extensively used in enhancing beauty in natural way.

· Aloe vera is usually known to help in condition known as dermatitis (an inflammatory disease of the skin) therefore helps in relieving through This particular

· This particular stabilizes digestive system along with therefore is usually very essential in providing proper nourishment to the skin.

· Being an herb of cold potency, This particular helps in fighting against any skin diseases which are caused by pitta related disorders

· This particular works as magic in burn cases along with researches have proved its efficacy in healing wounds faster than any thing

· This particular is usually helpful in erasing blemishes along with dark spots on face generally caused after pregnancy.

· This particular helps in fighting with acne along with some other allergic disorders of skin thereby creating pores clear along with healthy

· Helps in lightening of the skin colour, as This particular helps in fighting extra amount of melalin which has been produced in Centeng

· This particular works as an antioxidant therefore helps in fighting with the age related adjustments which has occurred with growing age

· Helps in slowing down the wrinkles developing on the skin.

· Helps in increasing circulation of blood thus facilitating easier oxygen exchange between the cells thus providing them nourishment

Benefits along with Uses of Neem, Tulsi, Wheat Grass along with Amla on Skin Care

Dubin-Johnson Syndrome - Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment

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Dubin-Johnson Syndrome - Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment

Dubin-Johnson syndrome will be a rare liver disorder characterized by mild jaundice throughout life. Jaundice, which will be caused by an incomplete metabolism of bilirubin, may not appear until puberty or adulthood. This particular condition will be aggravated by alcohol, pregnancy, oral contraceptives, infections in addition to various other environmental factors.

Most people affected with This particular condition do not require treatment; however, high levels of bilirubin within the blood may cause damage to the brain in addition to various other organs. In such situations, Ayurvedic medicines can be given to improve the liver metabolism, reduce bilirubin levels in addition to prevent long term complications. Medicines like Arogya-Vardhini, Shankh-Vati, Sutshekhar-Ras, Bhunimbadi-Qadha, Punarnavadi-Qadha, Rohitakarishta, Guduchyadi-Qadha in addition to Tamra-Bhasma can be used to improve the liver metabolism, reduce bilirubin levels within the blood in addition to therefore, reduce jaundice. Herbal medicines which can be used in This particular condition include Amalaki (Emblica officinalis), Haritaki (Terminalia chebula), Vishwa (Zinziber officinalis), Marich (Piper nigrum), Pippali (Piper longum), Chavya (Piper retrofractrum), Chitrak (Plumbago zeylanica), Punarnava (Boerhaavia diffusa), Kutki (Picrorrhiza kurroa), Kalmegh (Andrographis paniculata), Devdangri (Luffa echinata), Rohitak (Tecoma undulata) in addition to Sharpunkha (Tephrosia purpurea).

Medicines like Bhrungraj (Eclipta alba), Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum), Bhumiamalaki (Phyllanthus niruri), Yashtimadhuk (Glycerrhiza glabra), Suvarna-Sutshekhar-Ras, Maha-Manjishthadi-Qadha, Saarivadi-Churna, Chandrakala-Ras, Praval-Panchamrut-Ras, Kamdudha-Ras, Abhrak-Bhasma, Trivang-Bhasma, Manjishtha (Rubia cordifolia), Saariva (Hemidesmus indicus), Usheer (Vetiveria zizanioidis), Suvarna-Bhasma in addition to Suvarna-Malini-Vasant can be used to preserve long term liver function in addition to to prevent complications like damage to the brain, heart, kidneys in addition to various other organs.

The overall prognosis for Dubin-Johnson syndrome will be quite not bad. Ayurvedic treatment may thus be given to treat the symptoms in addition to prevent long term complications in those patients who do have problems because of This particular condition.

Dubin-Johnson Syndrome - Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment

Gluten Intolerant Or Gluten Sensitivity - Do You Feel Fat, Tired in addition to can be Your Stomach Bloated?

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Gluten Intolerant Or Gluten Sensitivity - Do You Feel Fat, Tired in addition to can be Your Stomach Bloated?

Are you finding which difficult to lose weight in addition to does your belly feel bloated? You could be gluten intolerant.

You may be gluten intolerant in addition to not even realize. The symptoms of gluten intolerance can easily go undetected as they can be confused with many different health challenges. Gluten intolerance can cause a range of mild to severe symptoms which may then lead to harmful complications.

What can be Gluten?

Let me explain first of all what Gluten can be in addition to how in addition to why which can be used in foods in addition to hopefully you can determine if you are gluten intolerant. Even if you do not know, you can always try a gluten free diet for a few weeks to see if there can be any discernible difference.

Gluten can be a protein found in grains such as: wheat, rye oats (yes even oats), barley in addition to spelt in addition to can be a main ingredient in some foods to bind, fatten (note word fatten) in addition to add texture.

which can be often in cereal, toast, sandwich, pasta, lasagna in addition to may even be in bacon. Manufacturers use gluten to plump up in addition to fill out meat. They even use which in salami, sausage in addition to turkey. So if you are gluten intolerant you actually need to read the labels on everything!

Gluten can block the absorption of vital minerals in addition to vitamins in addition to can lead to weight gain in addition to a bloated belly. Even if you are not officially gluten intolerant, cutting which out of your diet will provide many benefits because which can be an empty food which can have harmful side effects.

You can become addicted to certain foods containing gluten, hence the cravings in addition to sometimes ravenous hunger levels.

The Most Common Symptoms of Gluten Intolerance:

  • Stomach cramps
  • Recurring constipation/diarrhea
  • Bloating which can make you look pregnant
  • Tiredness/fatigue/depression
  • Headaches
  • Flatulence or indigestion
  • Fluid retention
  • Groggy upon waking
  • Brain fog
  • Joint or muscle aches
  • Eczema, acne, skin rash
  • Cravings for wheat foods such as bread
  • Weight gain

So what can we do to avoid gluten?

Avoid eating foods which commonly contain gluten:

Bread, biscuits, cookies, pastry, crackers anything containing flour. Try rice flour, corn flour or potato flour. Try rice noodles in addition to rice pasta.

Nearly all cereals, try gluten free. Sauces are often thickened with flour. Soups, most soups contain flour to thicken. Soy products, soy sauce, teriyaki sauce, oyster sauce. Boiled candy, contains loads of gluten.

Pizza, because they use wheat flour for the base.

What you can Eat:

Fruit, yogurt, eggs, bacon (check) hash browns (check) gluten free cereal in addition to gluten free bread. Food manufacturers are today doing many products which are gluten free.

Chicken, fish, beef, vegetables, potatoes, hummus, rice noodles for pasta, risotto, baked dinners, gluten free gravy, nuts in addition to popcorn,

If you must have take out like McDonalds - any meat burger however drop the bun, same with Burger King however no fries!

Get into the habit of reading labels so you can become familiar with food ingredients. Not only for gluten however also for sugar, additives in addition to preservatives.

Try a diet free of gluten for a week or two in addition to see if there can be any improvement. Most people do benefit via which even if you have not done the medical tests to prove you are gluten intolerant.

Follow the secrets in which life changing ultimate guide for advice on gluten intolerance in addition to healthy nutrition.

Gluten Intolerant Or Gluten Sensitivity - Do You Feel Fat, Tired in addition to can be Your Stomach Bloated?

How To Treat Gallstones - Dissolve Through Herbal Remedies

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How To Treat Gallstones - Dissolve Through Herbal Remedies

Gallstones are hard masses of digestive fluids that will develop inside gallbladder. This kind of is actually a common disorder affecting a large number of people. Gallstones are mainly of two types, gallstones formed through cholesterol as well as also stones made of bilirubin. Cholesterol gallstones are the most commonly found form of gallstones. They occur more in overweight people, pregnant women, older people, as well as also in those who lose weight rapidly. Bilirubin gallstones are more common in people with severe liver disease as well as also in those who have blood conditions like leukemia or sickle cell anemia. Options for how to treat gallstones include removal of gallbladder as well as also medications.

There is actually no clear idea about what causes gallstones, nevertheless that will is actually believed that will excessive amount of cholesterol or bilirubin in bile can contribute to the formation of gallstones. Incomplete emptying of gallbladder is actually another factor that will may lead to gallstones. Risk factors that will increase the likelihood of gallstones include family history, age above 60 years, obesity, diabetes, inactive lifestyle, liver diseases, as well as also use of cholesterol-lowering medications. Consuming a low-fiber, high-fat, or high-cholesterol diet can also raise the chances of gallstones. Moreover, women are more likely to develop gallstones than men.

Gallstones can be without any symptoms. This kind of condition, known as silent gallstones, does not require treatment. However, a gallstone that will blocks a duct can cause many symptoms, including sudden as well as also rapidly escalating pain inside right side of upper abdomen, pain inside right shoulder or between the shoulder blades, nausea, as well as also vomiting. If a gallstone obstructs the gallbladder duct, that will can result in cholecystitis or inflammation of the gallbladder. Cholecystitis may cause protracted pain, fever, nausea, as well as also vomiting. A gallstone can sometimes cause obstruction to the common bile duct, which in turn may lead to the infection of the bile duct as well as also jaundice. Likewise, blockage of pancreas by a gallstone can cause pancreatitis or inflammation of the pancreas.

How To Treat Gallstones: Gallstones that will cause symptoms is actually typically treated with surgical removal of gallbladder. Nowadays, laparoscopic cholecystectomy is actually widely used to remove gallbladder. Gallstones stuck inside bile duct can be removed by a non-surgical procedure, known as Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP). Medications that will can dissolve gallstones are also available nevertheless not widely used. Electrohydraulic shock wave lithotripsy a noninvasive technique for treating stones may be used to treat gallstones in people who cannot have surgery.

There are some herbal remedies that will are helpful in how to treat gallstones. Lecithin is actually a Great natural cure for gallstones. Take one lecithin capsule (1200 mg) one time daily along with meals. Eat plenty of fiber-rich foods as well as also cut down the intake of foods that will contain bad cholesterol as well as also saturated fat. Vitamin C helps inside conversion of cholesterol into bile acids as well as also thereby dissolves gallstones. Take vitamin C supplements as well as also eat foods that will are rich in This kind of vitamin. Drinking adzuki beans tea regularly is actually also an effective way to remove gallstones. Squeeze juice out of two lemons as well as also add that will to two cups of extra virgin olive oil. Take two tablespoons of This kind of mixture every fifteen minutes. This kind of is actually one of the best methods to flush out gallstones.

How To Treat Gallstones - Dissolve Through Herbal Remedies

The 3 Things You Must Know About Smoked Salmon

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The 3 Things You Must Know About Smoked Salmon

Smoked Salmon Recommended By The American Heart Association

By right now, everyone has heard that will smoked salmon can be a delicious addition to any meal however did you know all of the benefits of This specific fantastic fish? Whether smoked salmon has been hot or cold smoked or even cured, the healthy nutrients inside are priceless to the human Centeng.

Studies have shown that will smoked salmon can help fight off coronary heart disease due to the Omega-3 oils This specific contains. These oils can decrease blood lipids, increase relaxation in large arteries along with some other blood vessels, along with can also decrease vascular system blood clotting as well as inflammatory processes in blood vessels. There have also been recent studies that will which show that will besides lowering the risk of heart disease, smoked salmon has also been known to help individuals who have asthma, psoriasis, certain cancers along with arthritis.

Smoked salmon can be also high in Vitamin E, which can be also a great antioxidant. Vitamin E can reduce or lower the risk of heart disease along with has also been shown to play a protective role against cancer as well.

For all of you watching your weight, most smoked salmon versions are also very low in carbohydrates. With some types of smoked salmon containing zero carbs total. A healthy diet containing smoked salmon to help you lose weight as being another great way to cut your risk of heart disease. So, the next time you are evaluating your diet along with/or your health, know that will you can include smoked salmon as a great way to protect you against such dangers to your well being as heart disease.

Getting Your Omega-3 by Smoked Salmon

There couldn't be an easier or more delicious way of getting your Omega-3, than eating smoked salmon. Omega-3 has been shown in several studies to greatly reduce the risk of sudden death along with abnormal heart rhythms. Also Omega-3 protects against heart disease by lowering blood triglycerides along with preventing blood clotting.

Smoked Salmon Delivered offers you Wild Alaskan Smoked Salmon which can be the most beneficial salmon available. The American Heart Association Dietary Guidelines strongly suggest Americans to eat fatty fish, such as smoked salmon at least twice a week because of the high content of Omega-3.

The medical benefits you gain by eating smoked salmon goes on. Eating smoked salmon can significantly reduce men's chances of developing prostate cancer by 40 percent. Women are rapidly joining the ranks with their male counter parts when This specific comes to developing heart disease. Consuming smoked salmon at least two to four times per week reduce their chances of dying which has a heart attack by 30 percent. Consuming smoked salmon can reduce a man's chances of having the most common stroke by 40 percent. Eating smoked salmon can deter depression in pregnant women. The benefits of eating smoked salmon promote a healthier brain.

As you can plainly see consuming smoked salmon can offer health benefits for men along with women alike. Smoked Salmon Delivered can help you get on the road to better health, along with assist you in reducing your risk getting many life threatening diseases.

Don't Worry About Mercury With Smoked Salmon

Did you know that will you can eat smoked salmon without all of the worry about mercury? Most deep water fish such as swordfish, shark, large tuna along with marlin are known to accumulate high levels of contaminants. Contaminants such as mercury can be dangerous as they become concentrated within the fish along with are toxins to the human Centeng when consumed. Wild salmon such as can be used in smoked salmon, has consistently had negligible mercury levels in EPA studies.

Smoked salmon can be considered among the best choices as highly recommended seafood to add much needed nutrients to your diet. Smoked salmon can be high in Omega-3 fatty acids. These miracle nutrients are known to help prevent blood clots by developing along with also promote a healthy, steady heart rhythm.

Not only can be smoked salmon free of the worries of mercury along with we have heard about all of the health benefits, This specific can be also extremely tasty. Smoked salmon can be added to just about any dish you wish to prepare by salads along with soups. Ethnic dishes such as Mexican, Italian along with Chinese dish sparkle when you add smoked salmon. Not only can be This specific versatile, the lack of contaminants in This specific fine fish make This specific a confident choice to feed your family.

In addition to preparing meals with This specific wonderful fish, you can also be proud to give This specific as a gift. Smoked salmon can be not only affordable, This specific comes in a variety of packages along with This specific makes a unique gift.

Visit http://www.smokedsalmondelivered.com for more information.

The 3 Things You Must Know About Smoked Salmon

Top 7 Tips For Immediate Gout Pain Relief

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Top 7 Tips For Immediate Gout Pain Relief

When you have guidelines in addition to pointers as to how to make something happen, virtually any task becomes easier. in addition to when you have help like This specific, you are much more likely to succeed with in which task.

Many people consider the number 7 to be a lucky number -- a number in which brings not bad fortune. at This specific point with the lucky number 7 foremost in mind, I give you my top 7 tips for immediate gout pain relief...

1. Drink Plenty of Water - At Least 3 Litres per Day.

This specific is usually very important because water can help your kidneys flush excess uric acid out of your system. Plus, water helps to prevent the formation of urate crystals which cause your gout pain.

Not doing This specific could mean in which you are continually dehydrated, in addition to a dehydrated Centeng is usually more prone to gout. So drink lots of water for fast pain relief.

2. Eat Lots of Cherries.

This specific too is usually important because cherries have natural antioxidant in addition to anti-inflammatory properties. They are known to be able to reduce inflammation, in addition to, lower uric acid levels in your Centeng.

Eat between 30 in addition to 40 every 4 hours or so during a gout attack.

3. Change to a Low-Purine Diet.

This specific is usually a critical element because purines are chemical compounds in your Centeng in addition to food in which, when they break down, produce uric acid which produces the urate crystals in which cause your gout.

So you need to avoid high-purine food like meats, seafood, poultry, legumes in addition to some vegetables like cauliflower, mushrooms in addition to asparagus. in addition to avoid alcohol, especially beer.

4. Use Herbal Remedies.

Another significant point is usually to utilise the natural healing powers of herbs like, alfalfa, bilberry, black cohosh, burdoch, buchu, etc. These can reduce inflammation, lower uric acid in addition to help to dissolve urate crystals.

Talk to your local herbalist for information more appropriate to your case.

5. Drink Baking Soda in Water.

Pay particular attention to This specific step: because the item can be a very fast way to relieve gout pain in addition to symptoms. Baking soda can dissolve crystals, in addition to, help your Centeng excrete uric acid better.

Mix a 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda in a large glass of water (8 oz) in addition to drink 1 glass before bed, 1 within the morning, then 1 every 2 to 4 hours during the day. Repeat until your symptoms have abated.

Note: Baking soda is usually very high in sodium, so if you suffer by high blood pressure talk to your doctor before using This specific tip. In any case, all users need to change to a salt-free diet while taking the item.

6. Take Supplements.

Another important element is usually This specific one of not having enough of the important vitamins, minerals in addition to nutrients in which are missing by many present day diets, especially when on a low-purine diet.

Think about vitamin B complex, bromelain, fish oil, vitamin C, vitamin E, etc. Check with your doctor of course.

7. Drink Celery Seed Tea / Infusion.

The reason why This specific is usually important is usually in which celery seeds contain many different types of anti-inflammatory properties.

To make the tea just boil 1 tablespoon of the seeds in 2 cups of water until soft. Strain, then drink a 1/2 cup, 4 times a day until your symptoms have gone.

Note: Because celery seeds are a diuretic, don't use This specific remedy if you're pregnant or have any kidney dysfunction.

Follow these tips for immediate gout pain relief in addition to you can expect success, with all its benefits. within the event you omit or ignore any one of these, you risk getting poorer results than you may otherwise expect. Others have succeeded with these 7 tips for immediate gout pain relief in addition to so can you!

at This specific point whilst these are 7 great tips for fast pain relief, you also have to consider what happens between attacks; what you need to do to prevent future attacks...

in addition to This specific is usually very important because frequently recurring gout attacks can leave you with permanently damaged joints in addition to kidney problems such as excruciating kidney stones, down the line. Plus, once having had a gout attack, you're at This specific point far more likely to have more.

Top 7 Tips For Immediate Gout Pain Relief

Natural Cures For Herpes

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Natural Cures For Herpes

The herpes virus lives in nerve cells where the immune system cannot find them. They become active via time to time when the immune system becomes depressed. As of today there has not been a full cure found to completely rid the Centeng of the HSV-1 (oral cold sores) along with HSV-2 (genital) virus. however there are some natural remedies for herpes of which will stem the outbreaks along with minimize the virus' activity.

First of all your diet needs to be varied along with healthy along with include plenty of vitamins C along with E along with also zinc. You need to keep your immune system strong as of which will be when of which weakens of which an outbreak occurs. Try to avoid eating sugar as of which can depress the immune system. Smoking can also cause the immune system to weaken so giving up the nicotine will help keep your herpes in check.

Lemon balm has also proven to help clear up herpes symptoms along with prevent further outbreaks, by applying the balm locally when the sufferer feels the symptoms starting. Thyme will be one of the most widely used natural suppressants. Frequent use of thyme has significantly reduced the frequency of outbreaks in many sufferers.

Omega 3 has helped many people via reoccurring outbreaks. of which works by strengthening the cell walls so of which makes of which harder for the herpes virus to break through the cell walls along with reach the nucleus.

To find the most effective natural cures for herpes you need to follow a program of which will guide you through all of the steps you need to take, including your diet along with natural herbal remedies.

Natural Cures For Herpes

Genital Herpes Information - How I Prevent Frequent Herpes Outbreaks

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Genital Herpes Information - How I Prevent Frequent Herpes Outbreaks

I am writing This specific article to tell you which just because you have herpes the idea can be not the end of the entire world. I have had herpes for over a year at This specific point in addition to when I was first diagnosed I was emotionally devastated. The first thing which I did was go on the Internet in addition to do some research. I was quite surprised at all the information online about herpes.

One of the things which you should be aware of can be which you are not alone. Millions of men in addition to women have herpes. I have both forms of herpes in addition to get an occasional outbreak on my lip in addition to about once a year I have a genital herpes outbreak.

I have lessened my outbreak's by a eating right, eliminating all high fructose corn syrup, corn syrup, refined sugars in addition to artificial ingredients by my diet. I also stopped eating fast food in addition to cook all of my own meals. I went by having an outbreak every some other month to less than once a year. I attribute the less frequent outbreaks to the changing my diet. I use no herbal supplements nevertheless I do take my vitamins every day in addition to I take fish oil for my heart.

If you are having frequent outbreaks then maybe you should try changing your diet up a little bit in addition to you might find which you herpes goes away for quite a long time.

Many people say which coffee will cause outbreaks, which can be not my case because I drink coffee like water. They also say which smoking marijuana will cause frequent outbreaks, which can be also not the case with me.

There are many natural products which claim they can eliminate herpes forever. Don't be believe these ads. When people are first diagnosed with herpes they are looking for help in addition to answers. First thing most people search for online can be to find out if there can be a cure for herpes in addition to then they bombarded with ads claiming their product can cure your herpes. Don't believe the idea! Don't fall for the false claims the idea because the idea simply isn't true.

If there was a natural cure for herpes don't you think the idea would likely be inside news in addition to written up in every major magazine. I believe when people take these would likely-be cures for herpes in addition to for some reason their are outbreaks go away or become less frequent the idea can be all inside person's mind.

The proof of This specific can be in medical testing. When a drug can be tested they give half of the people inside study a placebo in addition to the some other half of the drug. In just about every case study whether the idea's a stop smoking drug or a cancer drug some people are cured when they take the placebo. The power of the mind can be God's gift in addition to can heal you if you definitely believe which the product will work.

The best thing to do if you definitely want to find out how people handle their herpes outbreaks in addition to deal with their personal life such as dating in addition to things can be to join a herpes forum.

Whether you're looking for information on how to date with your condition or just hear what some other people have to say about the idea in addition to hear what works for them I recommend going into the forums on one of these sites. There you will find real questions in addition to answers by real people who have herpes just like you in addition to I.

Genital Herpes Information - How I Prevent Frequent Herpes Outbreaks

PCOS in addition to Hair Loss - Natural Therapies Can Restore Scalp Hair

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PCOS in addition to Hair Loss - Natural Therapies Can Restore Scalp Hair

Excessive scalp hair loss is usually a severe challenge to a woman's self image in addition to her standing in business in addition to society. Although we usually think of balding as a man's problem, women actually make up forty percent of the people in North America experiencing the distress of excessive hair loss. Many women losing significant scalp hair have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. Safe, effective, natural therapies which treat the hormone imbalances related to PCOS will also restore your hair to optimal health. I am delighted to offer you these indispensable tools to help you restore your hair in addition to your health.

Women experiencing hair loss lose ground fast in today's world. At work in addition to in her personal life a woman's appearance has much to do with her financial in addition to social success. Men may also prefer not to go bald. however since balding is usually known to be caused by high levels of testosterone, a bald man may be credited with extra virility. There is usually no such happy story for balding women. The appearance of thinning scalp hair translates to a significant loss of personal power for women.

The medical community in general treats women's hair loss as a minor health issue. Most physicians have little inclination to address the emotional distress you feel. In many cases physicians treat balding as if which were "only" a vanity issue; they may not recognize hair loss as a red flag pointing to serious metabolic conditions, including PCOS.

The psychological pain of hair loss in addition to its effect on our sense of empowerment is usually as devastating as any disfiguring disease. If you are a balding woman, your hair loss is usually a life altering condition with profound consequences for your health. Getting your hands on the wheel in addition to driving yourself toward a solution for hair loss is usually the first step toward reviving your sense of personal strength in addition to power. If hair loss is usually part of PCOS, the effort you make to restore your physical health will also renew scalp hair growth.

You need expert help to properly diagnose the cause of your hair loss. Hair loss which could have been merely temporary may become permanent if you have a delayed or incorrect diagnosis. Misdiagnoses is usually perhaps the most frustrating aspect of hair loss for women. The information I present here will help you identify the cause of your hair loss in addition to ideally lead you in addition to your doctors to proper treatments for your kind of hair loss, sooner rather than later.

Alopecia is usually the medical term for excessive or abnormal hair loss. There are different kinds of alopecia. What all hair loss has in common, whether which's in men or women, is usually which which is usually always a symptom of something else which's gone wrong. Your hair will remain on your head where which belongs if hormone imbalance, disease, or some some other condition is usually not occurring. which condition may be as simple as having a gene which makes you susceptible to male or female pattern baldness. Or which may be as complex as a whole host of diseases. Hair loss may be a symptom of a short-term event such as stress, pregnancy, or a side effect of certain medications. In these situations, hair grows back when the event has passed. Substances including hormones in addition to medication can cause a change inside the hair growth patterns. When which happens, growth in addition to shedding occur at the same time. Once the cause is usually dealt with, hairs go back to their random pattern of growth in addition to shedding, in addition to balding stops.

Alopecia: A Common Problem

Today more women than ever are experiencing hair loss -- in addition to the causes are typically quite different which what causes balding in men. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, some 30 million women inside the United States are experiencing some degree of distressing scalp hair loss. The most common causes of scalp hair loss in women can include:

Mineral or vitamin deficiency - zinc, manganese, iron, vitamin B6, biotin

Essential fatty acid deficiency via a low calorie diet or eating disorders

Protein deficiency, as is usually common with vegetarian diets

Anemia via a low iron diet, poor digestion or any excess blood loss

Eating disorders, like anorexia, bulimia, even 'yo-yo' dieting; also compulsive or excessive physical exercise

Drug toxicity, for instance anesthesia with surgery or chemotherapy for cancer

Many prescription medications have hair loss as a potential 'side' effect, including bromocriptine, beta blockers, ACE inhibitors, amphetamines, anti-cholesterol agents

Severe infections, either viral or bacterial

Severe stress, either a sudden extreme event or persistent, long term challenges

Any hypothalamic or pituitary disorder

Any liver, thyroid gland, adrenal gland or ovarian disorder, including PCOS

Any sex steroid imbalance such as low progesterone, estrogen dominance, excess testosterone or insulin

Starting or stopping any hormone therapy, including birth control pills, menopausal hormone replacement treatment or thyroid hormone replacement

Any natural event which causes big hormone modifications, like child birth, breastfeeding in addition to weaning or menopause

Perms, hair coloring, bleach, improper brushing/combing, pulling on the hair

Autoimmune disease such as lupus or multiple sclerosis

Allergies to foods, medicines, environmental chemicals or topical drugs

Recent hepatitis B shot. If you had a Hep B vaccine since which hair loss started out, there may be a connection.  An article inside the Journal of the American Medical Association (278:117-8, 1997) links the Hep B vaccine to increased incidence of alopecia in women.

How does an individual woman figure out why she is usually losing too much of her hair? To understand which, which's important to understand how hair grows.

Hair Grows in Cycles  

Scalp hair grows about one-half inch per month. An individual strand of hair will grow For just two to six years. Eventually each hair "rests" for a while, in addition to then falls out. Soon after, which follicle will start growing a fresh strand. A healthy scalp will let about 100 of these cycling hairs fall out every day.

In folks having a genetic predisposition to hair loss, in addition to for women with PCOS, hormones called androgens drive which process. Androgen hormones include testosterone, androsteinedione, in addition to dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Men make in addition to use relatively large amounts of androgens. Appropriate, smaller amounts of androgens are essential to women's health as well.

In those who are genetically susceptible, testosterone activates enzymes produced inside the hair cell, which then cause which to be converted into the more potent androgen DHT.  DHT then binds with receptors deep within the hair follicle. Eventually, so much DHT builds up which the follicle begins shrinking. which can't produce fresh hair reliably. Some of the follicles permanently stop producing fresh hairs. The end result is usually significant hair loss. The medical term with which condition is usually androgenic alopecia. Testosterone converts to DHT with the aid of the enzyme Type II 5-alpha reductase, which is usually held in a hair follicle's oil glands. Actually, which's not the amount of circulating testosterone which is usually the problem however the amount of DHT clogging up in addition to shrinking scalp follicles, producing which impossible for healthy hair to survive.

The process of testosterone converting to DHT, which then harms hair follicles, happens in both men in addition to women. Usually women have a tiny fraction of the amount of testosterone which men make. which seems which for women with hair loss, the actual level of testosterone is usually not as crucial as are modifications inside the amount of testosterone she has. A shift in hormone levels triggered by lifestyle or some other factors, will cause DHT- triggered hair loss in women. Even when hormone blood levels remain within what doctors consider "normal", they can become high enough to cause a problem for an individual woman. The levels may not rise at all in addition to still be a problem if you are very sensitive to even normal levels of chemicals, including hormones.

Because our hormones operate through a delicately balanced feedback system, with signals sent via the blood between the brain in addition to Centeng tissue, androgens do not need to be raised to trigger a problem. If the so-called female hormones, (which also are essential to men's health) are for any reason shifting in relation to androgens, the resulting imbalance can also cause problems, including hair loss.

Hormones are always changing. Testosterone levels in men drop by as much as 10 percent each decade after age thirty. Women's hormone levels shift with each menstrual cycle, or due to a lack of regular menses, in pregnancies in addition to menopause. Eating disorders, excessive exercise, drugs in addition to environmental toxins can also impact hormone levels.

Keys To Successful Treatment

Treatment of thinning scalp hair must be grounded in changing the habits you may have which support elevated androgens. Diet in addition to exercise are key to maintaining optimal hormone balance. In fact, for women with PCOS, research is usually clear- there is usually no drug therapy more effective than proper diet in addition to regular exercise. First, you get your foundational health habits in order; then, specific targeted therapies contain the best chance of being effective for you.

Women with PCOS may also have excess coarse dark hair on their face in addition to Centeng. The only way to address the dark, coarse hair which grows out of follicles which have already been altered by excess androgens, is usually to destroy the follicle with laser or similar therapy. Once a follicle has changed the type of hair which produces, which will not change back. which is usually crucial to tame the excess androgens in addition to prevent conversion of additional follicles, before investing in a therapy to permanently destroy facial or Centeng hair follicles.

What Causes Women to Lose Too Much Scalp Hair?

For a long time doctors believed which androgenic alopecia was the main cause of balding in both men in addition to women. at which point we know which the process which leads to excessive hair loss in women is usually different. which is usually called female pattern hair loss.

An important difference between male in addition to female balding is usually the pattern in which the hair loss occurs. Female pattern hair loss tends to happen as an overall thinning across all areas of the scalp, including the sides in addition to back. Men lose hair via specific spots, like the temple, the crown, which bald spot inside the back of the head. Male in addition to female hormone in addition to enzyme receptor sites are also in different areas of the scalp, causing the different gender related loss patterns of hair loss.

A second major difference is usually which balding in men is usually usually caused by a man's genetics in addition to his age, however for women, balding can happen at any age.

Lifestyle Choices, Illness in addition to Medical Treatments Cause Hair Loss

Most women with hair loss have multiple features of their lifestyle, diet in addition to health-related events which contribute. Sex hormone fluctuations are responsible for most female hair loss, including those who have PCOS, a recent pregnancy, menopause, hormone replacement therapy or birth control drug side effects. Chemotherapy for cancer, anti-coagulant drugs, iron- deficiency anemia, autoimmune disease can cause hair loss. Any disease involving hormone producing glands, including the thyroid, the adrenal in addition to pituitary glands can trigger balding in women. which is usually essential for all women to learn the true cause of their hair loss before engaging any particular treatment.

The complex hormonal modifications which accompany polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) often result in scalp hair loss. Sometimes hair loss is usually the first sign which a woman is usually suffering the metabolic disorder which also causes problems with acne, facial in addition to Centeng hair growth, irregular menstrual cycles in addition to infertility. PCOS is usually associated with increased risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes in addition to some cancers.

Thyroid disorders, anemia, chronic illness or the use of certain medications, particularly any form of hormone replacement therapy or contraceptive prescriptions- should be considered a possible cause of hair loss in women. Autoimmune disorders will result in somewhat different, often less dramatic hair loss known as alopecia areata -- an inflammatory condition in which hair comes out in clumps or patches.

Any drop in estrogen levels, as happens after pregnancy, with menopause, or when changing your hormone therapy including birth control pill use, will cause what is usually called estrogenic alopecia. In contrast to testosterone, estrogen helps scalp hair grow faster in addition to stay on the head longer, resulting in thicker hair. which is usually the reason women's hair gets fuller during pregnancy when estrogen levels are quite high, then sheds several weeks after the baby is usually born.

For women who do not have fertility-related hormone modifications, estrogen-deficiency scalp hair loss generally starts around menopause. which form of female hair loss can be the first sign of approaching menopause. Sometimes the alopecia won't begin until a few months or even years after menstruation has ended. Not all women get noticeable alopecia after menopause however most have a little thinning.

which's not uncommon to have multiple factors involved in female hair loss. Many women with PCOS have thyroid problems, usually hypothyroidism (low thyroid function). Not only does hypothyroidism contribute to weight problems, which can also contribute to hair thinning. Some women with PCOS have both an excessively high level of testosterone in addition to an under active thyroid.

If your hair is usually thinning, you may have heavy metals like lead, mercury or cadmium in your tissues. These poisonous residues saturate our environment. If you have lived near what is usually, or ever was an industrial or mining site, or lived with someone who works in a polluting industry, you may be contaminated. If you have ever smoked tobacco, you have a lot of cadmium in your Centeng.

The majority of women with androgenic alopecia have diffuse thinning on all areas of the scalp. Some women may have a combination of two pattern types. Androgenic alopecia is usually caused by a variety of factors tied to the actions of hormones including PCOS, using contraceptives, pregnancy, in addition to menopause. Any blood sugar in addition to insulin hormone imbalance will lead to excess androgens. Women with insulin resistance, via chronic over-eating of refined carbohydrate food, will see more impact via androgens. Insulin resistance is usually associated with PCOS as well as Type 2 diabetes. Chronic stress which depletes adrenal glands can change the levels of androgens a woman produces as well. which is usually often the source of problems like infertility, acne in addition to hair thinning in lean, athletic women with PCOS. Heredity may play a role in androgenic alopecia.

Any big event like childbirth or breastfeeding, malnutrition via an alteration in your diet, a severe infection, major surgery, or any extreme stress, can suddenly shift much of the 0 percent or so of your hairs which are inside the growing phase or resting phase into the shedding phase. You will see which shift inside the rate of hair loss 6 weeks to three month after the stressful event. which is usually called telogen effluvium. which is usually possible to lose great bunches of hair daily with full-blown telogen effluvium. Usually which type of hair loss is usually reversible, if major stressors are avoided. For some women however, telogen effluvium is usually a mysterious chronic disorder in addition to can persist for months or years, without ever completely identifying all of the triggering factors.

Anagen effluvium happens when the hair follicle cells are so damaged they can not recover or reproduce. which is usually usually due to toxicity of chemotherapy for cancer. Chemotherapy is usually meant to destroy rapidly dividing cancer cells. Hair follicles inside the growing (anagen) phase, are therefore vulnerable. Anagen effluvium means the hair shaft narrows as a result of damage to the follicle. The shaft breaks off at the narrowing in addition to causes the loss of hair.

Traction alopecia is usually damage via hairstyles which pull at hair over time (braiding, cornrows, ponytails, extensions). If the condition is usually detected early enough, you can change your styling practice to be gentler on the follicles, in addition to your hair will regrow.

Hormone contraceptives are a leading cause of distressing hair loss in addition to some other symptoms in women. Since the birth control pill first began being used in 1960, oral contraceptives, injections, implants, skin patches in addition to vaginal rings have become the most commonly prescribed forms of birth control.  

Unfortunately, many young women are given contraceptive hormones even when they are not sexually active, as a 'treatment' for irregular menses or acne. which is usually a mistake. which is usually not a treatment which addresses the underlying cause of problem periods or pimples. Contraceptive hormones will severely complicate a woman's hormone balance in addition to can lead to many health problems, including significant hair loss in addition to worsening acne.

All contraceptive drugs use synthetic hormones to suppress ovulation. These drugs cause your ovaries to stop working; they are in a kind of 'sleep' state. Instead of having your natural cycles result via a dance of signals between your Centeng in addition to your brain, your tissues are subject to synthetic hormones in amounts much larger than your Centeng normally makes.  There are many long in addition to short -term consequences to ovarian suppression. Most women experience side effects using contraceptive drugs, including hair loss either during or several weeks or months after stopping the drug.

An article appeared inside the Journal of the American Medical Association (278:117-8, 1997) linking the Hepatitis B vaccine to increased incidence of balding in women.

Diagnostic Testing

In order to successfully treat hair loss, which is usually essential to understand why your hair follicles are not healthy. There are diagnostic tests which may help identify the underlying biochemistry which is usually contributing to your excess hair loss. However, many women with significant chemical imbalances related to their hair loss will find which these test results are within the "normal" range. which's because in many cases hair loss represents a stage of ill-health which is usually an early phase of a disease which will eventually fully develop. The lifestyle in addition to dietary habits which eventually cause Type 2 diabetes in addition to heart disease will also cause scalp hair thinning in addition to facial hair coarsening in young women. which is usually usually many years before these same women have diagnostic tests which reveal they are diabetic or have coronary artery disease. Many of these women have undiagnosed PCOS.

Selective Sensitivity is usually the underlying problem

Another reason why diagnostic tests may be confusing is usually because of something called 'selective sensitivity' or 'selective resistance'. which turns out which some Centeng cells are more sensitive than others to the same amounts of hormone. A major complicating factor for some women is usually which while her muscle in addition to fat may be insulin resistant, some other types of organ cells are not.  The pituitary, ovaries, in addition to adrenal glands of an insulin resistant woman are stimulated by higher levels of insulin than is usually desirable, which causes for instance elevated testosterone. The high levels of androgens in turn increase risk for heart disease, diabetes, in addition to certain cancers.

Despite these possible difficulties, which is usually important to do our best to determine what is usually in addition to isn't the cause of a major symptom like persistent excessive hair loss. Diagnostic tests which can help identify the source of your metabolic imbalance are:

The hair pull test is usually a simple diagnostic test in which the physician lightly pulls a modest amount of hair (approx. 100 simultaneously) in order to determine if there is usually excessive loss. Normal range is usually zero to three hairs per pull.

Hormone levels: Dehydroepiandrosterone, testosterone, androstenedione, prolactin, sex hormone binding globulin, follicular stimulating hormone, in addition to luteinizing hormone. which is usually ideal to sample for FSH in addition to LH on day 19 to 21 of your menstrual cycle, if those days can be identified.

Fasting blood glucose in addition to insulin levels as well as cholesterol in addition to triglyceride levels

A complete blood count plus serum iron, ferritin in addition to total iron binding capacity

Thyroid stimulating hormone plus a thyroid function panel including T3, T4, in addition to T3 % uptake

VDRL to screen for syphilis

A scalp biopsy should be done before choosing surgical transplant

Densitometry, a magnification device, used check for shrinking of the hair shaft.

Conventional Medical Treatments For Hair Loss

You may be very interested in drug therapies of surgery to address the profound distress of excessive hair loss. which is usually simply human nature to expect for a simple pill or procedure which will permanently free us via our problems. Unfortunately drugs never actually provide a simple solution. Once you swallow a chemical, which is usually delivered all over your Centeng; which affects your whole Centeng. We cannot control drugs so they have only the effects we want- there are always side effects which are more or less problematic. Using drug therapy means trading one problem for some others. Sometimes which is usually exactly the right thing to do. some other times which is usually a personal disaster. Most drugs will act on all your tissues there is usually a danger of side effects which further damage your health. Topical treatments applied directly to the scalp use the lowest doses, in addition to are the least harmful drug choices.

You will enjoy the best results when you begin any treatment as soon as possible after hair loss begins. Stopping the adverse effects of androgens means you can prevent further hair loss. in addition to you can support regrowth via the follicles which were dormant still healthy. Depending on how the agent you choose works, stopping treatment will result inside the hair loss resuming, unless you have also made some other modifications in your lifestyle which keep androgens at a level which is usually healthy in addition to not harmful to you.

Below you will find a list of treatments currently being used to treat hair loss in women. Some of these drugs have not been approved by the FDA with which particular application, however they have all been approved for some other applications in addition to are used "off label" to treat hair loss. Currently 2% topical Minoxidil is usually the only FDA approved treatment specifically for female pattern hair loss.

The effectiveness of these agents in addition to methods will vary via woman to woman, however many women have found which using these treatments has made a positive difference inside the character of their hair in addition to their positive self-esteem. As always, treatments contain the best chance of being effective if they are geared to the cause of the hair loss as well as to triggering hair growth.

Estrogen in addition to progesterone as hormone replacement therapy (HRT), typically prescribed for women undergoing menopause for any reason, is usually probably the most common systemic form of treatment for androgenic alopecia in women.

Oral contraceptives will decrease the production of ovarian androgens, in addition to therefore can be used to treat women's androgenic alopecia. There are substantial reasons to avoid the use of either synthetic or bio-identical hormone treatments for your hair loss. Some birth control pills actually contribute to hair loss by triggering which or increasing which once which's been triggered by something else. Any individual woman may have a selective sensitivity to any hormone combination- what is usually a low androgen effect formula for one woman may be a high androgen effect for another.

I am no longer able to recommend the use of birth control pills or some other hormone-based contraception to young women. Decades of evidence suggest there are plenty of known, in addition to possibly as yet unknown health risks associated with the use of ANY via of reproductive hormones, either prescription or over-the-counter forms. which is usually clear which the benefits of hormonal contraceptives are accompanied by significant risks, including producing which much more likely which a woman will experience hormone imbalances which lead to a long list of negative effects. Hormone replacement puts you are risk for:

Depression or some other mood disorders; decreased libido

Migraines in addition to headaches

Breast lumps, tenderness in addition to enlargement

Vaginal bleeding between periods

High blood pressure (hypertension)

High cholesterol

Blood clot inside the leg, felt as: pain inside the calf; leg cramps; leg or foot swelling

Blood clot inside the lung, felt as: shortness of breath; sharp chest pain; coughing up blood

Heart attack, felt as: chest pain or heaviness

Sudden loss of vision or vision modifications, which can be a sign of a blood clot inside the eye

Cerebral vascular accident (a stroke): impaired vision or speech; weakness or numbness in a limb; severe headache

Liver damage, seen as: yellow eyes or skin; dark urine; abdominal pain

Allergic reaction: rash; hives; itching; swelling; difficulty breathing or swallowing


Bloating, nausea in addition to vomiting

modifications in your eyes which make which more difficult to wear contact lenses

If you chose a hormone prescription for any reason, you should be sure to use only low-androgen content methods. If you have a strong predisposition for genetic hair loss, insulin resistance, diabetes, heart disease or any female organ cancer in your family I strongly recommend the use of another non-hormonal form of birth control.

Below is usually a list of birth control pills ranging via lowest androgen index to highest:

Desogen, Ortho-Cept, Ortho-Cyclen, Ortho Tri-Cyclen, Micronor, Nor-Q D, Ovcon-35, Brevicon/Modicon, Ortho Norvum 7/7/7, Ortho Novum 10-11, Tri-Norinyl, Norinyl in addition to Ortho 1/35, Demulen 1/35, Triphasil/Tri-Levien, Nordette, Lo/Ovral, Ovrette, Ovral, Loestrin1/20, Loestrin 1.5/30.

The following hormonal contraceptives have a significant potential of causing hair loss or producing which worse:

Progestin implants, such as Norplant, are modest rods surgically implanted under your skin. The rods Discharge a continuous dose of progestin to prevent ovarian function.

Progestin injections, such as Depo-Provera, are given into the muscles of the upper arm or buttocks.

The skin patch (Ortho Evra) is usually pasted onto your shoulder, buttocks, or some other location. which releases progestin in addition to estrogen continuously to prevent your ovaries via producing normal cycles.

The vaginal ring (NuvaRing) is usually a flexible ring which is usually inserted into the vagina. which method releases the  lowest amounts of progestin in addition to estrogen.

Minoxidil 2% Topical Treatment - Minoxidil seems to be more effective for women than men, for increasing scalp hair growth. The manufacturers of minoxidil recommend women use 2% minoxidil. There is usually a 5% solution available which has been tested in addition to found safe enough for men. Because the makers of minoxidil have not invested inside the expense of gaining FDA approval for promoting 5% minoxidil for use by women, which must be prescribed in addition to used under a physician's supervision. modest clinical trials on 5% minoxidil for women show which the 5% solution is usually in fact more effective in both retaining in addition to regrowing hair than the 2 % solution.

Spironolactone (Aldactone) is usually a potassium-sparing diuretic used to treat high blood pressure in addition to swelling. Spironolactone slows the production of androgens inside the adrenal glands in addition to ovaries. which prevents DHT via binding to receptor sites inside the hair follicles.

Cimetidine (Tagamet) is usually a histamine blocker, approved to treat digestive tract ulcers. which prevents the stomach via producing digestive enzymes. Cimetidine also has been shown to block DHT via binding to hair follicle receptor sites.

Cyproterone acetate is usually used to reduce sexual aggression in men. Cyproterone acetate blocks DHT at hair follicle receptors. which has significant toxicity in addition to long term side effects in addition to is usually not available inside the US.

Ketoconazole is usually a prescription topical treatment. which is usually primarily used as an antimicrobial for treating skin fungus. which suppresses production of androgens by adrenal glands, testicles in addition to ovaries. Nizoral shampoo contains 2% ketoconazole. There is usually an over-the-counter variation available. which has 1% active ingredient in addition to is usually not as effective as prescription strength.

Finasteride is usually a drug which inhibits the enzyme 5-alpha reductase, an enzyme which deactivates DHT. which is usually sold as Proscar to treat prostate enlargement in men. Sold as Propecia which is usually approved by the FDA for male balding. Women should not take which if they are pregnant or might become pregnant because of the risk of feminization effects on a male fetus.        

Surgical Implants

Since hair restoration surgery is usually an option for the vast majority of the balding men, women may want to consider which. However, the type of hair loss most women suffer via makes hair transplants a bad idea.

Few women contain the type of hair loss which make them not bad candidates for a surgical solution. Most men lose hair in well-defined areas, for instance the receding forehead or the classic round spot on the top of the skull. Little clumps or plugs of hair are removed via areas where healthy follicles are stable in addition to plentiful, in addition to these are transplanted to some other areas of the head. Women more often experience an overall thinning across their whole scalp, including the sides in addition to back. Most women have few reliably stable donor sites. Offering to transplant hair via unstable donor sites is usually medically unethical in addition to women must not allow their distress about balding to get inside the way of a cool- eyed look at the rationale behind treatment options offered.

Are any women not bad candidates for hair transplant? Yes, some.  A modest percentage, 2% to 5% of women will contain the type of hair loss which will benefit via which type of procedure. They are:

Women who have suffered hair loss due to non-hormonal causes, like traction alopecia.

Women who have scalp scars via some kind of wound or cosmetic surgery in addition to want to repair hair loss around the incision or injury sites.

Women who have healthy in addition to stable donor sites along with balding in a distinct pattern, like a receding hairline or thinning on the very top of the head.

Natural Remedies for Women's Hair Loss

Safe, effective natural therapies are available to help you restore scalp health in addition to enhance hair growth. Like all natural therapies, in order to be maximally effective, which is usually essential to work with you as an individual. Some remedies will be more useful to you than others, depending on your unique, personal physical, mental in addition to emotional health status. which is usually always important to spend your health care dollars well. I offer a consultation service to help you choose in addition to make best use of the available options for treatment. Please visit your local ND to find out how to benefit via a personal consultation. You will receive recommendations for specific natural therapies, designed for your unique health status, to help you restore your health, in addition to your scalp hair to which's fullest in addition to most enjoyable beauty.

PCOS in addition to Hair Loss - Natural Therapies Can Restore Scalp Hair